July (Calendar Girl #7)

“Sweetheart, I hope to be your end, your beginning and everything in between. Now shut up. I’m making love to my woman.”

The “making love” part made my heart squishy. Then Wes set about spending the evening making love to his woman…repeatedly. Though I convinced him in the middle of the night that his woman needed a good fucking, where he promptly turned me on hands and knees, smacked my ass and pounded me until I screamed in ecstasy.

Chapter 8

The waves crashed against the board, water pounded against my face, and I couldn’t have been happier. Wes’s toned form paddled farther out, like a machine, intent on catching air this time. In a split second, he was up on his feet and slicing through the water. I followed his lead and, lo and behold, caught my own much smaller wave. Still, it felt amazing and together we rode the waves back to the shore.

I tucked my board into the sand as Wes road his all the way until he was able to jump off. He pulled his board up under one powerful arm and made his way to me. His hand slid behind my head and his lips slanted over mine. Tongues and teeth gnashed as the kiss became more indecent. The hand not on my head dropped the board in the sand and grasped my neoprene covered ass, squeezing rhythmically. With a growl, he pulled back and shook his hair, which sent saltwater droplets flying. That finely muscled chest of his dripped with water as he unzipped and let the top half of his wetsuit fall down around his golden brown chest. I wanted to jump his bones as I took in all the hotness that was Wes. My Wes, I reminded myself.

“Someone likes what she sees. Keep it up, sweetheart, and your ass will be hitting sand and my dick sinking home.”

Thrills, chills, and bells clanged all around me as my body responded to the heady promise, not at all alarmed with the plan. Moreover, ready to take the next steps toward seeing that warning come to fruition.

Wes shook his head grinning like a schoolboy who’d gotten the girl. He definitely had the girl. “You’re off today, right?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I told Anton I needed another day, but tomorrow, I’ve got to rehearse because we’re taping the video the next day.”

Wes hooked an arm around my shoulders. “Then you’re all mine.” Instead of admitting how very true that now was I just grinned, completely content to be held in the crook of his arm as we waded through the sand.

“Back to the apartment?” I did not even try to act coy, my intent clear. I’d been away from Wes, enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh with Tai and Alec after I’d left him, but it wasn’t the same. Love was never involved. Before, with the other men, it was fun. Meaningful yes, a part of my journey, absolutely. With Wes though, it was just…more.

He picked up his board and then mine. Chivalry indeed wasn’t dead. We walked back to the hut on the beach and turned in the boards and suits. I tugged on my jean shorts, tank and Converse shoes. He had his cargo shorts, boat shoes, and t-shirt on and clasped my hand when I finished winding my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head.

Wes had rented an open four-by-four Jeep. He put the car in motion, a hand to my bare thigh as if reminding himself of still being there, gave me a cheeky grin, and zoomed out onto Ocean Drive. I decided it was best to soak in the sun and Miami heat, and enjoy being young and in love. It wasn’t a new feeling, but it was the first time in a long time I had any faith in or desire to have that feeling filling my pores, roaring through my veins, and zipping along my heart.

We drove up a path leading to an enormous mansion.

“Where are we?” I asked Wes as he got out of the car, came around and opened my door. I clasped his hand and hopped out, pushing the sunglasses up on my head to take in the lush gardens along with the historical-looking architecture of the building.

Audrey Carlan's books