Heath (Wild Boys After Dark, #2)

Ally’s eyes widened as she walked past the wall of windows overlooking the river, which she’d missed when she’d been so taken with the bookshelves, slowing for only a second to take in the glorious view before reaching the shelves. She ran her fingers over the spines of a row of books, then glanced over her shoulder at Heath.

“These shelves, all these books…It’s like a dream come true.” She took a few steps and stood before his favorite sculpture. Ally tilted her head to the right, then to the left, as she examined the sculpture of a woman’s chest to forehead.

“I’ve never seen anything like this up close,” Ally said with a hint of awe. “It’s as if the steel is moving in the wind. I can almost feel this woman breathe and feel her hair blowing in the wind. It’s fascinating.”

“Sage Remington is the artist.”

“I know of him, but I’ve never seen his work up close. We really should join Jackson when he does the shoot. What a treat that would be.”

Treat? She had no idea that to Heath, she was the biggest treat of all.

“I’d like that. We’ll plan to go.” He admired the sculpture again. “He creates these using varying widths of steel ribbons. You see how there’s no back? I think that gives the steel the feel of fluidity.” He joined her by the sculpture. “It’s the definition that gets me. The ability to define everything—her lips, her nose, the dips and swells of her neck. He somehow makes her look feminine and delicate despite the heavy metal he uses.”

“Heath.” She reached for his hand. “Why would you ever want to stay at my place when you have all of this at your disposal? These books, this glorious art.” She turned to face the river. “And this amazing view?” She shifted her gaze, and her eyes danced over the Scandinavian-style couches. Heath’s apartment wasn’t lavishly furnished, and much like Ally’s, it wasn’t littered with accessories. He lived simply, at a pricey address.

He ran his hands down her arms. “Isn’t it obvious?”

“No,” she said with wide eyes.

“Because you’re there. This is stuff, Ally. Books, art, and a view. I’d rather wake up to you than wake up to the Hudson.”

“If that’s a line, you really have mastered the art of seduction.”

His thumb brushed lightly over her lower lip. He’d waited all night to be closer to her, and now she was looking at him with her big, beautiful eyes, touching his stomach with her delicate hand. He couldn’t help lowering his lips to hers in a soft, welcoming kiss. Her tongue eagerly sought his, releasing his pent-up desire as her hands fisted in his shirt and she rocked her hips against him. He felt his body swell with lust, but it was the slow moan that escaped her lungs and slithered down his throat that did him in.

“Ally.” His voice was low, gravelly, and full of lust.

Her eyes blazed, and she deepened the kiss in response. Heath lifted her into his arms and headed for the stairs, ascending them swiftly.

“You’re carrying me up the stairs?” she said against his lips with a smile.

“It’s quicker.” He slowed on the first landing and kissed her again before ascending the remaining stairs to the bedroom, where he set her feet on the floor. Two walls of floor-to-ceiling glass gave way to a glorious view of dark shades of orange, purple, and blue hovering above the city lights and the river below.

“Oh my God. How do you ever sleep? I’d sit here and stare at the view all night long.”

The night sky cast a romantic hue into the dark room, silhouetting Ally’s curvaceous hips and full breasts. Heath lowered his mouth to the nape of her neck and trailed light kisses to the sensitive spot just below her ear. His hands explored her thighs as he pressed his hard length against her rear.

“You’re the only view I want to get lost in, sweetheart.”

Her head tipped back with a lusty sigh. She reached behind her and gripped his hips, holding him close as she met his gyrating pelvis with her ass. Heath slowly unzipped her dress and slid it over her shoulders. It fell to the floor in a heap. She was breathing harder, and when Ally pressed her ass against him again, it was all he could do to restrain his carnal desires. He gathered her hair over one shoulder, admiring the graceful lines of her back as he unhooked her bra and gently removed it.

With her back to him, Ally reached behind her, searching for his hips again. He gripped her wrists and held them by her sides as he licked and sucked her neck, then followed the line of her spine with his tongue. He felt her shiver against him as he kissed the dimples at the base of her spine, then laved them with his tongue.

“Heath,” she pleaded.

Melissa Foster's books