Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

Adaline was looking at my bike. “Is that your motorcycle?”

I looked between the bike and Adaline. “Um . . . yeah but if you’re not comfortable riding on it, you can ride in the limo and I’ll meet you over there.”

Adaline’s mouth dropped open. “Are you insane? There is no way I’m turning down wrapping my arms around you and the chance to go fast.”

A wave of heat moved across my body as my knees got weak. Pulling Adaline into my arms, I kissed the tip of her nose. “God, I’ve missed you.”

With a soft hit on my stomach, Adaline said, “Let’s go for our first ride.”

A low growl formed at the back of my throat as we made our way to the bike.

I took Adaline down a country road as we drove for a bit on the bike. Turning down a side road, I pulled over and got off the bike as I held my hand out for hers. With an adorable smile, she put her hand in mine.

“What are we doing?”


Adaline giggled. “I see that, but why?”

With a smile, I looked at her and winked. “I just want to be with you, like we used to. Remember when we used to walk in the fields and watch the stars?”

My breath caught as I watched Adaline’s eyes as they lit up. “I do remember that. I also remember the night you put the blanket in the back of your truck thinking you were going to get lucky. That garden snake crawled over your chest and you screamed like a little girl and took off running.”

My head fell back as I laughed. “I can’t argue with you on that one. I did take off running.”

“Screaming. Like a girl.”

My eyebrows pinched together as I chuckled. “I must have blocked that part out.”

Adaline walked up to me as she placed her hands on my chest. “I’ve missed us so much.”

My lips kissed her forehead as I held her close to me while we stood in the middle of a field. Just the two of us, with no one else wanting anything from us.

When I couldn’t take the heat from her body anymore, I led her back to my bike.

“Let’s head to the hotel.” Adaline giggled as she climbed on the bike and wrapped her arms around me.

Making our way back to the hotel, we checked in and rode up in the elevator in silence. You could practically feel the heat moving off our bodies as we stole glances at each other. Stopping at the door, I slipped the key in and pushed the door open. Taking Adaline’s hand in mine, I slowly walked backward as I led her into the room. The door shut and we stood frozen as we stared into each other’s eyes.

Adaline blushed and said, “Um, I’m just going to run to the bathroom really quick.”

I swallowed hard while I nodded and made my way into the room. Looking around, I took in the large king bed, oversized chair and the desk.

Wiping my hands on my jeans, I rolled my eyes and counted to ten. Shit. It feels like this is my first time all over again. And Adaline was my first! This should be easy, Emmit. Calm the hell down.

I made my way over to the window and looked out. I wouldn’t be able to stay here all night, but we still had plenty of time since it was just mid afternoon. Time I planned on using to get familiar with Adaline’s body again.

Adaline cleared her throat and I turned around, expecting to see her still dressed and just as nervous as I was.

Taking a stumbling step backward, I hit the window and stood there with my mouth on the ground.

“Holy living shit. You’re so beautiful. You’re more beautiful than a sunrise,” I whispered, as Adaline stood before me in blue and white polka dot panties and a matching bra. Her hair hung in pieces as it framed her face. She had thrown it up when we went for a ride and it looked sexy as fuck.

Adaline gave a shy smile as she looked down and stared at the floor. “Thank you.”

I forced my feet to move as I made my way over to Adaline. Stopping in front of her, I placed my hand on the side of her face as she leaned into it. “Adaline, you and I will never be apart again. I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy.”

Adaline’s eyes said it all as they met mine. In that moment nothing else mattered but the two of us. When her hand came over mine, it felt as if all the air was stolen from my lungs. Her touch sent a bolt of lightning racing through my entire body. It was as if we’d never been apart.

“You make me happy, Emmit. It’s always been you.”

Cupping her face with both hands, I pulled her lips closer to mine as we kissed softly. I picked Adaline up and carried her over to the bed where I gently placed her down.

I slowly pulled my T-shirt over my head and tossed it on the floor. Adaline’s lips parted open slightly as her eyes roamed my body.

With a quick tug of my belt to take it off, I unbuttoned my pants and pushed them down. Licking her lips, Adaline moaned softly as she rubbed her legs together.

Kelly Elliott's books