July (Calendar Girl #7)

I smiled and leaned into his back. “I’d love that.”

He hummed against my neck and slipped his fingers under the tank dress at each shoulder. I’d thrown it back on sans bra after our shower. Hey, a girl could hope. He pushed the material down until it fell in a puddle at my feet. I stepped out of it and kicked it to the side. Wes’s hands went to my waist and slowly slid up my ribcage. Gooseflesh prickled along my skin. His large hands came up to my breasts and cupped them reverently. Gasping, I closed my eyes and pressed into his hands.

“Missed these. Best tits I’ve ever seen.” He placed tiny kisses along my shoulders. “Best I’ve ever touched.” He squeezed them, setting up a rhythm that had me thrusting my hips forward as if on autopilot. “So sensitive to touch,” he murmured against the nape of my neck.

“Only your touch,” I mumbled rubbing the back of my head against his pecs.

“Is that right?” He hummed again. I focused on the feather-light touch of his fingertips as they played delicately over my breasts and around the nipples in a caressing, petting massage. Heat built all over, a slow, simmering sensation from the tips of my nipples, through my chest and around, to nestle heavily at the apex of my thighs. Then he spoke again, blowing me away, reminding me of one of the best nights of my life.

“Rule one,” he started and I smiled wide, not able to contain the sheer happiness of what I hoped he was about to do. “We’re going to have an insane amount of sex over the next three days.” Three days? He squeezed hard on each erect peak cutting off further thought. I cried out, remembering this feeling, overjoyed that I was finally in his arms like this after so long. Any fear or anxiety was completely obliterated by this man. The only man’s touch I needed, craved, wanted more than any other. The space between my legs softened and clenched at nothing. I needed him there, right there. Taking me to bliss.

“I seem to recall that rule,” I said breathlessly, leaning further back into him, grinding my ass into his thick erection. Oh, sweet mother of all things good, I missed that steely length. Even though we’d had sex earlier today, we had some serious time to make up for.

Wes chuckled and reacted by pinching each nip just right. Sparks of electric pleasure rippled through my tits on a live wire to my clit where it throbbed and ached to be manipulated. “Rule two,” he continued, “is that we’re monogamous.”

This time, I laughed, only he retaliated by twisting and running the edge of his nail along the over-sensitized peaks. I moaned and shook in his arms. “Remember that one, too,” I choked out. “Only before, it was for the month. How long this time?” My heart clenched; I was unsure if he was feeling the same tension and anticipation that I was. He didn’t know things had changed for me, that my previous views about us had flown out the window wailing like a banshee into the night.

Wes plucked my nips, elongating them to the point that pleasure and pain coalesced in a symphony of heat and need. “Indefinitely.” His voice was hoarse, a rough grumble against my spine. His teeth dragged along my shoulder until he sunk them into the exact same spot Aaron had. I expected to be taken back there. Instead, my body jolted under his capable hands, obliterating all thought except the desire for him. My Wes.

“Does that mean you cut ties with your other friend?” I closed my eyes waiting, holding my breath, too afraid to hope for what I wanted. In the past, I’d never gotten what I’d wanted from a man I fell for. Ever. It seemed to be part of my genetic code. I had the fuck-over-Mia gene stapled to my heart. With Wes, I wanted so badly for him to demolish that fear of the unknown that would enable me to trust another man again. Trust him. Unlock my heart, break it wide open and let him in.

“Stopped that friendship when I fucked you over the phone.”

That was a full month ago when we sexted. Holy shit, he really was serious. Chills raced along my spine, and at the same time, longing for more filled me to the brim.

“Rule three: We always sleep in the same bed. We do not want to confuse this with something it’s not.”

I shimmied against his dick until he groaned, placing a hand on my hip and rubbing into my backside, circling. “Mmm. And, uh, what is it this time?” It became harder and harder to finish our chat knowing he was harder than a two by four behind me. My panties were soaked through with the ache he’d built.

He pulled his bottom half away from me and I wanted to sob. I did try to protest, but he held me fast, leaning my head to the side and snuggling into the crook of my neck. That’s when he blew my world wide open.

Audrey Carlan's books