Lethal Temptations (Tempted #5)

“You ready?”

“For what?”

“The rest of your life,” he said simply, pulling me against his side as he slung his arm over my shoulders and escorted me to the door. Blackie took me away from my father’s house and brought me back to the pages of our story because we still had a lot of story to write.

An entire lifetime.

I got my queen.

She was on the back of my bike, her arms wrapped tightly around me as we rode in silence to the house she made a home.

She was safe.

And we were both free of the demons that held us captive.

Free to be the people we were meant to be.





A love story no one saw coming but one that was perfect.

I pulled my bike into our driveway, killed the engine and glanced over my shoulder at the beauty who was already scrambling to get off the bike. She pulled my arms, walking backwards as she dragged me to the front door.

I’d never get tired of looking at that face or seeing that smile.

That smile and those dark eyes that was all I needed.

No drugs.

No alcohol.

I never wanted to be numb again because feeling everything she provoked in me was the sweet temptations that made life worth living.

Give me all you got girl.

And I’ll give you all of me.

Her arms snaked around my waist as I tried to find the key, causing me to stop what I was doing and glance down at her dainty fingers that splayed against me stomach. I laid my hand over hers and turned the key, taking her hand I pulled her around me and lifted her into my arms. I kicked the door open and carried her into the house.

I thought I had it all figured out.

I figured I had the good, lost it and never would have it again.

But I had nothing until I had everything.

Until I had her.

I didn’t bother turning on the lights as I kicked the door close and started straight for the stairs, to the bedroom that was now ours because there was no way in hell I was letting her leave me now. She’d move in with, paint every room in this house a crazy color, but this was her home now.

I was her home.

And she was mine.

I sat her down on the foot of the bed and took a step backwards.

“We’ll talk,” I started, shrugging my leather jacket off. “We’ll talk until there is nothing left to say but not now.”

She unzipped her jacket and drew the sleeves down her arms.

“Not now,” she agreed.

“I need a quick shower,” I groaned, staring at her mouth as she wet her lips with her tongue.

“Go,” she ordered. “You have five minutes.”

I let out a laugh as she pulled out the rubber band that was holding her hair back, letting her hair fall in waves around her face.

“Blackie, you keep staring at me like that and I’ll take your five minutes away. The only reason I’m even agreeing to it is because I know you’re probably dying to take a shower in your own house.”

“Lots of things I’m dying to do, girl,” I hissed, reaching behind me and pulling my shirt over my head. “Got a lot of time to make up for.”

“Shower. Now.” She demanded, pointing her finger toward the bathroom, then her eyes zeroed in on my chest and her hand dropped. “When did you get that?” she asked, stood from the bed and walked over to me.

I glanced down at my chest and ran my fingers over the music notes that covered my left pec.

“Before I went away,” I revealed, dropping my hands to my jeans and continued to undress, drawing the zipper down.

She stepped closer, brushing away my hands and forcing them to my sides.

“Why music notes?” She asked as traced the ink on my chest.

“To remind me of a dance I had with the girl I love…,” I dipped my eyes to the tattoo. “…to a song I never knew existed until she asked me to dance with her.”

“Leather and lace,” she whispered, lifting her eyes to mine.

“Love you, Lace,” I murmured, bending my head to cover her mouth with mine.

It took all the self-control I could muster up inside of me to pull away from her, knowing when I let myself take her there would be no end in sight.

She moaned as my teeth grazed her lower lip.


“Five minutes,” I promised, releasing her lip before I turned around and walked straight into the bathroom.

“Three!” She shouted from behind the door.

I laughed as I turned on the water and took the quickest shower of my life. Tomorrow I’d take one for an hour and enjoy the little things like showering in the comfort of my own house and not a fucking federal prison.

Tonight I’d enjoy the bigger things, like fucking my girl, making up for every night I couldn’t.

I opened the door and walked into the bedroom, stopping dead in my tracks when I spotted Lacey in the middle of the bed wearing nothing but a sheet tucked under her arms.

“You were longer than five minutes,” she pointed out, cocking her head to the side as her hair fell over one shoulder.

Janine Infante Bosco's books