Hollywood Scandal

No one stopped to help and as I glanced up a huge, burly security guy strode past. “Hey,” I called out as I struggled to get to my feet. The sliding doors opened and a hundred flashbulbs went off. What was happening? I brushed down my pants and strained to see what was going on. As I caught up with the security guy who’d knocked me over, a tiny woman in frighteningly high wedges slowed for the photographers. Great. I’d been pushed aside by some celebrity’s security. I couldn’t help thinking it was some kind of warning, that being with Matt would land me on my ass.

I spotted my name written on a white board and I headed toward it.

“Miss Kelly,” the man with the sign said. “Let me take your bag. I have the car right outside.”

My stomach began a full-on churn. There was no turning back now. “Thank you.”

The car was a Range Rover, less conspicuous than I’d expected and parked right by the entrance. The driver opened the door and I climbed inside.

I squealed when I realized I wasn’t alone.

“I thought I’d surprise you,” Matt said, grinning at me, and enveloped me in a hug.

“Oh, thank God.” I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his neck, grateful I wasn’t being kidnapped, and so happy to see him at the same time.

“Are you okay?” he asked, pulling me away from him and inspecting me as if I’d lost it.

“Fine. Just glad to see you.” I beamed at him.

“I couldn’t be happier to see you,” he said, holding my face and swiping his thumbs over my cheekbones. I melted into his touch. He had magic hands—all my concerns and nerves seem to fade away when we were together.

“How come you’re here? I thought I was going to meet you at home.”

His grin filled his face, and I couldn’t help enjoying the fact that I was part of the cause of his smile. “I couldn’t wait,” he said. He turned his head and reached for something on the armrest. A buzz sounded and a screen came up, separating us from the driver just as we began to set off. “I wanted to see you as soon as you touched down. If I hadn’t known you’d kick my ass, I would have been waiting for you inside.”

God, it felt good for someone—Matt—to want me so much. I couldn’t remember ever feeling so adored. “Well, I’m glad you waited. This way, I don’t have to claw a thousand women’s hands away to get to you.”

He chuckled. Then his eyelids dropped as he pressed his lips to mine.

Heat coursed through my body. I’d forgotten how when he touched me the whole world fell away, leaving only the two of us.

I pushed my hands through his hair and he moaned. Oh, how I’d missed that sound. I loved how I could make him do that.

“You smell of the ocean,” he said, breathing me in.

I turned, trying to get my body closer to his. He lifted me and placed me on his lap. As I put my hand out to steady myself, my palm grazed his erection and I gasped as my pussy pulsed. I’d missed his body, his kisses, his cock. How had I ever considered not taking this trip? No one had done the things to my body he had, as though he had some special, secret code that gave him access to a different level of my pleasure. I couldn’t give that up easily.

I pushed my hand down his thickness, but he grabbed my wrist to stop me.

“I won’t have you in the car like some disposable model, actress or whatever,” he said as he pulled back. He gripped my waist and placed me in the seat next to him, then sat back. “We gotta save it until we get back.”

“Okay,” I said, unsure of what had just happened. “You worried I was going too fast?”

His head snapped around. He reached out his hand and I took it. “I’m concerned I won’t be able to hold back if I kiss you. These two weeks have dragged like you wouldn’t believe, and I don’t want to cheapen what we have by fucking you in the car.”

I squeezed his hand.

“But don’t be lulled into a false sense of security. As soon as we close the door to my house I’m going to fuck you in every room, on every surface. I won’t stop until we’re raw and wrung out. You hear me?” He raised his eyebrows as if he really wanted me to answer him.

I smoothed my thumb across his wrist. “I like the sound of that.”

“Twenty minutes and then you’re mine,” he growled, my nipples pebbling at the promise.

The thought of being his was intoxicating. Every woman in the world wanted him and he’d picked me. A girl from Worthington, Maine, who yelled at him for being stupid the first time she’d ever met him. How had that happened?

I shook my head. I couldn’t overthink these things; I just had to enjoy it while it lasted. There was no way we had a future together. Our worlds were too different; we lived so far apart. We couldn’t last. But I was determined to savor being with him while I had him.

For now.


How I’d held myself back from yanking down those cute pants and slamming her onto my cock as soon as the car door shut, I had no idea. But somehow, I’d managed it.

Twenty minutes passed like fifteen hours—my dick threatening to explode with pent-up lust with each mile—but finally we pulled up at the gates of my Beverly Hills Spanish-style bungalow.

“Oh, this is pretty,” Lana said, dipping her head so she could see out the window. “And it’s so secluded.”

My place was on a gated street behind a high, stucco wall and a solid-wood gate. There was no way paparazzi could get a look inside. I wouldn’t risk her privacy or mine. “I like to keep the important things private,” I said.

“You have a gardener?” she asked, scanning my front yard. I barely noticed the flowers and shrubbery. I just wanted it to look nice. Beyond that I didn’t give a shit.

“What do you think?” I asked, pulling her closer.

“I think you have people.”

“You’re right. My fingers are best saved for important work—like getting you naked.”

She rolled her eyes and I fought the urge to spank her. Maybe I would when I got her inside.

The car pulled up and I climbed out. “Wait there,” I said. David got out and as he reached for Lana’s door, I asked, “Can you bring her bag in?” He nodded and left me to open her door.

She winced at the sun as I opened the door but still managed a cute half smile.

“Welcome to LA,” I said.

“Thank you for inviting me.”

David followed with Lana’s suitcase, but when we got to the front door, my urge to be alone with her overtook me. “I’ll take the bag inside if you just leave it there. You’ll be back at two?”

“Yes, sir,” he said, and he turned back to the car.

“He’s coming back tomorrow?”

“Or tonight, depending on how you look at it. I have a little trip planned. Just the two of us and not in public. But you might want to take a nap because it’s kind of a middle of the night excursion.”

She put her arms around my neck. “I don’t feel like napping.”

“Then I’ll have to see what I can do to tire you out,” I replied. “We have twelve hours before he comes back but I’m not sure that’s enough for me to do all the things I have planned.”

She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as I pinned her against the door with my hips.

“You are so delicious.” I pushed my mouth against hers, desperate to taste her, dying for her to understand how much I wanted her.

I had to get her inside. Without breaking our kiss, I dug out my keys and tried to open the door behind her.

“Matt,” she whispered against my cheek before pulling away. I lifted her and she wrapped her legs around my waist, kissing my neck. I got the door open, dragged her suitcase into the entrance hall and carried her inside.