Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)

Meagan was silent for a few moments before she said, “Okay, new ground rules. I don’t want to hear any kinky shit like you are preparing for anal or anything.”

“What?” I gasped. “I just finally got used to sex in my vajayjay and you’re talking anal? Can I at least graduate from regular sex before you have me starring in porn flicks?”

“Well, you were the one who said it was different.”

“It was! It was in the kitchen and we . . . well, he was different.”

I could hear Meagan chuckling. “He fucked you?”

The lights to Jase’s truck flashed through the window.

“Jase just pulled up from dropping Mom off. I’ve got to go.”

Meagan screamed. “No! You can’t tell me he fucked you and then leave it at that? Did you like it like that? Was he gentle at least? What did Dad do when he met Jase? Ohmygawd! The questions I have!”

“Will have to wait until tomorrow.” Jase walked in carrying a casserole dish and my stomach decided to make itself known I was in need of food. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Wait!” Meagan called out as I hit End and tossed my phone on the sofa.

Inhaling a deep breath, I let the aroma of the food engulf me as I let out a low moan. “That smells so good!”

With a huge grin, Jase brought it over to the stove. “Yeah, it does. Jessie made it and said you’re more than welcome to join them for breakfast tomorrow.”

The idea of Jase leaving and not staying with me was unsettling. “Do you have to work early tomorrow?” I asked as I lifted the foil and smelled the chicken enchilada casserole, which was one of my favorites from Jessie. “Mmm, Jessie made my favorite.”

“Nope. I already called my father and told him I was staying with you tonight since it was your first night alone here.”

Turning, I leaned against the counter and took in Jase. He was so handsome. That dark-brown hair made his blue eyes pop. His smile was one of my favorite things about him. It always had been. He had so many different ones. The playful crooked smile that made my stomach drop. And the serious heartfelt smile that made my chest tighten, and then you had Jase’s wicked smile with those sexy dimples. Oh how it filled my head with naughty thoughts.

Then there was his body. He was built, but not overly built like some guys are today. There was no doubt he worked out and his arms were to die for. I loved that he wasn’t too tall, but he wasn’t short either.

He was perfect.


“Yeah?” I mumbled as I continued to study him.

“You couldn’t eye fuck me any harder if you tried, baby.”

Lifting my eyebrows, I slowly let a smile play across my face. “You told your dad about me?”

“Of course I did. I told my parents everything about what happened. At the time my father was not too happy with me when I told him, but he sounded pretty happy on the phone just now.”

My cheeks heated at the idea of Jase telling his father he took my virginity. I didn’t mind really. I was proud of the fact that I had saved myself for when I thought it was the right time.

“Are you sure you don’t mind staying here with me tonight?”

“Of course I’m sure. You’re in a new place, in the middle of a huge ranch all alone. Besides, I don’t want you being alone out here. I’d rather stay with you until you feel more comfortable . . . and I can talk to Scott about putting in an alarm system.”

I let out a chuckle. “Seriously? Do you honestly think people would just be walking around the ranch and stumble upon the cabin?”

“No, but I’d feel better knowing you had an alarm.”

My breath stalled at the notion Jase was concerned enough about me to worry.

“Are you hungry?” I asked.

With moves faster than a cougar, Jase was in front of me with both hands on the counter, pinning me in. “I’m hungry . . . but not for casserole.”

My body shuddered as my eyes searched his face. “My dad didn’t scare you away?”

Jase made a shuddering motion before saying, “Oh, he scared me, but nothing would make me walk away from you ever again.”

Lifting my arms, I wrapped them around his neck. I’d never felt so content in my life. “Promise? Because today has been the best day of my life. Even better than Paris. I’d love to have many more days like this.”

“I promise and so would I.” Leaning over, he kissed the tip of my nose before leaning his forehead to mine. “To be honest, this whole day has felt like a dream.”

Meagan’s words replayed in my head as I placed my hands on Jase’s chest. “You don’t feel like we are rushing into this do you? I mean, I guess it’s a little too late to ask that.”

Jase placed his hand on the side of my face and gently glided his thumb across my cheek. “I know how I feel about you and I know how much of stupid idiot I was when I pushed you away. This feels like a second chance and I don’t want to risk playing it safe anymore. Do you?”

My breathing increased as I looked into his eyes. “The only thing I want is for you to make love to me.”

“We have one condom left, sweetness.”