Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)

Pressing her palms to her cheeks, Taylor giggled. “Oh my goodness! Is this really happening? I’m moving to Mason! I’m starting a new job and I have a boyfriend!” Knowing I had something to do with how happy she was did crazy things to my own emotions. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do to make every single one of Taylor’s dreams come true.

“Um . . . what about your parents? Your father wasn’t too pleased when you called him earlier and told him.”

With a wave of her hand, Taylor grabbed the vacuum, wrapped the cord around it and handed it to me. “He’ll get over it. He knew I was moving back home; I just had a little change of plans.”

“And me?”

She chewed on the corner of her lip. “I think we should let my father get used to the idea that I started a new job and moved into another place before we drop you into the mix.”

With a huff, I asked, “Won’t Scott tell him?”

Shrugging, Taylor looked around one last time before reaching for her purse.

“If he does, I’ll deal with it then. Right now I really want to get back to Mason. We have a lot of time to make up for and another new place to break in.”

I pulled her into my arms. The smell of her perfume filled my senses. “Then we have my place when I move into it.”

“Yes,” she whispered. “And your truck. My car. So many new places and things to learn.”

Closing my eyes, a low growl came from the back of my throat as I said, “I can’t wait.”


Taylor and I left Austin and headed straight back to the Reynolds’ place. I called my mother to let her know what was happening. I could hear it in her voice she was happy, but she tried not to get to excited or ask too many questions. I was positive the moment I got home I was going to be hit with questions from my parents, my sister, and Walker.

When we pulled up to the main house, there was another truck parked out front. I parked behind Taylor and got out of my truck. Lauren said Taylor needed to stop at the main house to pick up the key.

She sat in her car staring ahead. I knocked on the window, causing her to scream. Laughing, I opened her car door.

“Sweetness, what in the world is wrong?”

Turning back to look at the house, Taylor said, “I don’t even know where to begin.”

“What do you mean?”

Quickly getting out of the car, she shut the door and faced me.

“No matter what my father says, please ignore him.”

My stomach felt sick as I stole a look at the truck that was parked in front of Taylor’s car. “Your father is here?”

She squeezed my hands. “Looks like you get to meet my parents. Yay!”

My mouth fell open as I looked back at her. “Yay? Did you really just say yay? Your father is going to kill me.”

Taylor hit me on the chest lightly. “Don’t be silly. He’ll be . . . happy.”

“Uh-huh. Oh, I’m sure he will be. The man who took your virginity, broke your heart, then came back in and had hot passionate sex with you twice today and now has wicked plans to make you come every possible way imaginable tonight.”

“Oh God. Jase, I want you so much right now.”

Pushing her hands away from me, I took a step away. “No! If he sees the way you’re looking at me, he’ll cut my dick off, and I’m rather fond of my dick.”

Her tongue slowly traveled across her upper teeth as she softly said, “I’m rather fond of it as well.”

And there went the betraying bastard. Jumping around in my pants like he hadn’t seen enough action today. Greedy cock.


Spinning on her heels, Taylor grabbed my hand and pulled me along after her. I couldn’t hear anything from my heart pounding in my ears.

“Daddy! Mom! What are y’all doing here?”

Shit! What is his name? Bill. No, that’s not right.

Taylor’s father glared at me as he replied, “We thought we’d come and check out where our daughter had decided to move in the flash of a second.”

Brody? Bryan! No . . . fuck. Brock. Benji? What the fuck, Jase!

“Daddy, this is Jase. Jase Morris.”

Brantly. Brendon.

“Jase, this is my father.”

Taylor’s father stuck his hand out as I saw my whole life flash before my eyes.

“Mr. Atwood, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

He gripped the hell out of my hand as I tried not to show the pain. “So, you’re the boy my daughter has been pining over for the last few months. Crazy you’ll now be living less than an hour away from her. How lucky for us.”

The lump in my throat kept me from saying a word. Taylor dropped my hand and balled her fists as she stood directly in front of her father.

“Dad! I can’t even believe how rude you’re being right now.”

“Why? This kid is the reason you’ve lost your damn mind, isn’t he?”

The woman standing next to him I assumed was Taylor’s mom. She hit him lightly on the chest. “Brad, stop acting like this.”

“Brad!” I shouted as I snapped my fingers and smiled. All eyes were now on me. “Oh. I was trying to remember what your first name was, sir.”

Rolling his eyes, Brad turned to Taylor’s mom.

“Jase, this is my mother, Amanda. Mom, this is Jase.”