Into the Light (The Light #1)

The remaining days of our banishment passed without incident. Sister Ruth visited two more times, always leaving me more confident than she’d found me. I actually made edible meals and continued to study Father Gabriel’s teachings. By the time Jacob came back from Assembly on the final Wednesday morning of our banishment, I thought I was ready to be back in the community. However, when he announced that Father Gabriel wanted us at service that night, my stomach knotted; I swallowed as my expression undoubtedly gave away my trepidation.

“Sara.” The one word was delivered as both a warning and a reprimand, one I’d learned to discern, having heard it a thousand times in the past month.

“I want to ask about the scarf again, but I won’t.”


“I just thought that our banishment didn’t end until tomorrow. Today isn’t two weeks. Tomorrow will be.”

His brows lowered and his more familiar eyes narrowed. “You’ve done so well. I don’t want to correct you before service or make that a Wednesday-night habit, but if you question even one more time, I will.”

I shook my head. “Thank you for your reminder. I won’t.”

“After service we won’t be coming back here. We’ll be going back to our apartment. So today while I’m working, you’ll need to pack our things. I’ll bring the suitcases in from the garage.”

“Yes, Jacob.”

“Also, dinner will need to be done and cleaned up before we leave. We want to leave the living quarters as we found them.”

Nodding, I slowly turned, taking in the living quarters, and sighed. I’d studied Father Gabriel’s word on the comfortable sofa in the living room, gazed out the large windows at the wall of trees, and relearned how to cook in the small kitchen. I turned toward the stairs and mentally traveled upward to the room where I’d rediscovered my husband.

“Do you have any questions?”

I grinned toward my husband. “No, I was just thinking that this place will be my past.”

Jacob’s lips curled upward and his brown eyes sparkled. “Yes, it will.”

That evening, with my hand tightly encased in Jacob’s, we entered the temple. Though I saw all the people in the foyer, Jacob led me down a hallway and up a staircase. I didn’t know where we were going, though I was relatively sure we hadn’t gone this way two weeks before. My palms moistened with each step as we approached double wooden doors.

I bit my lip to keep from asking about our destination; however, as we neared, I had a good idea. When Jacob knocked on the large door, he whispered, “Remember what I said. Do not embarrass me. This is almost over.”

I didn’t have the chance to verbally answer, so I nodded. The lecture I’d received for most of the truck ride into the community suddenly made sense. Taking a deep breath, I worked to keep my chin even.

“Enter, Brother,” came from the other side of the door.

When Jacob opened the door, I inhaled and began my own monologue. Instead of telling myself to keep my head up and wear my short hair proudly, as Jacob had done, my internal lecture was much simpler.

Don’t faint!

The table we stood before held five men. Though I didn’t remember having seen him, I was confident the man in the middle with slicked-back blond hair and a very nice gray suit was Father Gabriel. I recognized only one of the other men, Brother Daniel. When our eyes met, he smiled and nodded. Based on expressions, I deciphered that the man on my far left was Brother Timothy.

“Father Gabriel, thank you for your correction. Sister Sara and I are ready to reenter The Light, with your blessing.”

I bowed my head as Jacob spoke. Once he was done, I looked up.

“Yes, Brother Jacob and Sister Sara.” I was right. I’d know his voice anywhere. “I’m pleased to have you back where you belong. Sister Sara, is there anything you’d like to say to me or the Commission?”

Oh, my!

Apparently, I didn’t swear even internally in his presence.

Straightening my shoulders, I concentrated on Jacob’s hand over mine, as it’d been the day I awakened. “Father Gabriel, Brothers of the Commission, I deeply apologize for my behavior, thank you for your correction, and I look forward to being back in The Light.”

Father Gabriel smiled and stood. Looking from side to side, he asked, “If any on the Commission has issue with our brother or sister’s return to the Assembly, speak now.”

As silence fell, I held my breath, summoning all the self-control I could muster to keep my eyes on Father Gabriel and away from Brother Timothy. Just as we all grew confident in the silence, it ended.

“Father,” Brother Timothy said.

Jacob tightened his grip.

“Yes, Brother.”

“I don’t have an issue; however, before reintroductions, I’d like to hear Sister Sara’s answer to one question.”

Father Gabriel sat. “Go ahead, Brother.”