Icing (Aces Hockey #1)

Fanfuckingtastic. He sucked air into his straining lungs, still grinning.

Four-nothing win for the Aces for Amber’s first game. Right the fuck on.

Chapter 15

Amber enjoyed Lovey’s company at the game. She was funny and a little sarcastic and so laid back about the fact that her brother and her boyfriend were big star athletes. However, Amber was also freaking out about how this definitely drove home the fact that Duncan was a professional athlete.

It was no mystery to her why this bothered her. It made her insides squeeze into tight knots and had her questioning her sanity for being involved with him even a little.

It was also very disturbing that she found herself enjoying the game. She had sports in her blood, and she was impressed by the speed and skill of the players on the ice. Lovey’s commentary helped her understand some of the strategy of the game, and she found herself jumping up and cheering along with the rest of the enthusiastic crowd every time the Aces scored a goal.

And especially when Duncan scored—her heart swelled up huge with joy for him.

During the intermission, she and Lovey chatted about Lovey’s blog and her new business, Amber’s hopes for graduating and getting a job, and, of course, Duncan and Marc. It was cute how in love Lovey was. She clearly had no qualms about being involved with a pro athlete.

“Duncan and Marc seem pretty down to earth.” Amber cautiously broached her concerns. “Considering what they do for a living.”

Lovey blinked. “They play a game for a living.”

“Yeah. I mean, they’re obviously wealthy and…and…”

Lovey blinked again. “And what?”

“Well, sometimes guys who are rich and talented and have people constantly telling them how great they are let it all go to their heads.”

“Phhht. Nobody’s telling Duncan how great he is. Least of all me.”

Amber had to smile. She could see the love and pride Lovey had for her big brother. And her boyfriend.

“They’re just people.” Lovey shrugged.

“Does it bother you that girls are hitting on your boyfriend all the time?”

“They are?” Lovey’s eyes widened.


“Kidding.” Lovey grinned. “Maybe they are, I don’t know. I wouldn’t blame them. He’s hot.”

“I was speaking generally. I’ve seen the puck bunnies at the Sin Bin when the players walk in. It’s like wasps on an open can of pop.”

Lovey laughed, then shrugged. “I know it happens. It’s probably always going to happen. And when he’s on the road, who knows what goes on. But if I don’t trust him, we aren’t going to make it.”

“That’s great that you trust Marc like that.”

“Yeah.” Her smile went soft. “It is.”

Amber wasn’t sure if Lovey was lucky or na?ve. But then, she didn’t know Marc at all, really, so maybe Lovey’s trust in him was justified.

“There are players who cheat on their wives or girlfriends, not gonna lie,” Lovey said.

Okay, maybe not na?ve.

“I know it, and I guess some guys who have girls after them all the time can’t resist the temptation. But they’re dumbasses.” Lovey shrugged. “And there are dumbasses in every occupation and walk of life.”


“So yeah, Marc and Duncan are both down to earth. Marc’s really serious about his career. So is Duncan, but he’s more laid back. And Dunc’s just a big redneck goof, he’s sure not spoiled or cocky.”

“No. He’s not.” She didn’t know Duncan all that well, but she didn’t hesitate to agree. Confident, yes. Cocky, no. Spoiled…maybe a little.

Lovey gave her a piercing look. “I guess there are some downsides to a relationship with a pro hockey player. I give the wives credit—during the season, they’re on their own a lot, and when they have kids, it’s like being a single parent. They have to pick up and move at the drop of a hat if their husband gets traded. I was talking to Kim McDonald, Paul McDonald’s wife. He’s been traded eight times in his career. Every time, she had to move the kids and their dog and cat on her own. But she just deals with it.”

“That would be tough.”

“So…not that I’m trying to discourage you from dating my brother…but you sound like you’re not sure you want to deal with all that stuff.”

Amber bit her lip. “That obvious, huh?”

Lovey narrowed her eyes. “Well. I like to insult my brother and push his buttons…but I love him. He’s been hurt before and I don’t want him to get hurt again.”

Amber’s eyebrows drew together. “He has?” Her chest tightened.

“Yeah. His last girlfriend was a bitch.”



“I thought he dumped her.”

Kelly Jamieson's books