Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

“Don’t rush. I need to heat up the bread some.”

My heart felt light in my chest and I dared to dream of what it would be like to have Adaline with me always. To finish a race and come back to her each time would be better than heaven.

A knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts. “Interviews are over,” I said as I made my way to the door.

Opening the door, my assistant Stephanie was standing there. “Steph? What in the hell are you doing here? I thought you’d be heading back by now.”

Stephanie started to climb up the steps, but I didn’t move out of her way. She quickly stopped and said, “Oh . . . I was helping Mr. Elliot with a project for you, Doug and a new sponsor. I’ve been working most of today up in the box. I was just making sure you didn’t need anything before you pulled out.”

“Oh,” I said. Motioning for her to come in, I quickly glanced over to Adaline who was smiling politely.

Stephanie saw Adaline and said, “Crap, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you had someone with you.”

I looked between Adaline and Stephanie and said, “Stephanie, this is Adaline.”

Stephanie wore an expression that confused me as she extended her hand to Adaline. She appeared to be trying to smile as she took every inch of Adaline in like she was under inspection. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Adaline.”

“Stephanie is my assistant. She pretty much makes sure shit gets done.”

Adaline nodded her head and said, “It’s nice to meet you.”

As I turned back to Stephanie, I went into business mode like I always did. She was the one person I never ever flirted with. Besides, she was married to her high school sweetheart. “So, I met this little boy tonight, believe it or not his name is Emmit. He wants to be a NASCAR driver. I gave his father your cell number. They’re going to be calling you in two days. I told them I’d come back through town and spend the day with them. I’m thinking maybe we can get the track for a day. Take the kid out on it and show him a good time.”

Stephanie pulled out a small notebook and took notes. “Got it. They’re gonna call after tomorrow?”


She glanced back up at me. “I’ll look through your schedule and see if there is a day you can fly in and spend the day with them.”

Smiling, I nodded as I thought about how happy that kid was going to be. “No press. Just a fun day for this family.”

“I’ll take care of it all. Sooner the better?” Stephanie asked.


Stephanie kept writing as she said, “Is there anything else before I take off?”

I glanced over to Adaline, who was moving about getting dinner finished up. “No, that’s all, Steph. Thanks.”

Moving past me and toward the door, she lifted her hand and said, “Sure thing. Have a safe trip and I’ll check in after I talk to them.”

I held the door open for her as I lifted my hand and gave Stephanie a quick wave good-bye. “Thanks, see ya next week.”

Shutting the door, I gave Adaline a wink. “Shower time. Don’t start without me.”

Adaline giggled and said, “I wouldn’t think of it.”

I pulled up and stopped in the Marriott hotel. I put the truck I had borrowed from the track into park as Adaline and I sat there for a few moments in silence while we both just stared ahead. “Thank you for dinner, Addie. I can’t tell you when I had a home cooked meal last.”

Tilting her head, she gave me the sweetest smile. “I really enjoyed myself. I’m sure you’re exhausted.”

“I’m a little tired.”

Adaline laughed and opened the door as she jumped out and turned back to face me. “Thanks for the ride.”

“Anytime,” I said with a grin.

Adaline pursed her lips together. I could tell she wanted to say something. I knew Adaline Morgan well enough to know when she had something on her mind. “I’ll see you around soon.”

My heart dropped at the idea of seeing her again. “How soon?” I asked with a questioning look.

Adaline chewed on her lip as she let out a giggle. “Sooner than you think, Mr. Lewis.”

Adaline took a few steps backward, shut the door and turned on her heels as she made her way into the lobby of the hotel.

I let out the breath I was holding in as my head dropped against the headrest. “God how I still love that girl.”

After making my way back to the track, I met up with Lance, one of the security guys from the track. Lance dropped me back off at my bus as I thanked him for letting me borrow his truck. I quickly made my way into the bus. Hank was going to be pissed. We should have pulled out a couple of hours ago.

Stepping up inside the bus, Hank shook his head. “Are we ready now?”

With a slap on the side of his arm, I laughed. “I’m headed to bed, dude. Carry on.”

Hank headed to the front of the bus as he mumbled, “Bastard.”

Kelly Elliott's books