Leaving Amarillo

“I feel you tensing, trying to hold it back. Let go, baby.”

I don’t know how he knows, but he’s seemingly tuned in to my every need. He slows his rhythm, changing from the punishing thrusts to an intense grind that puts him right where I need him.

“Gavin.” His name drops like a prayer from my lips. “I want to wait. I want to feel you come with me.”

“I’m close, baby. So fucking close.”

“Kiss me, please.”

His mouth curves in a smile before landing on mine. I pull him in, sucking his lips in the same way my internal walls are suctioning around him.

A throaty groan reverberates into my mouth and I’m lost in a turbulent sea of untamable pleasure. The instant I feel him jerk and throb inside me, I fall—losing the last ounce of control I was clinging on to with my fingernails.

His body rocks hard against mine, bucking his hips into mine with enough force to bruise. I let loose an animalistic sound that I couldn’t re-create if someone held a gun to my head. My legs drop from his waist, shooting out straight and stiff until the first wave rolls over me. He moves relentlessly inside of me and a second wave hits.

I’m confused and overcome. My mind tries to divide itself to accommodate the sensations. I had sex but I’ve never felt anything like this before. Never-ending orgasms and tremulous aftershocks are new to me. Gavin brings his hand between us, pressing his thumb to my clit, and I scream. This wave is slower, taking over my body in languid strokes of ecstasy.

I’m going to die. These are my last glorious moments on earth. I couldn’t have picked a better way to go.

“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod,” slips from my mouth in an endless stream.

I feel the damp heat of the whispers in my ear before I can make out what he’s saying.

“So beautiful, so motherfucking perfect and beautiful,” are the first words I comprehend.

And then a deep breath and one more declaration.

“You’ve wrecked me, Bluebird. I. Am. Wrecked,” whispered just before he collapses on top of me.

Chapter 23


I fell from a cliff into the ocean where a current held me down. I’ve been under for too long, much too long. I know I can’t breathe this long underwater. I start to panic but my screams are lost in the water. Until the music begins to play.

It pulls me to shore, the glorious sound of the violin being played masterfully. I have to see who this master musician is up close. He saved my life, after all.

I run, my bare feet struggling to find purchase in the sand. But then I see him. His back is to me and he’s not playing a violin at all, but making love to a woman.

Gavin. My beautiful Gavin. His tattoo-covered muscles flex and strain as he moves, and she’s crying out in pleasure or pain, I can’t tell. But her cries are music to my ears and I see her face.

It’s me. She has my face.

They’re on fire, it’s all around them, and I want to help them but I’m frozen where I stand. Helpless.

Water begins to fill my mouth and lungs again and I try to scream, to ask them if they see me, to tell them they’re on fire, but my cries are muffled by more water.

“Dixie?” Gavin stops moving above her and gapes at me. “Bluebird? Are you okay?”

He does see me.

My eyes fly open and I’m in his arms panting for breath. In a hotel room. Not drowning. I’m not drowning.

“Dixie? Baby, are you okay?”

I nod frantically while trying to catch my breath. “Bad dream. Weird dream.”

“Holy fuck, you scared me to death.”

“Sorry,” I say easing back into his arms. “I was on the beach. We were together, but then I was separate. I was drowning.”

His arms tighten around me. “We must’ve passed out. I woke up to you making a strange noise, like you were choking to death.”

Caisey Quinn's books