July (Calendar Girl #7)

“Going to take you. Take it hard. Make it mine again.” He bit down on my lip hard as one hand curled around my ass and the other slinked up behind my back where his hand gripped my shoulder. “Fuck, Mia,” he roared as his cock drove home.

“Oh, oh, God...” My mind spun, so filled with pleasure, I tightened everywhere barreling like a speeding train towards my release. So fast. With Wes it was always a sure thing, but it was like every draw, release, and thrust back home I splintered, my body crackling with so much need I was going to lose it any second. “Gonna come…” I warned.

Wes licked up my neck. “Already?” he growled between clenched teeth and sucked in a fast breath. “Fuck, your * missed me. Christ, sweetheart, like a vice on my dick. So. Goddamned. Tight. And. All. Fucking. Mine.”

That proclamation and one more piercing thrust accompanied by his pelvic bone crushing my O-trigger between our bodies and that was all she wrote. Twitching, howling, toes curling, I clung to Wes’s body as he rammed home over and over, finding his own bit of heaven on a mighty roar. His body sunk deep, planted to the root where I milked him of his release. His breath came in potent punches against the skin of my neck, and I felt the door digging painfully into my back.

Moments later, when our breathing was more relaxed, I pulled his head from its hiding spot against my neck until Wes’s eyes sought mine. He grinned lazily. “Hey babe. Missed you.” I noticed the shy timbre in my voice.

He chuckled and rubbed his forehead against mine. “I got that. Obviously not as much as I missed you since I attacked you at first sight.”

I grinned and kissed him, putting all my joy, happiness and regret for the time spent apart into the kiss. “It’s okay. If you had noticed“—I clenched around his softening, still semi-hard member within me—“I was all about it.” I winked and unwound my legs from his hips groaning when we disconnected.

“Want a drink? A nap? Another go?”

He laughed and the sound reverberated like a drum within my chest. I loved hearing him laugh. “Perhaps not in that order but I’m thinking, shower, food, another go, then a nap.” He waggled his eyebrows.

I smoothed down my skirt. “Now that you mention it, I am pretty hungry.” Probably because I hadn’t eaten anything because I was too nervous about seeing Wes again. “How about I call for takeout while you shower?”

He frowned. “Wanted to shower with you, sweetheart.”

“Then we’ll never get to the food part of your plan,” I cocked my head with a hand on my hip. His eyes took in the stance and he smiled then shook his head.

“Shower that way?” He pointed towards the back end of the apartment.

“Yep. I’ll order us some food. Go wipe off the travel and um, you know,” I pointed to the general vicinity of his lower half.

“My cock? You want my cock clean, sweetheart?” He grinned and the sexy quirk of those lips went straight to my * where a blossoming throb became a pounding rhythm.

I squirmed, squeezing my legs together and huffed trying to pretend that this crass discussion didn’t affect me. “Hey, you want a dirty dick, that’s on you. I’m most certainly not putting my mouth on it after a six-hour plane ride and a sweaty fuck against the door. Go shower. I’ll take care of food and then we can catch up.”

Wes turned on a heel and headed towards the bathroom. “As long as part of that catching up is me spending a great deal of time between your thighs, with this”—he gripped his denim-clad cock in a vulgar display that had me chuckling—“and these”—he wiggled his fingers—“and this”—he tapped his mouth—“my life will be complete.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, ignoring him so he’d leave, even though he knew it affected me the way he intended it should. That was when I started to feel our combined fluids slipping down the inside of my thighs. Shit. He’d ripped my underwear off. No barrier. I needed a towel and then maybe I would join him in the shower.


Our bellies full of Miami’s primo sushi and egg rolls, Wes and I were snuggled up on the couch, his hand methodically running through my hair. I’d let it air-dry while we ate and talked. Now we were content just being in one another’s company. I couldn’t remember a time when being with a man I had feelings for was so simple. No demands on time, no stress, no drama just being with one another. It was nice. More than nice, it was exactly what I wanted to set roots around, and let it grow into something even more than nice, something long lasting.

Without comment Wes stood up and grabbed my hand. I followed because, well, I’d probably follow him anywhere right now. He led me to the bedroom. The sky outside the windows had turned to a hue of pinks, oranges, and blues as the sun began to set.

Wes turned me around facing the view. We were in a high-rise overlooking the ocean. The ocean always reminded me of my time with him. He slid his hands around my waist and leaned close. “Tomorrow morning we’ll surf.”

Audrey Carlan's books