Into the Light (The Light #1)

I laughed again. Holding on to his chest, I moved my knees to either side of his torso. With my breasts hanging above him, he leaned forward and captured a suddenly hardened nipple between his lips. As he sucked, noises came from my throat and my insides came back to life.

Gazing up at me, he brushed my cheek. “Sara, I’d like this to bring back your memories, but if all I get out of it is that magical laugh, I’ll take it.”

Placing my hands on his shoulders, I rose to my knees, and asked, “Is that all you’re getting out of this?”

With my hips trapped in his strong grip, he grinned and replied, “No, I’m getting more; I also want those sexy moans of yours.” A mere shift of his arms and I was up and then down.

“Oh, God,” I whimpered as we came together for the second time in one night. I’d definitely be tender tomorrow; however, as his rippled torso flexed under my palms and his neck craned with pleasure, tomorrow wasn’t one of my concerns.

Though I was on top, I held no illusion of control. Jacob’s large hands choreographed, directing my speed and position. I was merely along for the ride, but oh, what a ride. He knew exactly how to manipulate, taking me to the brink and backing away. On and on I rode until finally my world imploded. My body, no longer mine, fell slack against his. When our foreheads came together he pulled my hips toward his, animalistic need radiating so strongly through his grasp that I wondered if I’d have marks in the morning. Before I could give it a second thought, a deep guttural growl came from his chest and his lips curled to a smile just before they captured mine. Compared to the desire he’d just shown, his kiss was tender. He released my hips and hugged my shoulders.

Once our breathing settled, still lying on top of him, I asked, “May I ask you something?”

“You may ask . . .”

“But you may not answer,” I quipped, mocking his usual response. My behind stung with the swat of his hand.

“You’re too smart for your own good. Ask before I use more than my hand.”

“I guess it isn’t really a question. It’s just that I wanted to say I loved hearing your memories, like our first kiss, the first time we saw one another, and the first time we . . . did this. Thank you for sharing.”

“Thank you for making those memories with me.”

I couldn’t have been more wrong, thinking Brother Daniel would be like Brother Timothy. The moment Jacob met him and Sister Ruth at the door, I knew they were different. Even when Brother Timothy had come to my room right after I woke, I’d sensed Jacob’s unease. With our overseer my husband was as comfortable as he was when the two of us were alone.

After greeting Jacob, Sister Ruth came straight to me, framed my face with her cool, pudgy hands, and looked me right in the eye. The faint scent of vanilla surrounded her. “Sara, I want you to know that I’ve prayed every day for your sight. Thank Father Gabriel that you’ve been healed.” Her smile stretched her cheeks. “And, my dear, Sister Raquel has done quite the job: you’re absolutely lovely. I know Brother Jacob knows how blessed he is.” She winked. “But I’m going to remind him, just for good measure.” She whispered the last part as she surrounded me in her hug.

I looked to Brother Daniel, a tall, older man with graying hair, and said, “Thank you, Brother and Sister, for coming out. Jacob shared that it was your idea. Thank you for helping me feel better.”

“Sister,” Brother Daniel said in a deep, commanding voice, “on behalf of the Commission and Father Gabriel, while it will take a while for your hair to grow, once your banishment is complete, the incident will be behind both of you.” He reached for my hand. “That is what Father Gabriel teaches. Never doubt his word.”

My head moved from side to side. “I never would, Brother. I willingly accept his decree, and I’m anxious to return to the community.”

He smiled from me to Jacob. “Sister, that’s good to hear.” Looking to Jacob, he said, “Call once you land. I’ll come back and get Ruth.”

“I will, Brother. The plane is ready. I should be able to leave soon.”

Brother Daniel clapped Jacob’s shoulder and turned to Sister Ruth. I had no doubt they had the same type of relationship that I shared with Jacob, yet I wondered how long they’d been married, because the adoration in both of their gazes was tangible. “Ruth, remember, if necessary, you have my permission to use the phone.”

“Thank you, Daniel.” She squeezed my hand. “We’ll be so busy, nothing will bother us.”

I liked her confidence, and wondered what she had planned.

“Brother Jacob,” she said, “we had to park outside. In the back of Daniel’s SUV are some bags. If you’d be so kind as to bring those in for us, I believe your lovely wife will have a dinner fit for a king when you return.”

The way his eyes grew at that possibility made me smile.

“I’d be happy to get whatever you need to make that happen.”