Icing (Aces Hockey #1)

“He did, and I was glad. She was totally using him. And he finally realized it. I don’t think he was crazy in love with her or anything, but still…that hurts. And it wasn’t the only time that happened. He’s a great guy, and he likes to do things for people, so he gets taken advantage of. He deserves better than that.”

Amber processed what she’d just heard from Lovey. Duncan hadn’t said anything about why he’d broken up with Melissa. He’d been careful not to put Melissa down. And yeah, he was the one who’d broken up with her, but hearing the reason he’d done it made her burn inside. Melissa had been using him? What a bitch! And she’d felt sorry for Melissa!

“I don’t want to hurt him,” she finally said to Lovey. She’d been more worried about herself, about getting involved with someone who would almost certainly let her down. But now she was confused because Lovey was telling her there was another side to it…that someone had let Duncan down too. “I really like Duncan. I’ll admit his occupation made me not want to get involved with him. And honestly…I’m still hesitant. But…but I…”

“But you can’t stay away from him.” Lovey beamed. “You really like him. That’s good. Because it’s totally worth all the cons…if you love someone. I love Marc, and I accept that he’s going to have girls throwing themselves at him. He’s going to be away a lot, he’s probably going to get hurt. I even have to accept he could get seriously hurt. But he’s doing what he loves and obviously I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ll support him no matter what.”

“That’s awesome.” Amber contrasted this with her own experience and found herself strangely moved.

“At least I don’t have to worry you’re using Duncan for his money,” Lovey said cheerfully. “Let’s go back to our seats, the next period’s about to start.”

Somehow Amber made it through the next five days and four exams. She was exhausted and drained but felt good about how things had gone. She wanted to sleep for a week when her exams were all done, but she had a photo shoot for Easton and then an eight-hour shift at the Sin Bin.

Duncan had been texting her daily and she’d seen him briefly one evening at the Sin Bin, the only shift she worked last week. Then he’d been off to Vancouver, Calgary, and Edmonton on a road trip. The timing was good so she could focus on studying, but she found herself…missing him.

Which was ridiculous.

She walked into the renovated warehouse on West Lake Street that housed Easton’s studio. The music of Arctic Monkeys played from speakers, and she could hear people talking as she passed through the small waiting area and into the studio.

There were a lot of people there, apparently just finishing another shoot. A couple of people were packing up garments and makeup, and two models Amber recognized stood nearby, already wearing jackets and apparently ready to leave.

“Hi, Indie, hi, Gina.” She approached them.

“Amber! Hi, how’s it going?”


She took off her outerwear and they made small talk. Easton waved at her as he moved some equipment around.

“We were just doing a shoot for Lacey’s,” Gina told Amber.

“Nice!” Her eyes widened. Lacey’s was a high-end lingerie store.

“Just waiting for Melissa and then we’re going for drinks,” Indie said. “I guess you can’t join us…?”

“No, I’m here for another job. Easton’s shooting some patio furniture or something, he wants a model sitting in one of the chairs.” Then the name sank in. “Melissa?”

And then, yep, there she was, Duncan’s ex-girlfriend, walking out of the dressing room, looking gorgeous and sophisticated.

“Ready,” Melissa said to the others. She looked at Amber and smiled.

Amber gave her a tight smile back.

“We’re going to Crush,” Indie said to Amber, naming a popular wine bar. “We’ll be there for a while. Come join us when you’re done.”

“I’ll, uh, see how long we take.”

“We won’t be long!” Easton called from across the room. “Everything’s all set up. Just need you to get your cute little ass over here and sit in the chair.”

Amber’s smile froze. “Okay! Maybe I’ll see you there.”

The other women left, and Amber stomped across the worn hardwood floor and smacked Easton’s shoulder.

“Hey!” He jumped back and looked offended. “What the hell?”

“Do you know who that was?” She set her hands on her hips and glared at him.

His eyes shifted around like he was looking for an escape from a crazy person. “Why yes, yes I do.” He frowned. “What’s up, boo?”

“That was Melissa Cayne!”


“Duncan’s ex-girlfriend!”

“Oooooh.” His forehead smoothed. “I see.”

“She used him and broke his heart!”

Easton blinked. “Really?”

Ugh. She hated to think that Duncan had been in love with that woman. “Well, Lovey said he probably wasn’t in love with her, but still, it hurts when someone uses you for your money or fame or whatever. Bitch.”

Easton’s eyebrows flew up into his hairline. “Boo, are you jealous?”

She frowned. “Dammit, yes.”

He smiled and shook his head. “Boo, baby, he’s with you now.”

Kelly Jamieson's books