Ice (Elite Forces #1)

He pulls my hair out of the tight elastic containing it, pulling me from his lips when he does. We breathe heavily together, while his eyes move across my lips before looking into my eyes.

“Don't fucking walk away from me.” His voice is deep, moving straight through my body and into my core as he continues. “You waste my fucking time and yours walking away from what will goddamn happen.”

He sits me on what feels like a stack of wooden boxes and quickly moves to pull off my shirt. Exposing my breasts with both hands, he moves close, licking and biting in the most perfect way. I'm not fighting him off. He feels too fucking good for that. He knows how to handle me, and I've never had someone treat me like this before. It may be fucked up, but it turns me on to a level so far beyond any man before him. There's something about knowing you're actually with a man that would be a challenge to you in a battle. Battling for control and the need to outdo each other would become a vital focus. A woman needs a man just like a strong man needs a woman. Kaleb and I could go at each other all damn day. The truth is, I’ve lost against him every single time. He’s slowly breaking my walls down and for the life of me, I can’t understand how he manages to do it every time.

He pushes me until I'm lying flat on my back, my legs still dangling off the side. His hands move fast to remove my boots and pants just before he spreads my legs and moves in.

His tongue is tight as he swirls it around, making me feel him all the way to the center of my body. He grabs my ass and lifts me closer to his face, making it almost impossible for me to stay quiet as his beard scrapes across my upper thigh. His nibble on my clit is my breaking point.

I try to squirm out of his hands, but he relentlessly holds me in place, devouring my orgasm in its entirety. His beard gives an added friction, and I find myself grinding my hips into his face before it's over. Shit. He’s overpowering and his intensity begins to eat me alive.

I'm sensitive to his touch as I come down from the full body spasm he causes.

“See what you fucking walked away from.” He unzips his pants and enters me quickly, filling me completely on the first thrust. My * is still throbbing, and I can feel every inch of him as he moves in and out of me. His thrusts are quick and firm, but not consistent. He's pausing between each thrust, making me think and messing with my mind.

“Look at you. You want to control this. You want me to go faster.” He thrusts harder and faster, then stops just when I start to feel good again.

“Or slower.” He keeps a steady pace, allowing me to get worked up before he goes back to the inconsistent thrusts.

“You can't stand the fact that I have you in a position of no control.” I think about what he’s saying. He's right to a point, but he needs to realize that I can still manage. Let’s see how he likes this.

I slide my hand over my clit and begin to make circular movements, throwing myself forward toward another orgasm and not caring what he does. His dick is doing its job, fulfilling the need I have to feel the fullness. The rest can be done easily on my part. But I know firsthand his long, strong fingers feel better than my own.

He grabs my wrists with both hands, puts them into one grip, then reaches for the belt on the pants at his knees. I’m panting and anger surges through me. I hate that I can't scream at him and tell him exactly how I feel. Hell, do I even know how I feel?

He doesn’t give me time to address my emotional turmoil. The thrill of his orders rings loud and clear in the deepness and in the way he speaks.

“Stand up.”

I slide off the boxes, and he wraps my wrists together behind my back. He pushes my head down until I'm bent facedown against the box, then slides back into me, thrusting hard. How I’m staying quiet is beyond me. The way he glides in and out of me, hitting every nerve, makes me want to yell for more and beg to be fucked harder.

My legs and breasts feel the wood with each slam, and it isn't until he grabs my shoulder with one arm and my hair with the other that I notice what I'm lying on. The light from the moon hits it just right, so I can see what I'm smashed up against.

“What the fuck? These are explosives, Kaleb,” I say quietly, knowing my eyes are wide.

“I know. How does it feel to be so fucking hot that I'd slam my dick into you on a case of explosives?" His words are powerful, but this shit scares the hell out of me. My insides freeze. Any chance of orgasm flows from my body, leaving me terrified. He slows his movements like he feels my change.

“We can do this one of two ways. You can agree to stay the night with me, or we can continue fucking right here.”

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books