Leaving Amarillo

“Gavin,” I bite out as he forces his fingers inside. “Oh my God. Oh God. Please.”

“Fuck me, you’re so damn tight. Open for me, sweetness.”

I’m trying. God, I’m trying.

I don’t even know what I’m begging for, but he seems to. His fingers plunge in and out rhythmically while he tongue-kisses my clit.

I feel the pressure build, feel it breaking through the dam and spilling over, drowning me, submerging us both, as I climb higher and higher into ecstasy.

Gavin curls a finger inside me, his mouth devouring me like a starving man, and I’m gone. Engulfed in flames and held under to burn slowly to death. Black and red and blue turn to blinding white as I’m flung over the edge into oblivion.

“That’s it, baby. Come for me.”

I do, good Lord, I do. I writhe and twist and moan as the pleasure overtakes me. For what feels like endless hours.

“Damn it to hell and back, your tight little * is going to break my dick off when you come with me inside you.” Gavin’s words yank me back to the present as he pulls his fingers out and licks them, sucks them actually, into his mouth, smiling as if they taste like manna from heaven. I could probably come again right this instant at that sight alone.

There was more? More than this? I was going to have more of this? It seemed too good to be true, like an intense fever dream I could only have once.

The questions must be evident on my face because when Gavin lifts his eyes to mine, he grins. “Oh, my sweet little Bluebird. Did you think we were done?” His voice is gleefully sympathetic. “That was just to take the edge off, sweetheart. We’re just getting started.”

He leans down and rains passion-filled kisses down on my mouth. I taste myself and a quiver breaks through at the obscene amount of pleasure I take in our intimacy.

Gavin has tasted me. I have tasted me on Gavin. No matter what happens, we will always have this. I will treasure it the way I knew that I would. The night I held fire.

Chapter 22

“I’M NOT GOING TO LIE TO YOU. EVEN AS WET AS YOU ARE RIGHT now, it’s going to hurt at first. You’re tight as hell.” Gavin leans over and reaches for his pants, extracting a square-shaped foil packet. I watch his fingers as they open it and roll the latex deftly over his length.

“I’m on the pill,” I say quietly. “And, um, I don’t have any diseases or anything.”

He nods. “We’ve been on the road together, baby. I know you’re on the pill. And I get tested and always use protection. But I’ve known guys who’ve ended up daddies swearing the girl never missed a dose. It happens. Nothing is fail-safe. I want to be careful with you, baby.” His fingers stroke my face and my eyes fall shut momentarily. “Do you even know how precious you are to me?”

The urge to cry hits me unexpectedly. I blink the tears back and stare up at him. I want to tell him that I love him—that I’m in love with him and always have been. But I know he doesn’t want to hear those professions right now so I just nod and keep my mouth clamped shut until the urge passes and I can speak coherently.

“Show me, then. Show me how precious I am to you.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he says with a wink, dragging his hard length through the center of me.

My back arches off the bed, bowing toward him as he lowers onto me. A satisfied whimper escapes and he catches it with his mouth.

“I wish I could’ve taken you someplace nicer than this. You deserve so much better than this.”

I reach between us and cover his lips with my fingertips. “I only wanted you, Gavin. I don’t care when or where or how. I just want you.”

“You have me,” he says, parting my folds with the thick head of his erection.

For tonight at least, I think to myself just before I decide to banish any more bitterness from this night.

I feel him at my entrance and my entire body goes rigid.

Caisey Quinn's books