Live Me

“Hey there, beautiful.” He’s smiling that hateful smile of his. “I’ve missed you so fucking much.”

I shot up to a sitting position, shaking and sweating. My sheets were twisted around every part of my body, restraining me to the bed. Writhing frantically, I tried to free myself—ripping and clawing, legs and arms flailing. Once untangled, I drew my knees into my heaving chest and buried my head in them. Things could never be normal. I could never be normal. It was silly to entertain the thought.

I rocked until I was calmer. Next to the silhouette of my trusty stuffed lamb, the clock read a quarter after four. I was screwed. There was no getting back to sleep. I dragged myself to the kitchen and gulped down large amounts of water so quickly it took what was left of my breath away. Then I put a pair of gray, broken-in sweatpants and an old sweatshirt with the collar cut out over my pajamas. Climbing the rusted metal steps, I made my way to the place where I’d spent several late nights and early mornings trying to find my sanity—the roof.

A layer of sweat still clung to my skin, shooting a chill through my body, but I was numb to the vibrations. I lowered myself onto the lounge chair I’d placed up here and curled up into a protective ball. The sun wouldn’t show her face for a while longer and, knowing no one could hear me, I began to pour out my soul aloud.

I don’t know how long I sang or how many songs I’d gone through. I was belting lyrics now. Tears stained my cheeks, and I didn’t stop until my throat was hoarse and the words were stuck deep inside it, scratching on its walls. When the sun peaked on the horizon, I knew it was time I went back in.

Time to start day three.

My outpouring of emotion was successful in washing away the internal scars of my night tremors, but not the physical ones. I showered and then layered on my under eye cover-up. I’d need plenty of reinforcements today. Carefully, I brushed my eyelashes and when I was confident my demons were well hidden, I made a to-go cup of coffee and went to knock on Jace’s door.

“Morning sunshine.” I smiled as Jace pulled back the door, grumbling.

He put a hand in my face. “Don’t talk to me yet.” He turned his hand, palm up. “Where’s mine?”

I handed over his steaming French vanilla. He closed his eyes and took a sip, sloshing it around in his mouth like mouthwash and shut the door behind him.

Looking down at his feet, my eyebrows screwed together. “Um, Jace. I think you forgot something.”

“I didn’t forget, sugar. This was intentional.” He dragged his slipper-clad tootsies down the hall.

I raised my eyebrows. “You’re going to class in slippers?”

“Sure am. Let somebody say something to me.” He put up a claw and hissed.

With a giggle, I hooked my arm through his. “You’re too much, you know that?”

He kissed my cheek then looked at me from the corner of his smiling eye. “Good morning.”

Cinema 101. Thankfully, we were all in this class together, so it should be an easy and pleasant one finally. There were so many people in this giant lecture hall that we were able to have our fun without drawing too much attention.

As the class wrapped up, Jessie nodded in the direction of the sleeping beauty. Sunglasses on and hands folded over his chest, Jace was laying back in his cushioned seat.

I nudged him awake. “You better start paying attention. If you get kicked out, I’ll never forgive you.”

He rubbed his eyes and gave a good stretch. “Oh please. You’re taking my tests anyway. You won’t let that happen. I’m stuck here and you know it. Although, I must say, the assortment of men is much greater here. I probably should be thanking you.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

Cackling and planning out the rest of our day, we left the darkened lecture hall. The sun blared, taking me by surprise. I forgot how bright it was outside after spending so many hours in a room without windows.

I drew my elbow up, shielding my eyes to the blinding pain when—

“Hi, Angel.”

That voice.

I whipped my head around, catching a blurred glimpse of Blake at the bottom of the steps, resting against the railing.

Stumbling, I fell down the short flight, grabbing unsuccessfully for the rail before landing in his arms. Holding me at an incline, his face was only an inch away from mine. The way the sunlight played on his features, was nothing short of hypnotizing. I was stuck in the tiny sparkles dancing around in his crystal blue eyes. Eyes that could suck you in and drown you in their depths. He smelled of soap, musky man, and what I imagined heaven must smell like. I instinctively inhaled, sending my senses into a frenzy.

He flexed a perfectly chiseled jaw. “I couldn’t have planned that better if I’d tried.” His lip twitched, and his arms tightened around me.

After what felt like an eternity, Jace cut in. “So, Angel, who’s your friend?” Of course he said my new name in a sarcastic tone.

Celeste Grande's books