Ice (Elite Forces #1)

I need them out of here, so I dismiss them. Neither one says a word as to their punishment or lack thereof. “Mother. Fucker.” Sliding my ass back into my chair, I refuse to stroke my cock, not when I know what it feels like to be inside of her. The next time I stroke it, she'll be watching.

For the next couple of hours, I beat myself up as I sit inside my makeshift office. I’ve failed miserably in my plan to seduce her and to let her know I’m not just after her for a quick fuck. I had plans. I had two missions to complete when I landed back in this desert, and I have messed up the one closest to my heart. The other one is a damn cake walk compared to her.

One was to complete the mission that The United States granted me to lead; the other was to get the woman. I will complete the first mission, I have no doubt about that, but damn it, if I haven’t fucked up getting her.

I knew the minute I saw her jump on Harris in her tent that I was going to fuck this up. I had to stop her, and the only way I knew how was to fuck her myself. Brilliant plan, Maverick. Fucking brilliant, at least my dick thinks so anyway.

She makes it difficult to focus on any task. My mind is constantly remembering how she smells, how her soft, perfect skin is like none I've ever felt before, and that fucking attitude. It should piss me off, but fuck if it doesn't excite me knowing she's a challenge. The second she told me to 'Fuck off', I wanted to remind her who she’s talking to. My call name isn’t Fire for nothing. Out here, she will obey me.

The kicker is, she isn’t someone who submits to others. She may take my orders out here, but I know damn well she won't take them back home. No way. She’s used to having control as much as I am.

I’m not into the dom/sub relationship right down to the letter, but control may as well be my middle name. I’m always in control of everything I do. The best thing for me to do for the next few days until we sneak in and make our attack is to stay the hell away from Captain Elliott.

The sound of someone entering pulls me from my thoughts. "Sir, your team is ready for tonight's training." I sit and think as Major Roberts enters my space, leaning up casually against the wall. I smile at the thought of how much torture I could put my team through during tonight's drills, but settle in knowing I can't possibly torture them any more than she will me as I fight to stay away from her.

“And we just received word that our mission will be tomorrow night. The specifics will come before nightfall.” That’s not much time. I wanted a few more days with the team before we throw ourselves into the mass insanity. I wanted a few more days with her to have the chance to show her I'm more than a fuck monster. Guess I’ll have to make do with the time I have, which means there’s no damn way that I’ll be able to keep my dick in my pants, knowing our time is limited.


We've been out here for hours, going over maps of the compound we'll be attacking. Training was a breeze. Hell, I could've led that training myself. It's what we know. It's what we do.

“It’s imperative that we all know every single inch of the area before we’re dropped. We'll be going in late at night, surprising the motherfucker. The difficult task will be getting to TajUdin.” I listen intently. Not one ounce of me is worried or scared. I'm trained to kill. I place my scope on the target and kill without any hesitation. This time will be no different.

“He’ll scatter like a fucking cockroach as soon as he hears us. We’ll have to flip the place upside down to find him. We’ll go in dark with night vision on so this will help. I’ve had heat sensors added to our masks, so we should be able to see anything that has a beating heart. I have the equipment here, and we’ll be adjusting everything tomorrow morning bright and early.” Adrenaline begins to flow through my body. I want this guy. I hope he runs out and I get the pleasure of placing the bullet between his eyes.

“We take out everyone in the compound. No exceptions. So be prepared to kill on sight. He uses this compound as a hiding place, and we’ve been watching his actions for a few weeks.” I continue to listen as Kaleb is in his element. He’s passionate about this mission, and I can’t help but follow him as he describes every aspect in full detail. The rest of my team is extremely prepared for this. I have all the confidence in the world going into this with the group of men that was chosen to walk alongside me.

“Any questions?” No one says anything, he’s covered everything. He’s meticulous in his detail, like he’s lived this exact scenario his entire life. He’s done his homework and with that, I can’t help but feel completely confident and proud to be a part of this mission.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books