Leaving Amarillo

“It’s a part of who I am, Gavin. The part of me I don’t know if I would’ve found if I’d never met you. The part that throws glass bottles just to hear them shatter, the part that runs outside and screams when she’s frustrated, plays music to feel, and the part that will strangle your mother with a smile on her face if she ever hurts you again.”

This is going so wrong. So very wrong. This never happens in the movies. Sex scenes aren’t supposed to be like this. I want to scream and cry and kiss him so hard it draws blood. I want to get back to the dreamlike buzz-inducing foreplay that had me practically levitating off the bed without dragging us down into the harsh pit of reality.

“What are you doing to me?” There’s such obvious anguish in his eyes and I don’t know why this hurts him so badly but it does.

“You’re a part of me,” I say quietly. “You always have been.”

He doesn’t say anything at first. Just glares as if making up his mind. I can practically hear the fight-or-flight argument he’s having with himself in his head.

His eyes stay on my tattoo for what feels like eternity before they meet mine. And I see it. He knows.

“I don’t deserve to be a part of you,” he rasps out as if he’s in pain. “You’re good, too good for me and I can’t . . . I told you not to fall in love with me.”

“You told me ten years too late,” I answer, crashing my mouth to his before he can argue his point any further.

The exploration of my tattoos ends, thank God, and he’s with me again. Consuming me with his mouth and his broad muscular form above me. I feel tiny beneath him, but I hold my own as we fight for control of our kisses. We are breaths and moans and pleas in the darkness. Flesh on flesh. Tongues and fingers finding each other again and again. Battling for more, like the composition I still remember. I rake my nails across his back when his hard length brushes against the most sensitive part of me. I’m ready. I’m so ready it hurts in a place I can’t reach.

“We have to slow down, Bluebird,” he says, pulling back. The way his mouth quirks tells me that whether or not he’s willing to admit it to me or himself, my tattoo makes him happy.

My body practically convulses as he slides down it. His fingertips touch my chest and my heart leaps to meet them.

“I’m ready, Gavin. I’m past ready. Please.”

“I know, baby. We’ll get there. I promise.” He kisses each of my hip bones before dropping his hands to my inner thighs and easing them apart.

I can’t breathe. Can’t think. Can’t grab on to a single substantial thought.

“Just your scent is making me insane. I want to beat on my chest, open the window, and tell every motherfucker in hearing distance that this is mine. That you’re mine.”

“Yes, yours,” I pant.

His head dips lower, his tongue parting my swollen folds, and I scream. Actually scream. I hear it in my ears as if it came from someone else.

“Why do you have to taste so fucking good? I’m ruined. Damn it.” His fingers squeeze my thighs tightly. “Your scent is driving me out of my fucking mind.”

I want to answer him, say something as hot as the words falling from his lips, but I can’t. I try and it comes out a garbled moan. I tear at the bedsheets when he sinks a finger inside me and tongues my throbbing center.

“Gavin. Oh God.”

His tongue swirls around my pulsating bundle of nerves and a slew of incomprehensible words fly out of my mouth. I don’t know how my body is remaining on the bed—feels like it should be well on its way to outer space. Pleasure spirals out of control, wrapping its powerful tendrils around me and tearing me in two.

“Say it again. I want to hear it when you come for me.”


His tongue laps up my wetness just before he suckles my clit between his lips and it’s too much. My legs try to close, their pathetic attempt at escaping the mind-blowing pleasure overloading my senses.

“My name. I want to hear my name in that sexy fucking mouth of yours. Say it, baby.” He attempts to add another finger but my insides clench shut, trapping one and denying the other. He pulls out and drags them slowly through my slick heat before trying again.

Caisey Quinn's books