High-Sided (Armed & Dangerous #3)

I climbed in my truck and headed to the store. “I was on my bike, jackass. Now I’m on my way to the store to pick up steaks and ice cream, since I have a heartbroken girl about to show up at my house.”

“I can’t believe this shit,” he stormed. “I knew Madison looked familiar but she never gave me her last name.”

“Now you know. I can’t believe you didn’t recognize her from TV.”

The line grew quiet. “She’s not the same in person. Now I don’t know what the fuck to do. She’s leaving tomorrow and she’s pissed. Not to mention, my jaw hurts like a bitch. Remind me to thank your girl when this is over.”

I chuckled. I never thought Kassie would hit him, but she surprised us all. “I will. She’s protective of her family, mostly Madison. You’re lucky she didn’t kick you in the nuts.”

“You’re telling me,” he said, his voice sounding defeated.

“Dude, what’s up with you? You’ve never given a shit about the women you’ve messed with before.”

He huffed. “Hell if I know, man. This one’s different.”

“Exactly. She’s my girlfriend’s sister. You’re my partner and I’ve got your back, but I won’t let you mess with her head. Madison’s a good girl.”

“I know that. Why do you think I haven’t slept with her?”

“You haven’t?” Madison wasn’t the type of girl to sleep around, but Micah had a way with women.

“Trust me, I wanted to.”

“How did you two meet?” I asked.

“I saw her at the diner down the road. She was with some of her friends. She left right before me, and we were headed in the same direction. A deer darted out in front of her and she swerved off the road, busting up her tire. I pulled over and helped her change it.”

“Were you in your truck?”

“Yeah. I never told her I rode motorcycles, not since she told me how much she hated them. Imagine my surprise when she showed up riding on yours.”

“She doesn’t hate them, she’s afraid of them. Kassie and I made her come out with us today. She did fine until we rode through the Gap.” He grew quiet. “But once the mission’s over, we’ll tell her the truth. You two can work things out.”

He scoffed. “Doubt it. There’s no telling how long this shit’s gonna last. She’ll probably find some jackass by then.”

“We’ll figure it out. What time do you have to be at the party tonight?”

“Eight. I was going to meet with Hendrix and see Madison afterward. At least we gave everyone a good show today. It’s what we wanted.”

“Yes, it is,” I said, pulling into the store parking lot. “Hey, I gotta go. Text me when you’re about to meet Brad. I’ll listen in.”

“Will do, bro. Let’s hope he fucks up.” Let’s hope.

“Thanks for letting me crash here,” Madison murmured sleepily. She laid her head on Kassie’s lap and closed her eyes. I’d already let her beat me in cards the entire evening, and now she was passed out drunk.

“You’re welcome, Maddie,” I replied.

Kassie shook her head and sighed. “Maybe I shouldn’t have given her all of that vodka.”

I waved her off. “She needed it. Hopefully, she doesn’t pay for it tomorrow when she has to drive home.”

She brushed the hair off Madison’s face. “She’ll be fine. I made sure she drank a lot of water. I just hate what happened today. The girl has had horrible luck with men the past few years.”

My phone beeped; it was Micah. “I’m sure it’ll all work out.”

Kassie glanced at my phone. “Is it him?”

I nodded. “He’s at the Hendrix party, getting ready to meet with Brad. He wants me to listen in.”

She looked down at Madison who was sound asleep on her lap. “I’ll stay here, so she doesn’t wake up. Let me know what’s said.”

“I will.” Hurrying down the hall, I shut myself in my room. The wire Micah had on was connected to the government issued software on my laptop. I logged in and slid the headphones over my ears. Micah wouldn’t be able to hear me, but I could hear him. There were voices all around, along with the sound of music.

“What if he offers you a spot on the team? You gonna take it?” I recognized the voice as Mark Danvers. I turned up the volume.

“Don’t know,” Micah replied. “Gotta see what the big dog offers. He told me to meet him in his office.”

“Good luck, man. We’d love to have you on the team.”

“Thanks, bro.” The voices grew dimmer and I could hear Micah’s footsteps thumping along the floor as he walked. “What a fucking prick,” he whispered. “These people are full of shit.”

“Yes, they are,” I replied, even though he couldn’t hear me. I heard him knock, then Brad Hendrix’s voice called out for him to enter.

“Thanks for coming,” Brad said. “You enjoying the party?”

Micah snorted, his voice cocky and disinterested. “It could use a bit of livening up.”

Brad chuckled. “I’m sure it could. I’ve heard a lot about you, Micah. Seems you have a strong distaste for a particular rider on the Bennett team.”