Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

The motion of the bus quickly relaxed me as I lay in bed. Every move Adaline made tonight, every smile, giggle, brush of skin against mine, replayed in my mind.

I closed my eyes as I started to drift off to sleep when my phone went off next to me. Picking it up, her name on my screen caused goose bumps to pop up all over my body. It had been a long time since I’d seen her name flash across my screen.

Addie: I’ve missed you.

I grinned from ear to ear.

Me: Thought you lost your phone pumpkin?

It was mere seconds and Adaline texted back.

Addie: It was sitting on my bed. ?

I shook my head as I chuckled. Some things never changed. Adaline lost her phone more than anyone I knew.

Me: I’m glad you found it. And I’ve missed you too, Addie.

Addie: I regret something.

Sitting up, I reached over and turned on my light as I positioned myself to sit up in bed. Leaning against the leather headboard, I typed my reply.

Me: What do you regret?

My heart was racing. Did she regret spending time with me tonight? Shit. The palms of my hands began to sweat as I closed my eyes and prayed like hell she didn’t regret our evening together. My phone buzzed and I counted to ten before reading her reply.

Addie: That I didn’t ask you to kiss me.

My eyes widened as I jumped up on my bed and started yelling out as I pumped my fist. “Yes! Fucking yes! Son-of-a-bitch I should have kissed her! Fuck!” I couldn’t believe how childish I was behaving, jumping on my bed.

Addie: You’re quiet.

I dropped back onto my bed and kissed my phone. If anyone ever saw what I just did, I’d be shunned on the circuit.

Me: Sorry. I was so excited I was jumping on my bed.

Addie: Seriously? You were jumping on your bed?

Me: I’d never lie to you, Addie.

Addie: Emmit . . .

That one-word response killed me. I wanted more than anything to be standing back in front of her again. This time I would pull her toward me and give her what she wanted.

Me: I can tell Hank to turn around. He’ll be pissed. But I would do it.

Addie: LOL. No! I guess I’ll have to wait until the next time I see you again for that kiss.

I inhaled a deep breath and then slowly blew it out as I tried to keep my betraying dick from thinking too hard about Adaline’s words.

Me: Tell me when I’ll see you again.

I sat there and stared at my phone like a pansy ass. A minute went by, and I was beginning to feel like I wanted to pull my hair out of my head.

Addie: Sorry, Daddy called. Soon.

Fucking hell. Why is she torturing me?

Me: Soon as in a week? Two weeks? Three?

Her reply was almost instant. As if she knew what I was going to ask.

Addie: Night, Emmit. Sleep well.

I couldn’t help but smile. That little brat, she was going to leave me hanging.

Me: Okay, I’ll play along. Night, Addie. Sweet dreams.

Setting my phone down, I got back under the covers grinning like a damn fool. If God was giving me a second chance with Adaline Morgan, I was not going to mess it up. I’d do anything to prove to her how much I loved her.


AS I SAT ON THE tan leather seat, I glanced out the window and took in a deep breath.

Holy shit. I can’t believe I’m flying on a private jet. Is this my life?

“Miss Morgan, would you like a glass of champaign before we take off?”

“No thank you. I will however take a beer if you have one?”

Giving me a perfect smile, she said, “Bud Light okay with you?”

“Perfect,” I said.

Less than two minutes later, the flight attendant returned with a bottle of Bud Light and a chilled glass. Taking the bottle, I said, “I’m a simple girl. I’ll go with the bottle.”

She let out a chuckle and said, “We’ll be taking off in about ten minutes.”

My knee bounced as I glanced around the private plane that was owned by Jack Elliot. There were three drivers on the Elliot Racing Team and from what I could tell, this plane was at their disposal any time they wanted it.

I closed my eyes and dropped my head back against the seat as I rubbed my sweaty hands over my jeans.

“Are you are a nervous flier?”

The flight attendant had a soothing voice. I was half tempted to ask her to tell me a story while we flew from Austin to Tennessee. Opening my eyes, I gave a somewhat pouty face. “Yes. I’ve always been afraid to fly and being in this small plane is not helping any.”

Reaching her hand out, the flight attendant sat across from me. “My name is Tara.”

Instantly, I felt better. I wasn’t sure why, maybe it was her smile. Or her calming voice. Whatever it was, I knew I would be forever grateful for her.

A ping sounded across the plane. Tara gave me a wink and said, “Let me double check the flight crew doesn’t need anything and I’ll be right back. We are taxing and will be taking off here in a minute.”

My hands grabbed onto the arms rests as I nodded my head and said, “M’kay.”

Think something positive, Adaline.

Emmit’s smile when he saw me.

Emmit’s dimples.

Emmit’s gray eyes.

Emmit’s soft lips.

Emmit’s hands on my body.

Kelly Elliott's books