Lethal Temptations (Tempted #5)

I’d make him see I was the right man fit to take his daughter.

He’d cross over to the other side.

All he had to do was see her smile and God, I would make her smile.

I lifted one hand in the air, saluting the men who had my back and took off on the open road. I had a long ride ahead of me but I kept myself focused by picturing Lacey’s face. The quicker I took care of business the quicker I could get my girl.

I hope she didn’t have plans because she wouldn’t be leaving my bed for at least a week.

Probably longer.

It was a little less than five hours when I neared my destination, turning onto the narrow road and slowed at the motorcycle blocking the road. I was about to reach into my jacket and pull out my gun when I noticed the patch on the back of the man straddling it.

He turned around, lighting a cigarette before his eyes met mine.


He held the cigarette between his lips, lifted his feet and turned his bike around as I pulled up beside him.

I knew then I never had doubt his loyalty to me. We might not see eye to eye, and he might hate me right now, but he always would have my back as long as I kept doing the right thing.

He gave me a quick jerk of his head before he throttled his bike and waved me off in front of him.

Jack didn’t give me words he gave me his actions and by letting my bike ride in front of him was his way of showing me respect. He knew what I was about to do, and I didn’t even have to tell him. He was there, waiting for me and it was as much personal for him as it was for me.

It was our girl we were making safe.

It was our revenge for what happened to her.

It was our move.

We pulled up to the Corrupt Bastards' clubhouse and there was two men standing outside by the door. I looked over at Jack about to ask how we should handle it but before I could get the words out, he drew his gun, closing one eye as he lined up his shot and pulled the trigger. The second Bastard, pulled his gun on Jack but the Bulldog was too quick, turning his gun without even aiming and shot him between the eyes.

We dismounted quickly before the rest of the men inside had a chance to ambush us. Jack reached behind him and pulled another gun from the waist band of his pants as I grabbed mine.

“Heads up,” he called, throwing the gun to me. Then he reached into his jacket and grabbed another.


I shook it off and kept at it, kicking open the door to the clubhouse, with a gun in each hand and the Bulldog behind me pointing his guns over my shoulders at anyone who dared to take a shot at me.

“Go,” he growled.

“What the fuck?”

“Incoming,” shouted another.

“Too much talking, not enough shooting,” Jack hissed, taking a shot over my shoulder at the first asshole to question our presence, before he took out the other one who thought it was smart to announce we arrived.

Another Bastard emerged from behind the bar holding up a rifle.

I turned slightly, Jack’s arms stretched over my shoulders and we fired at him unison, watched his body arch as our bullets pierced him.

“Where the fuck is he?” Jack bellowed at the girl who ran out from the back of the bar, her bare tits bouncing as she tried to take cover.

Two more men came out from who knows where firing their guns at us, we spun around, chest to chest, each one of us acting as a suit of armor for the other. We returned fire, shooting over one another’s shoulders until we put them down.

“Keep it moving,” Jack ordered, and I led us toward the back where Boots was most likely hiding like the pussy he was.

“Looking for me?”

All right, so maybe he grew a pair of balls.

I spun around and there was Boots smiling back at me with a gun pointed straight at me.

“Look at you two, making nice and all. Tell me, did you two mend your differences just to pay me a visit? I’m touched. Or did you decide to let him have your daughter’s pussy after all?”

“Black you going to shoot this motherfucker or am I?” Jack growled

“He’s mine,” I hissed, pulling the trigger on both guns at the same time Boots pulled his. Jack lurched for me, knocking me down before he threw himself down on the floor, rolled over and took another shot at Boots.

Two bullets from me and one from Jack.

Boots fell backwards as his hands moved to contain the blood pouring out of his chest.

I was quick on my feet, stepping over Jack to make my way to Boots.

Boots stared up at me, his lips quivering and eyes wide with shock.

“Told you to stay the fuck away from her didn’t I?” I seethed, adrenaline coursing through every vein in my body. “I warned you not to fuck with mine,” I shouted. “Now you fucking pay the price,” I hissed bending down over his body and pushed the barrel of my gun between his lips. “How’s your gag reflex motherfucker?” I asked before I pulled the trigger, fragments of his head splattered everywhere.

Janine Infante Bosco's books