Lethal Temptations (Tempted #5)

“Dad doesn’t know yet?”

“I found out yesterday and he’s been on the road,” she explained, running her fingers through her long blonde hair before she turned around and looked at me. “What’re you thinking?”

“I’m thinking how fucking awesome it will be having a little Parrish running around here,” I grinned, pulling her into my arms. “You’re going to make my dad so happy,” I whispered.

“I hope so,” she said as we broke apart.

“I know so,” I winked at her. “Now, go lay on the couch I’ll get you more ginger-ale. Did he say when he would be coming home?”

“He should’ve been back already,” she surmised as we walked out of the bathroom. “Okay, then he should be here any minute.”

I nodded toward the television.

“There’s still another twenty seasons of Grey’s Anatomy we can watch on Netflix until he gets home.”

She laughed, and I made my way into the kitchen to grab another can of ginger ale for her.

A baby.


That was great news, and I was genuinely happy for my father and Reina. The both of them deserved happiness and nothing brought happiness like a new life. Still, I couldn’t help the ache in my heart and was ashamed to admit I was a little envious of them. Not, of the baby but of the happily ever after.

I’ve been sitting here, waiting and waiting and every night I went to bed alone. My dad promised me he’d have Blackie out but every night he wasn’t here with me felt like an eternity. I sound selfish and I hate that because as miserable as I am, Blackie must be ten times more.

It hurts my heart knowing he’s there all alone, with no one to talk to. He can’t even call me or anyone for that matter since my visit when he broke the rules and touched me.

I miss his touch.

I miss the way it feels to lay my head on his chest and listen to his heart beat inside of his chest.

I miss his arms wrapped around my waist.

I miss his lips on mine

I miss his lips everywhere.

But most of all I miss the way he looks at me and smiles.

I heard the engine of a bike, glanced out the window and saw the headlights in the driveway turn off.

Dad was home.

I closed the refrigerator door, took the can and a straw out of one of the drawers when I heard my father’s voice.


I grabbed my jacket off the chair and draped it over my forearm, deciding it was time for me to get out of their hair and let Reina tell my dad he would get a chance at a new beginning.

I stepped out of the kitchen and spotted my father by the front door. He remained perfectly still as he stared at me for a moment with a blank expression on his face. I nervously turned to Reina who was sitting on the couch smiling.

Did she tell him already?

Then I heard the distinct sound of footsteps creeping up the front stoop. I turned my head just in time to watch as my father step to the side.

“There’s my girl,” Blackie rasped as he made his way inside the house.

The can of soda slipped from my fingers and rolled onto the floor as I brought my hands to my face and stared back at him in complete and utter shock.

Was he really there? In front of me?

He was.

Oh God, he was here, crooking his finger as he smiled widely at me.

A grin spread across my face as I dropped my hands and ran to him. He spread his arms wide, bent his knees as I charged at him, wrapping my arms around his neck just as he lifted me off the floor and squeezed me tight.

“Easy,” he laughed.

I squealed in delight, pulling back to take his face in my hands and pepper him with kisses. I finally stopped, threaded my fingers through his hair brushing it away from his face.

“You’re really here,” I whispered, unable to stop smiling.

“Yeah, I am,” he said huskily, leaning his forehead against mine. “God, I missed your face.” He pressed his lips to my nose, leaned back and touched them to my forehead before finally letting them brush over mine.

He slowly planted me back on my feet, taking both my hands in his and stared back at me.

“Time for you and me to go home, girl.”

My face was going to hurt from smiling so much. Then I remembered we had an audience, and I looked over my shoulder at my father. He stared back at me, watching intently as Blackie wrapped our joined hands around my waist and pulled my back against his chest.

“Go give the poor guy a hug because he ain’t going to see you for a while,” he said against my ear, dropping his voice even lower when he spoke again. “You’re going to be busy for about a month,” he ground out, as he let go of my hands and dropped his mouth to my shoulder kissing me softly then stepped back.

I hurried over to my dad, wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you,” I told him, pulling back to meet his gaze. “Thank you so much.”

“Take good care of each other,” he muttered.

I gave him another peck on the cheek before turning to Reina and hugging her tightly.

I spun around and Blackie was holding out his hand for me to take.

Janine Infante Bosco's books