High-Sided (Armed & Dangerous #3)

Out of all the people for Micah to mess around with, it had to be Madison. He never told me he was seeing her. By the look on his face, he was just as shocked to see her with me. Kassidy grabbed my arm. “Please don’t fight him, Logan.”

“I won’t, unless he starts something.” I could handle not fighting Micah because he was my partner, but with Mark and Jacob flanking him, I couldn’t promise anything.

“Looks like he’s with Hendrix now,” she said.

Madison gasped. “What? He never said anything about that. I didn’t even know he rode motorcycles.” The pain was evident on her face, and I wanted to tell her that he was actually a good guy, but I couldn’t; at least, not yet. There was no choice but to break her heart. “Do you think he’s only seeing me to mess with us?”

“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Kassidy growled.

Micah glanced quickly at me, then focused on Madison. It was show time. “I thought you hated motorcycles,” he said to her.

Madison crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at Mark and Jacob. “And I didn’t realize you had such poor taste in friends.”

He snorted. “I could say the same for you.”

“What the fuck ever,” I spat. “At least, I’m not a murderer.”

The whole crowd gasped, including Mark and Jacob. More people closed in around us and it was just what I wanted. Micah caught on pretty fast, knowing exactly what I was doing.

“What the hell’s going on?” Madison demanded. “How do you know him?” The pain in her voice made me cringe.

I hated hurting her, especially since she clearly had feelings for him. I nodded toward Micah. “Your boyfriend here killed one of my friends a few years ago.”

She stumbled back and Kassie caught her. “Oh my God.”

Micah shook his head. “I didn’t kill him, asshole. I can’t help it he ran off the road.”

“You were the one who ran him off!” I shouted.

With a smirk on his face, he shrugged. “Whatever you say. The police didn’t find me accountable.”

I scoffed. “I wonder why. I’m sure someone was paid off.”

Kassidy tried to hold Madison back, but she jerked out of her hold. “Did you know who I was this whole time?” she demanded.

Micah quickly glanced back and forth, from Kassidy to Madison, and realization passed across his face. He must not have known she was Kassidy’s sister. “Yep. I heard no one’s been able to get in the Bennett sisters’ pants, so I thought I’d give it a try. Came pretty close, didn’t I?” He tried to reach for her and I smacked his arm away.

“Touch her and I’ll break your fucking arm,” I spat.

Kassidy stepped between us, placing her hand on my chest. “Logan, don’t. He’s not worth it.” She faced Micah head on, clenching her fists at her side. “Stay away from my sister.”

His brows lifted and he laughed, elbowing Mark in the side. “Looks like you boys were wrong. Chandler here managed to get in one of their pants. I think I chose the wrong sister.”

I was about to push him away, but Kassidy was there first. Swinging her arm, she punched him right in the face. His head snapped to the side and Mark and Jacob backed up, holding their hands in the air. The look on Micah’s face was priceless. He wasn’t expecting Kassie to do that, and neither was I. I was impressed.

“You’re damn right you chose wrong,” she hissed. “If you came after me, your balls would be down your throat.”

Madison glared at him, her anger palpable, but I could see the tears in her eyes. I grabbed her arm and pulled her away. “Let’s go.”

She pointed angrily at Micah. “You stay the hell away from me.”

I couldn’t have asked for a better confrontation. Now everyone knew Micah’s story, and soon, it’d get around town. Hopefully, to the right people. Madison climbed on my bike and held on as we sped away from Micah and the others. Once everything was over, I had a lot of explaining to do.

When we got back to Kassidy’s house, Madison was a wreck. She stormed inside and didn’t come out.

“If you want to stay with her tonight, I’ll understand,” I said.

Kassidy sighed and bit her lip. “Maybe we both could come over and hang out with you? You have a way of cheering people up.” Then she smiled. “Just let her win at cards.”

I pulled her into my arms. “I can do that. I’ll need you to occupy her though, while I listen in on my partner’s meeting.”

Nodding, she lifted up on her toes. “I will. We’ll be over in a bit. I want to make sure she’s okay.” She kissed me on the cheek and hurried inside. By the time I got on my bike and headed home, my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I knew exactly who it was going to be.

“It’s about fucking time you call me back,” Micah snapped.