Into the Light (The Light #1)

Moans filled our room as she pressed her body toward mine and began undoing the buttons of my shirt.

Though I ached at the confinement of my jeans, I wouldn’t hurt her any more, not today, not after all she’d been through. “Sara, what about your ribs?”

Sliding my shirt over my shoulders, she reached for the hem of the thermal beneath. “Please, Jacob.” Once she’d stripped my chest, her petite hands roamed my shoulders, arms, and torso, seeing what her eyes couldn’t.

I unfastened her bra and gently pulled it away, freeing her small breasts. As I palmed one of them, her nipple beaded, and I decided their size was perfect. Holding her hips tightly against me, I bent down and sucked the hardened nipple. Her whimpers encouraged me as she wove her fingers through my hair.

It was as she reached for the buckle of my belt that I regained a small bit of control. Stopping her hands, I said, “Sara.”

“Please let me unbuckle it. I want to associate your belt with more than pain.”


I released her hands and watched as she unlatched it, pulled it from the loops, and dropped it to the floor. Her smile melted my heart while at the same time sending more blood to my already engorged erection. It wasn’t until she released the button and zipper of my jeans that I sprung from the confines of my boxer shorts.

“Oh, Jacob,” she purred as she grasped my width and ran her hand along my length. My heartbeat soared when she dropped to her knees.

“God, you’re amazing,” I remarked, “but I want you to stand.” Reaching for her hands, I helped her up. As she stood, our lips collided and our tongues danced. “Trust me, I’d love that, but I need to be inside of you. It’s been so long; I don’t think I could hold back.”

Her grin was the trigger to my explosion. I’d never make it in her sexy mouth. Taking her hand, I led her to the bed and removed my boots. In record time I littered the floor with my clothes.

“Now,” I said with a smirk as I turned toward Sara.

Her chest rose and fell in anticipation as she scooted back against the pillows.

Magical sounds escaped her lips as I looped my fingers in the waistband of her panties and slowly lowered them down her legs and over her cast. Beginning at her exposed ankle, I tenderly kissed the insides of her legs, alternating between them, each touch of my lips higher than the one before. Though her skin was covered in goose bumps and her muscles tightened, she willingly opened herself, allowing me full access.

“Oh, oh,” she panted, her hands clenching the sheets as my tongue lapped her essence.

With each taste, a war raged within me. My hardening erection demanded what my mouth was enjoying. Sara’s bucking hips and sexy moans encouraged my every move, prompting my tongue to delve deeper. Though I suspected she wasn’t a virgin, I’d also spent enough time around other men to know that I was large, larger than most, and I didn’t want to hurt her. She’d be able to handle my girth better after she’d released. Lapping and sucking, I continued tormenting her body until her muscles tensed and she called out my name.

“Oh, God, Jacob, that . . . that . . .”

Slowly, I worked my way up her beautiful body until she was completely surrounded.

Reaching for my face, she pulled my lips to hers and dove inside.

While our tongues intertwined, I positioned myself, ready to claim my wife. “If I’m too heavy, we can do what you . . .”

“Please, take me,” she breathlessly interrupted. “I need you inside of me.”

It wasn’t a request she needed to make twice. Back and forth, I moved as she shifted her hips. Once I was completely buried, I stilled and gazed down at my wife. She was so damn beautiful. In the light of our first time, I didn’t see her hair. I saw the contented smile on the face of the woman who was completely mine. I’d already claimed her mind; her answer when I’d asked if she deserved to be corrected told me that. Now I also had her body.

“What’s the matter?” she asked, her hands holding my shoulders.

“Nothing.” I kissed her grin. “I’m just watching the loveliest woman in the world and thinking how damn lucky I am.”

Her cheeks flushed, and I began to shift my hips. Our movements and rhythms occurred in sync. While one gave the other took, and then we’d switch, always giving more. My lips teased her nipples, kissed her lips, and moved everywhere in between.

Father Gabriel had given me this woman, my wife. Though I’d resisted, with our bodies united I couldn’t ignore the overwhelming emotion she evoked. The passion of our fervent desire filled our room. When she once again detonated, her legs stiffened, sounds escaped her lips, and her body hugged mine from within. The spasms pushed me over the edge: one final thrust and with a guttural groan I collapsed, our bodies still connected.

With reckless disregard for the possibilities our futures held, I kissed my wife and whispered, “I love you.”

Her demure grin returned. “I love you too. It’s just . . .” She didn’t finish her sentence.