Heath (Wild Boys After Dark, #2)

“Less talking, more licking.”

“You’re fucking incredible.” He smiled as he lowered his mouth to her again. Over the last two nights he’d learned exactly how to touch her to make her body sing, and within seconds she was lost in another powerful orgasm, clawing at his shoulders and writhing against his mouth.

He kicked his shoes away, dropped his trousers, and came down over her, his hard cock pressing into her swollen sex. “Condom.” He reached for his wallet and fished one out, then rolled it on and drove into her.

“Oh, God.” She wrapped her legs around his waist.

“Too rough?”

“Hell, no.”

Christ. He’d found heaven, and she came in a beautiful, smart package that he’d never see again once he walked out that door.

“I want your number.” Where the hell did that come from? This was not a clean break. What happened to Get in, get off, get out? This was not at all what he was used to, but for some unknown reason, he didn’t fight it.

Her eyes widened. “But you said…”

“No last names. No personal information. Just phone numbers.”

She looked at him like it made no sense, and he knew it didn’t, but he didn’t want to walk out that door without some connection.

“Okay,” she said softly.

He sealed his lips over hers again, taking her in a languid kiss. She moaned into his mouth, and he slowed his hips, taking his time and causing her head to tilt back.

“Oh. That’s so nice,” she crooned.

He kissed her again, feeling his chest tighten with the softened look in her eyes. He was used to fast, hard sex, not slow, careful fucking. Slow, comfortable screw. He’d knocked that idea to the curb hours ago. What the hell was he doing?

He sank into her harder, faster, drove in deeper, rushing through what was probably one of the best fucks he’d had since…well, twenty minutes ago, when she was riding his cock.

Holy hell. Recognition came with a shock of fear.

I feel something for you.

It had been years since he’d felt the unfamiliar constriction in his chest at the thought of leaving a woman and the desperate need for the ongoing connection. They were feelings he didn’t particularly enjoy and had worked hard to suppress and finally move past until he had full control.

He couldn’t look into her eyes. That was what had made him come undone a moment ago and ask for her phone number. He fought the urge and buried his face in her hair. She smelled so damn good. It was no use. He couldn’t resist lifting his eyes and drinking in the rosy glow of her cheeks, the sweet bow of her lips—and the tenderness and passion brimming in her eyes. He felt himself falling into her.

He placed his hands on her soft cheeks and pressed a kiss to her forehead, tempering his movements and bringing her to a slow crescendo, keeping her at the peak. Her body contracted around him, her breaths became jagged, and as he took her in another soul-numbing kiss, his body shook and pulsed with another intense release.

Chapter Four

AFTER RETURNING TO her apartment in New York City Sunday afternoon, going grocery shopping, enjoying a brief jog, and trying futilely to stop thinking about Heath, Ally had called her older sister. It was eleven o’clock at night and they’d been talking for almost an hour. Ally had initially called to distract herself from thoughts of Heath, but she couldn’t resist at least vaguely mentioning him to Amanda. Of course, once she’d started to talk about him, their conversation had gone a little deeper than vague.

“Are you going to tell me anything more about your mysterious lover?” Amanda asked. There was only thirteen months between them, and they’d always been close. Amanda had watched Fifi, Ally’s blind cat, while Ally was in Vermont. Sharing a little of her tryst was the least she could do for her more conservative sister.

Ally pulled Fifi into her lap and petted her. “There isn’t anything else to say. He made it clear that he was only interested in sex, nothing more, and I’m good with that.” But that didn’t mean she wasn’t thinking about him endlessly and hoping he’d call. Okay, fine, so she wasn’t exactly good with that. But it was all she had at the moment.

“Yeah, yeah. I get that. But he asked for your number, and you were there working the conference. Didn’t you look him up?”

She pictured Amanda’s dark brows knitted together as she meticulously ran through all the things Ally should have done. Amanda was a sharp paralegal who lived carefully, whereas Ally liked to live a little more recklessly in her personal life, though she was meticulous at work.

“No. I purposely didn’t. Think about it, Mandy. He was at the medical conference, which means….”

“He’s probably a doctor. Big whoop?”

Ally looked around her efficiency apartment. She could afford a slightly bigger apartment, but not having walls to navigate was easier for Fifi, and Ally was perfectly happy with her cozy space.

Melissa Foster's books