Lethal Temptations (Tempted #5)

“Yeah,” I replied, lifting my eyes to her. “Nikki? You know Jimmy pretty well don’t you? Do you think he can pull it off?” I paused, swallowing hard before I continued. “I guess what I’m asking you is—do you think he’s going to kill Blackie?”

“Jimmy’s a pussy,” she answered. “No match for the men that walked out of here today,” she paused, taking a deep breath before she continued. “You know not that long ago I was in your shoes, waiting for my father to come back and tell me everything would be okay. I did something foolish, something you shouldn’t, I lost faith in my father and his capabilities,”

“My father is different than yours,” I interrupted

“Not really. Different clothes maybe, mine preferred silk over leather. We’re being real with one another right? Both men are leaders, they are badass motherfuckers, that won’t hesitate to lay it all on the line to protect the people that matter to them. My father used to don a fitted suit while yours wears a leather vest, but the values are the same. He will bring Blackie back,” she assured me, laying her hand on my knee. “So, stop worrying about Mr. Drop Dead Gorgeous over there in the photograph and start worrying about how you will break it to your old man you’ve got it bad for his biker buddy,” she warned, winking at me.

“What? No, you— “

“Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me,” she lifted a strand of my hair, twirling it around her finger. “We should do your hair. Maybe dye it…I think ombre would look amazing on you! But I’m going to need a cigarette before I mess with your hair,” she pulled her hand back and smiled at me.

“And stop sitting up here by yourself. There’s a bunch of crazy women downstairs pretending the men in their lives aren’t criminals… it’s like a goddamn support group down there,” she winked and I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped. She held out her hand, looking at me expectantly until I stood up, placed my hand in hers and followed her out of Blackie’s room. We made our way downstairs and were immediately summoned by Grace and Maria to set the table, the table being a pool table with a checkered plastic tablecloth draped over it. These women weren’t the support group, they needed the support group. My father was going to flip his shit when he came back, especially, when he saw his prospects who were supposed to be guarding us had become Maria Bianci’s bitches and were slicing and dicing pepperoni behind the bar.

It was a real shit show.

But it was a good distraction from my heart that was breaking and my mind that was trying to shunt me.

I was beginning to set the table when the door to the compound opened and my father and Riggs stepped inside. I blinked my eyes, making sure they weren’t playing the same tricks my mind was trying to, but he stood there looking around his clubhouse with the eyes of a remorseful man.

“Dad?” I screeched, dropping the plates on top of the pool table, making my way over to him. He turned his head, his eyes found mine, and he smiled half-heartedly.

“Have you heard anything?” I asked.

“No baby, I haven’t. You ladies have been keeping busy,” he muttered.


The clock is ticking.

He’s running out of time.

He knows it and now it’s time you do to.

I swallowed, closing my eyes briefly picturing Blackie’s face, and it was enough to shut down the voice of my maker.

“It was Grace and Maria’s idea,” I tried to explain. “They said when you guys bring Reina and Blackie home, you deserve a meal. Well, that’s what Grace said—Maria said you all should starve for being scoundrels. Though they both agreed, that Reina and Blackie would be hungry so they decided to do all this to welcome them home,” I rambled nervously, stopping myself from begging him to promise me he was going to bring back Blackie.

He reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as Nikki walked up to us, pounding her fist playfully against his chest.

“Can I grub a cigarette, Bulldog?” She asked, flashing her killer smile and without hesitation my father reached into his cut and produced a pack of cigarettes.

“You’re my hero,” she exaggerated, pulling one from the pack. “If my mother looks for me tell her I’m slicing a salami or something,” she whispered, before sneaking out the door.

“Nikki’s going to dye my hair,” I said looking after her. “I like her a lot and she might just be your biggest fan. She has faith in you so if she does, it’d be a shame that your own daughter doesn’t,” I paused as he continued to stare at me blankly. “I don’t doubt that you’ll save him…them,” I corrected, before he pulled me against him, wrapping his arms tightly around me.

My eyes filled with tears as we held onto one another. All the things we never said to one another when I was a kid, was wrapped in that embrace. The fear of not being good enough resurrected. My insecurities of not being the child he wanted but was stuck with resurfaced. I couldn’t shake the thought, the unexplainable fear he would do anything in his power to save Blackie and Reina, only for him to be reunited with Jack Jr.

Janine Infante Bosco's books