Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)

“That’s kind of cool. How much land did y’all get?”

I didn’t really want to keep talking and sound like I was bragging. “A good piece. And I’ve been working for my father since I swear I was old enough to walk. I’ve been putting away money since I was about thirteen, so I have a nice nest egg built up.”

The look on Amanda’s face was hard to read. “I have to tell you, Jase. That is such a breath of fresh air to hear you say you’ve had the common sense to save up like that. I take it you’re doing this all on your own?”

“Yes, ma’am. My sister, Liza, and her husband, Walker, are using their place now to raise their own cattle.”


Taylor walked up and kissed me quickly on the lips before turning back to her mother. “Now you can go back and tell Daddy that Jase is a responsible young man with a clear head on his shoulders.”

I let out a gruff laugh and sat down on the couch. “I don’t know about that. I just didn’t want to live with my parents forever. It’s kind of awkward bringing home a date with Mom and Dad watching a movie in the living room.”

Amanda laughed when Taylor hit me on the chest.

“At any rate, I’m glad you have a plan. It’s important to have a plan.”

I couldn’t help but notice Amanda looking at Taylor. “I have one, Mom. I’m going to learn this new business I’m starting in, I’m going to learn to garden, and someday I’ll get married and push out a few kids. The last one will come much later.”

My stomach dropped when Taylor mentioned kids.

With a slight chuckle, Amanda nodded. “I hope so. I’m perfectly happy with the two grandbabies I have now.”

Taylor stole a glance my way and smiled nervously as I gave her a reassuring nod. I was still pissed at myself for being so careless today with both of our futures.

“Jase, will you be heading back to Llano soon?”

“Mom! Please don’t go there.”

Amanda rolled her eyes. “You may be an adult, Taylor, but I still would rather live in my own little bubble.”

Taylor hugged her mother and kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you for helping. Tell Dad I love him.”

“He’s going to want to talk to you.”

“Well, not tonight. Jase is taking me out to dinner.”

With a look my way, Amanda smiled. “Well, it’s getting late so be careful driving.”

“Yes ma’am, always. Let me take you back up to the main house.”

Giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, Amanda gave me a grin and said, “That would be great.”

Giving Taylor a wave, she headed to the door. “Why don’t you and Jase come by for dinner this weekend? It will give your father a chance to get to know Jase a bit more.”

Holding the door open for her mother, Taylor nodded. “Maybe, we’ll see. Today has been a whirlwind day and I honestly can’t think about next weekend.”

Amanda smiled lovingly. “I’m sure. Okay, we’ll talk later. Bye, sweetheart. Love you.”

“Bye, Mom, I love you too.”

I opened the door for Amanda and helped her up into the truck. “Thank you, Jase,” she said with a wink. “If you’re buttering me up . . . save it for Brad. I’m afraid he’s the one you have to win over.”

With a light-hearted chuckle, I replied, “I’ll remember that.”

Of course when I pulled up to the house, Brad, Scott, and Jessie were all sitting on the back porch.

“Do I dare get out or should I just floor it and flee?”

Amanda laughed as she looked over at me. “Jase, I know the two of you have been through a lot. I have to be honest, I haven’t seen Taylor with this much life in her eyes in a long time. Not to mention the smile she’s wearing.”

“I want you to know if I could go back and do it again, I wouldn’t be so stupid. The last thing I ever want to do is hurt her. I love her, Mrs. At . . . I mean . . . Amanda.”

“Life is all about mistakes. It’s how we learn from them that matters. Now come on, let’s risk it, shall we?”

My heart stopped as I pushed the door open and got out of the safety of my truck. Swallowing hard, I followed Amanda up to everyone.

“Mr. Reynolds, I have to tell you your ranch is beautiful.”

Scott grinned as Brad looked away and mumbled, “Kiss ass.”

“Stop it, Brad,” Amanda whispered while hitting him lightly on the stomach.

Clearing his throat, Brad glared at me. “So. You helped my daughter move her stuff; are you heading to your own house now?”

Glancing over my shoulder to my truck quickly, I stumbled on my words as I faced Brad again. “Well . . . um . . . she’s kind of expecting me to come back.”

“I see.”

Stepping between Brad and me, Scott winked at me. “Jessie made a casserole for Taylor. Why don’t you take it to her and y’all can have it for a late dinner?”

“I figured she won’t make it to the store for a few days, so will you please let her know she can join us for breakfast tomorrow?”