Lethal Temptations (Tempted #5)

“And still no fucking pie,” Riggs replied, shaking his head in disgust.

Riggs? He got the drugs for the deal? I know for a fact he didn’t get that shit from the Corrupt Bastards because they wouldn’t deal with a new face. I was the one that shook on our agreement. They were funny like that, or maybe smart, depending on how you look at it.

“What about the deal?” I questioned.

“We made a new deal,” Jack answered.

I stared at him for a minute before narrowing my eyes in confusion.

“You got the drugs?” I asked, trying to sit up. It was a yes or no question so, I’m not sure why they’re all tiptoeing around like a bunch of pussy’s.

“C’mon man, don’t worry ‘bout that shit. You need to concentrate on getting off this shit and getting yourself good,” Jack said, reaching over to help me sit up.

“I want to know,” I insisted, glancing around the room before bringing my eyes back to Jack. I watched as he raked his hands through his hair, cupping the back of his neck as he bit the inside of his cheek and debated on what bullshit lie he would spew at me.

“We took the drugs from The Red Dragons,” Riggs offered.

The room fell silent as I watched Bone’s elbow Riggs in the gut.

They got the drugs from Sun Wu, the leader of the Red Dragons, the same club we went to war with when Cain controlled us. The Red Dragons were big time dealers back in the day but the G-Man shut their business down and used the Satan’s Knights and Cain’s addiction to aid in his cause. We shut down the Dragons, stole their business and left them high and dry. They were vulnerable at the time, their trade business wasn’t off the ground yet and taking away the drugs was like cutting them off at the knees. Sun Wu supplied the cops with the location of the two bodies of those kids that overdosed and died. He was trailing me, I knew it then, but I ignored it because I was a greedy, cocky motherfucker who thought I was invincible. After the cops found the bodies, they built a case against me. Greg Brantley was new to the force and trying to make a name for himself, and the Red Dragons led his ass straight to me.

I proved to be invincible.

Christine not so much.

Brantley got his hooks in her.

“You got the drugs from Wu? Are you out of your fucking minds?” I barked, pulling the wires off my arm as I sat up.

“Blackie, it’s good. We’re good. Jones arrested Jimmy at Temptations with the drugs,” Jack explained calmly. “Everything went like we planned.”

Famous last words.

Nothing ever goes as planned.

Lesson fucking learned.

“We didn’t plan to fuck the Chinese,” I shouted furiously in between coughing.

“It’s fine, brother. Wu and the Dragons have no idea it was us. We have a meet with them tomorrow for another shipment of guns. We’re good man,” Pipe offered. “We’re fucking good man, relax!”

I was useless lying here in this bed, I needed to be out on the streets smoothing shit over with the Corrupt Bastards and keeping my eyes and ears open for when Wu discovered the truth.

“Tell him your news,” Pipe ordered Riggs.

“What news?” I asked bewildered.

“Yeah, give it to him. He’s going to love this shit,” Wolf agreed.

I turned my attention to Riggs, watching as he snarled.

“Fine! I gave you mouth to mouth,” he exasperated.

“Not that!” Jack said, shaking his head.

I rolled my eyes, looking back at Riggs expectantly.

“Shit,” he sighed. “I’m having a kid,” he continued.

“Give him the good stuff, tell him who’s the baby mama,” Pipe said, wiggling his eyebrows as he glanced at me. “Wait for it…”

“Fuck off,” Riggs said, flipping the bird to Pipe.

“Riggs knocked up Bianci’s sister,” Wolf supplied.

“Come on guys,” Bones started.

I stared at him blankly for a second. The only one possibly more fucked than me right now was Riggs. Not that having a kid was so fucking terrible, but having Bianci as an in-law? Fuck, if my heart didn’t bleed for Riggs, even though he was a fucking pain in the ass. Even though he was responsible for the resurrection of Sun Wu.

“Glad I could amuse you fuckers,” he grunted.

The glass doors opened causing me to turn my head and my eyes locked with Lacey’s. She leaned against the door, taking a deep breath as she continued to stare at me.

Those eyes.

Man, I wasn’t sure if I’d see them again.

It all came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks. The whole ordeal of being held captive by Jimmy and realizing the only reason I wanted to fight to live was to be able to look into those eyes one more time.

Janine Infante Bosco's books