High-Sided (Armed & Dangerous #3)

“And you’ve been busy with your mystery man.” Madison never liked introducing me to the men she dated because she always picked the bad boys, the ones who were scared of commitment. Her ex-boyfriend might’ve been a famous NHL star, but I wasn’t afraid to call him out. That was why she only brought him around the family once.

She averted her gaze, her smile disappearing. “Actually, he doesn’t know I’m leaving tomorrow.”

I gasped. “What? Why doesn’t he know?”

She shrugged. “I didn’t want to tell him. We’ve had such a good time this week. He’s not like any of the other guys I’ve met. He’s sweet, but still has the bad boy vibe.”

“When are you going to tell him?”

Her phone buzzed and she looked at it. “Looks like tonight. He wants to see me later.”

Angela cleared her throat. “Speaking of men, have you talked to Sean lately?” she asked, glancing at us both. “He seems to be preoccupied these days.”

“I have,” I said. “He’s going on a date tonight.”

Her eyes widened. “A date? He didn’t tell me. Is it with that friend of yours?”

I nodded excitedly. “Yes. They hit it off pretty well the other night.”

“That’s great. Maybe he can bring her over for lunch tomorrow. Do you girls want to come and bring your boyfriends? I thought it’d be nice to have the family together before you leave,” she said, focusing on Madison.

“Sounds good,” Madison answered, “but I don’t know if my date will be there. I guess it all depends on how tonight goes.”

Angela smiled and patted her hand. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. What about you, Kass?”

“Logan and I will be there,” I said.

She clapped her hands together. “Great. I’ll let your father know. He’ll be excited.” Her phone beeped and she gasped. “Looks like I gotta go, girls. I’ll see you both tomorrow.” She hurried to the front desk and paid for our pedicures before rushing out the door.

“Does it not shock you how different she is compared to mom?” Madison asked.

I watched Angela get in her little sports car and drive away. “It does, but obviously dad cares about her, which is all I care about. And she’s a beautiful woman.”

Once our nails were completely dried, we walked outside and got in my car. I could tell she was nervous by the way she fiddled with her fingers. “Nervous about riding, or nervous about your man?”

She snorted. “Both. I’m just hoping once I live through this ride, you’ll stop making fun of me. I don’t want you hanging the fear of riding over my head for the rest of my life.”

I patted her shoulder. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. Logan’s one of the best riders around.” My phone beeped with an incoming text.

Logan: Ready to ride?

Me: Yep. On our way.

Logan: See ya there.

“Logan’s going to meet us at my house, then we’ll head to Deals Gap. Do you need to throw up before we go?” I asked, trying my best to hold back my laugh.

She glared at me. “Ha-ha. I only did that once, and it was before my first live broadcast. I was scared as shit.”

“Trust me, I’d have done the same thing. I can’t imagine being on camera all of the time, with all those people watching me. But hey, you’re a pro now.” That got a smile on her face.

When we got to my house, Logan was already there, waiting on his bike. I couldn’t help but stare at him; he looked sexy as hell in his protective leather racing suit. His lips pulled back in a smile, almost as if he knew what I was thinking. Cocky bastard.

Madison and I got out of the car and I nodded toward Logan. “Wait out here with him, and I’ll go inside to get you a jacket and helmet.”

“Yay,” she replied unenthusiastically.

I winked at Logan as I walked past and hurried inside to get our gear. It was hot outside, and most people liked to ride their bikes in their shorts and tank tops, but if I had the time to get my gear, I never left home without it. After my one incident, where I wrecked at a slow speed wearing a pair of shorts, the road rash was excruciating. It wasn’t fun having the wounds scrubbed to get the asphalt out. I’d rather look silly in my leather gear than have my skin scraped off the road, and the road off my skin.

Once outside, I handed Madison a leather jacket and she put it on, along with her helmet. I helped her strap it on and smiled. “You’ll have fun, I promise.”

Logan held out his hand. “Just hold on tight.” He helped her on and she held onto him. While he talked to her, I went to my garage and got on my bike. It felt good to sit on it again, almost freeing. I followed Logan out of my driveway, snickering at the way Madison held on for dear life, head smashed to his back. Logan was never reckless in his riding, not even when he was younger, like a lot of cocky riders I knew.