Heath (Wild Boys After Dark, #2)

He shifted his eyes to the blonde. Dr. Arter, she’d told him, as if he’d cared. She didn’t know she’d already broken his cardinal rule. No last names. Her hair was pinned up in a tight bun. She wore a low-cut silk blouse that did nothing to mask her eager nipples, a tight black skirt, and a pair of expensive heels. She had the whole librarian thing down pat. Heath imagined she’d be a tigress in the bedroom. Just his type. He ought to do her just to get Ally out of his head.

He opened his mouth to answer and turned at the sound of the door in the back of the room creaking. His breath caught as Ally walked in wearing another short black dress. This one had lace sleeves, which seemed out of place for a medical conference, but it was sexy as hell. She carried a stack of papers right past him down the center aisle. He inhaled her scent as she walked by. Her perfume was sweet and floral, as it had been last night…until it had been overtaken by the scents of sex.

As she set the papers down on the table at the front of the room, she moved professionally, almost invisibly, though Heath imagined every man in the place was probably as hard as he was, watching her perfect ass and slim waist as she leaned over to push the papers farther across the table.

I’d like to bend you over that table.

He shifted in his seat to ease the tension beneath his zipper.

Dr. Arter must have taken his movement as an invitation. She ran the side of her heel up his calf, recalling his attention to her and reminding him she was awaiting his answer. Ally turned, momentarily scanning the attendees, and then dropped her gaze to the floor as she walked up the center aisle. A few feet from him, she lifted her eyes to Heath and slowed her pace.

“Well?” Dr. Arter asked.

Eyes trained on the beautiful woman in the center aisle who was currently turning a sweet shade of red, Heath answered, “Sorry. Not tonight.”

He lifted his chin in Ally’s direction, knowing she’d be reminded of the more enticing things they’d done last night. Her lips curved up, but then her eyes shifted to the foot pressing against his calf. Heath moved his leg away from the blonde’s foot and winked at Ally.

She blinked several times, then hurried past him and out the door.

She was here after all.

She’d be his again tonight.

After the lecture, Terri, aka Dr. Arter, followed him out and stuck to him like glue, as he walked through the conference area looking for Ally, who had once again disappeared. He checked his watch. It was after eight. Late enough for a nightcap. Terri following him into the bar, rattling on about her orthopedic practice in Ohio and other things Heath had absolutely no interest in.

He slid onto a barstool, planning to bury his lust in alcohol.

Terri sat on the stool beside him and placed her hand on his forearm. Christ. Could he get a break? He was trying not to be rude, but hell if she couldn’t take a hint. He flagged the bartender and ordered a gin and tonic.

“I’ll have a sloe comfortable screw,” Terri said with a seductive tone, eyes on Heath.

He couldn’t help but smile at her innuendo. Of course, she had no clue that she was barking up the wrong tree. He was about as interested in a slow, comfortable screw as he was in a relationship. Heath paid the bartender and ran his hand through his hair, thinking of Ally. When the bartender returned with their drinks, Heath loosened his tie, gulped down his drink, and ordered another. He looked around the bar, and a bolt of memory-laced lust pierced his chest when his eyes landed on Ally sitting at one of the tables with two good-looking guys who seemed to be about her age, which, now that he was really looking, appeared to be in her midtwenties. Heath was thirty-four. Sleeping with anyone under twenty-five was probably crossing some sort of line that he didn’t care to think about—especially if Ally slipped below that line.

The way her eyes were shifting around the room, and the tap of her foot, told him she was bored with her company. He didn’t blame her. The guys couldn’t look more vanilla if they tried. Khaki pants, white shirts, and haircuts that were a little too trendy. One look at their eyes told him of the inane conversation they were probably having, which he was sure rivaled the one Terri was thrusting upon him and he was casually not taking part in.

“So where did you say you worked?” she asked him.

His cue that it was time to leave. Heath sucked down his drink and motioned for the bartender.

“I didn’t.” This was the part of the night he loathed. Turning down a woman. He hated to hurt her feelings, and women could be so sensitive. He didn’t want her to think she was unattractive simply because he wasn’t interested. He could take her back to her room and fuck that tight little bun right off her head, but his cock wasn’t the least bit interested. Nothing. Not a twitch of interest. He slid a glance at Ally again, and his whole body heated up.

“Oh, well. Where do you work?” Terri asked.

“Terri, you’re a lovely woman, but I think I see someone I know. If you’ll excuse me.” He rose to his feet as the young male bartender approached.

“What can I do for you?” the bartender asked.

Heath slapped a twenty on the bar. “Send a screw me sideways to that young lady, please.” He nodded toward Ally. The bartender smiled and nodded.

Melissa Foster's books