Into the Light (The Light #1)


She shook her head. “I’m embarrassed.”

Easing out, I lay on my side, pulled her close, and spooned with her, her back against my front. Holding her in my arms, I peppered the top of her head with kisses. “You can always tell me anything. Why are you embarrassed?”

She shrugged in my embrace. “Maybe I’m more ashamed.”

“You’ve piqued my curiosity.”

Her neck craned to brush her lips to mine. “I just can’t believe I couldn’t remember that. I mean, it was like, wow.” Her hands came up to cover her face. “See, I’m blushing.”

My chest vibrated with soft laughter. She may have been blushing, but while her confession stoked my ego, the proximity of her soft, naked body had me considering a second round. Part of me was on its way to recovery at that very second. It was the scent of her shampoo, the flowery aroma, that brought our most recent problem back to my mind. I rolled her to her back and kissed her nose. Playing with the ends of her hair, I smiled, hoping she could hear it in my voice. “It’s cute.”

She exhaled and pursed her lips.

“It is!” I exclaimed.

“No, it’s not. I’m ugly. I know you like my hair.” She burrowed her face into my chest. “Liked.”

I brushed her cheek. “I like your hair. I love you, no matter what your hair looks like.”

“But I’m ugly.”

I caressed her arm, her warmth combining with mine. “Sara Adams, you could never be ugly. Even if you were bald, you’re the most gorgeous woman in the world. And by the way, you’re not allowed to argue with me. If I say you’re beautiful, you’re beautiful.”

“I don’t even remember what color it is.”

I laughed. “It’s the most beautiful color of corn silk and sunshine.”

Her neck straightened. “So it is blonde?”

I drew her face to mine. With our noses touching, I nodded. “It is.”

She cuddled closer. “Thank you.”

Inhaling the combined scent of flowers and lovemaking, I sighed, “No, Sara, thank you.” And then I remembered the time of night and how I’d found her. “Have you eaten? Are you hungry?”

She pulled away. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m not, but I’ll make you . . .”

I hugged her tight. “I’m not hungry. Like I’ve told you before, you’re mine, all mine, and you’re my responsibility. I wanted to be sure you’re all right.”

Her fingers splayed on my chest before she traced the edge of my jaw. “I wasn’t, but now I am.” Another kiss. I kissed her forehead.

“One more thing about tonight.” I had to tell her this. I didn’t want to wait.


“When I got home, and again at the couch . . .” I took a deep breath and lifted her face to mine. “I know I gave you the option the other day, but Sara Adams, you’re the wife of an Assemblyman. Don’t kneel. You don’t belong on the ground. I’m perfectly content with your words and the bowing of your head.” It had killed me seeing her grovel. “Do you understand?”

“Yes.” She paused. “I’m just wondering if there could ever be any exceptions. I mean, earlier, you didn’t let me finish . . .”

Laughter bubbled from my throat. “I suppose there can always be exceptions. Get some sleep. It’s been a long day.”

“Good night, Jacob.”



I nervously waited for Jacob’s return. He’d left earlier than normal this morning for Assembly. He hadn’t mentioned Brother Timothy or Sister Lilith, and I couldn’t ask, but the subject hung in the air like a thick cloud. When I washed my hair this morning, I’d gotten a better idea of how much was left. It was longer in the front, hanging just past my chin, and shorter in back. She’d cut it right at my ponytail tie.

Though I should’ve been listening to Father Gabriel’s teachings, my mind was too much of a whirlwind to concentrate. Before Jacob left he told me that Brother Micah would be in the hangar today, as would others. Apparently they’d picked up supplies while at the Eastern Light, and they needed to be unloaded and driven back to the community. When I asked how they transported supplies, since the larger plane was mostly that soft luxurious cabin, he’d said that under the cabin was a large cargo area accessible from the outside.