Hollywood Scandal

“I have a house rule,” I said.

“Yeah?” she asked, leaning back as I slammed the door behind us and strode toward the bedroom.

“No clothes.”

She grinned.

“And you’re breaking that rule.”

“But you just told me.” She fumbled with the bottom of her shirt, then pulled it over her head, exposing the delicate white lace of her bra. Her breasts pushed out of the cups in a way that got me harder than a baseball bat and itching to bite down on the soft flesh.

I shook my head. “Don’t play innocent with me. You don’t follow the rules, you gotta pay the price.”

She squirmed in my arms, trying to get free. “What price?”

“You’re mine until you leave LA. That means I get to do exactly what I want while you’re here.”

Her breathing became choppy as she stared into my eyes. She liked me in charge. Of her body and mind—at least when we were in bed—and that suited me. I hated it when women tried to take over in the bedroom. It had gotten worse the more famous I got; the nameless women I’d fucked treated sex with me as an audition, constantly trying to impress me. Lana, on the other hand, just reacted to what I did to her, seemed to do whatever seemed right in the moment. It was never forced between us, just phenomenal.

I let her fall onto my bed, scanning her body, drinking in the sight of her finally, finally in my home.

She glanced around and her smile faltered. “What is it?” I asked.

She shrugged. “I bet this bed has seen a lot of action.”

Of course, she would think that. My history preceded me. “I’ve never been with another woman in this bed.” Buying this place had been a turning point for me. I’d bought it when I’d stopped the wild parties and meaningless sex.

She pursed her lips, clearly thinking I was bullshitting her. I leaned forward and opened the fly on her pants. “I mean it. This is my home. The first place I’ve ever owned. The only woman who’s entered this room is my housekeeper.”


“I’ve never lied to you,” I replied.

She softened and reached to release the catch on her bra. “I don’t want to be breaking the rules, now do I?”

Her breasts fell free, her swollen pink nipples begging me for attention. She might just be the perfect woman. I slid her pants off to reveal matching white lace underwear. “Christ, I’d forgotten how tempting your pussy is. How tempting all of you is.”

I got undressed as quickly as I could, my gaze never leaving her body. I should have taken her panties off before I started to undress myself. The view would have gone from incredible to spectacular.

As if she were reading my mind, she slipped her thumbs into either side of her underwear and dragged them down. I fisted my cock as I eyed her glistening pussy now she was finally naked. Slowly, she opened her legs under my inspection. “That’s right. You know what I like,” I said, taking a step forward. I grabbed her ankle and pulled her toward me.

Her hair spread out around her like arrows pointing toward her beautiful face. “How did I get so lucky?” I asked. A small smile curled up her lips.

I wanted to be anything but soft with her now. I wanted to fuck. Hard. Fast. Relentless. I grabbed a condom from my nightstand and rolled it on as quickly as my shaking hands would allow. I couldn’t wait to feel her around me. “We’ll do slow later. Right now, I need to be inside you, baby.”

She nodded. “I want that, too.”

I groaned as I guided the tip of my cock to her clit and then pushed down her slippery folds to her entrance. I leaned over her, clamping my hand on her shoulder. “You ready?”

She reached over her head, her breasts lifting. “Please, Matt,” she cried.

I slammed into her in one fell swoop, my hips hitting her thighs. “Oh God, yes,” she said, fainter now. The booming in my ears had taken over, and I had to try to think of something other than the way she was pulsing around me, the way I could feel her surrounding my cock, how she was looking at me. I needed to see her come, remind her what I did to her body. I had to show her how good this was, that it was worth it.

I pulled out and she whimpered. “Oh, baby, I won’t deprive you.” I just wanted to feel her heat, her skin next to mine. I moved us up the bed and hovered above her, looking into her eyes. I wanted to memorize every second with this woman. She widened her legs, her palms pressing against her inside thighs, spreading them as far as they would go.

I pushed in, watching her as she took my cock, deep, right up to the root. The expression on her face was desire mixed with relief, as if my dick was a life source. As if she depended on it, worshipped it, needed it.

I shuddered.

“You missed me, baby?” I asked her. “You missed my cock, driving into you like that.” I slammed into her again. “Your fingers aren’t the same, are they? They can’t fill you up like I do.”

“Yes,” she whimpered. “I want . . .” She was too far gone to form full sentences.

I pressed my hand on her belly, stroking my thumb over her clit. Her body began to twitch and jerk. I clasped her shoulder, trying to keep her in place. “Just take it, baby. Take my dick.”

“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” she chanted, her voice breathy and desperate.

She grabbed my wrist. “I don’t think I can . . . It’s too much.” She looked at me, almost pleading with me to stop, to keep going, to give her release, to make it last. I knew how she felt. She wanted everything at once.

That’s how I felt every moment I spent with her. She was almost too much for me. Too good.

But I knew what she wanted was for me to take what I wanted from her. I picked up my rhythm, pounding into her again and again, not stopping as her grip around my wrists tightened, her fingernails digging into my skin. But I didn’t stop. I just kept fucking and fucking, my skin getting hotter and hotter until seconds, minutes, hours later, she screamed out my name and her orgasm coursed through her body.

I paused, panting as I enjoyed the way her whole body shook and her muscles milked my dick all the time as she looked straight at me.

Jesus Christ, I wanted this to last forever. I wanted us to do this again and again. I wanted time to stand still.

I began to move but she cupped my neck and pulled me toward her. I kissed her, fast and sloppy. I was impatient. I wasn’t nearly done. My dick was throbbing, and I wanted her to know how much I’d missed her. I wanted her to feel how much.

I pulled out and flipped her over to her stomach and lifted up her hips. She groaned as I positioned her just as I wanted—her ass in the air, her face in the mattress.

I slid my hand over her ass, focusing my attention on her hot, wet pussy as I teased her entrance with my crown.

I wanted her to need it, beg for it. It wasn’t enough that she was just ready for me.

“Matt,” she cried as she twisted her hips.

I stayed silent, pulling back when she shifted to try to get more of my dick.

“Matt. Please. I want it. Please.”