Heart of the Hunter

The tip of my cock found the mouth of her vagina. It was soaking wet. I slid inside her and the throbbing girth of my cock throbbed deep inside.

She gasped. “Jackson.”

“Faith,” I said.

“What are we doing?”

I looked into her eyes. I didn’t know what to say to her, but I did know the answer. I wanted to come inside her. I wanted my semen in her womb.

She slid away from me, her * escaping the dangerous reach of my naked cock.

I grabbed her head and pushed her back down beneath the sheets.

Her lips grabbed it and instantly, my cock clenched and pulsed in climax. The force of my orgasm burst inside her, an explosion of passion that poured into her tender mouth. I was going to keep her forever. That’s the thought that drove through my mind as my orgasm pulsed and throbbed inside her mouth.

I almost felt guilty. She didn’t deserve this. Did she even know what I was going to do to her?

I put my arms around her and pulled her face against my pulsing cock. She was small and soft against the hard muscles of my body. She was like a child. So innocent. I couldn’t wait till she cried out my name and called me master. I pictured the future as the last of my sperm poured into her mouth.

Mine. All mine.

Chapter 9


JACKSON’S BODY STARTLED ME. He was perfectly formed. The muscles on his torso and arms were like something out of an anatomy book. His tattoos were beautiful and intricate, and told the story of a man who’d been to hell and back. His cock hung between his legs like a proud trophy.

But the scars—the scars were shocking. I don’t know what could have done that to his back. Either he’d been in some terrible accident, or else someone had whipped him till the flesh was in tatters. The scars layered on top of each other, possibly formed over years, and all I wanted to do was kiss them.

“What happened to you?” I said. “I’ve never seen scars like that.”

He was holding me in his arms. I still had the taste of him in my mouth, and I liked it.

“It’s a long story,” he said.

“We’ve got time.”

He looked at me and smiled.

“I don’t know if you’d want to hear this. It ain’t pretty.”

“I want to know everything about you.”

He held me tight.

There was a noise out in the parking lot. When I realized it was motorcycles my blood froze.

Jackson’s body tensed.

“Is that your boyfriend?” he said.

“How would he have found me?”

Jackson got up and went to the window. “There are two riders out there. Black leather. The Los Lobos logo on their backs.”

I put my hand in front of my mouth.

“Stay inside” he said, his voice sharp as a razor.

I nodded.

Still naked, Jackson picked up his gun from the side table and burst out the door.

I ran to the window. I recognized the riders, Slack and Jared, two Los Lobos henchmen. They weren’t full Lobos, just heavies hired as guards. They were still at their bikes, taking off their helmets and gloves, tired from the long ride out from Nevada. Jackson was striding right toward them, completely naked, and they didn’t notice him till he was right on top of them.

Jackson didn’t say a word. With his gun in his fist, he struck Slack across the face, knocking him backward over his bike. In the same motion, he leapt over the bike and landed on Jared, driving him to the ground. A single head butt and Jared was out cold, his face a mess of blood.

Slack scrambled to his feet. He pointed his gun at Jackson’s back. Bang.

The world stopped. The sound of the gunshot rang through my ears like the toll of a funeral bell. The moment seemed to last forever.

This was the end. Jackson was dead. I’d be brought back to Wolf and punished for what I’d done. When they found out I’d given myself to Jackson, they’d string me up and kill me. But I didn’t even care about any of it.

Already, I was committed to Jackson.

If Jackson was dead, then it didn’t matter what they did to me. I was Jackson’s now. I couldn’t imagine being without him.

And then, Slack fell to his knees. The bullet hadn’t come from Slack’s gun. It had come from Jackson’s.

Jackson walked over to Slack’s body and kicked away the gun. He bent down and opened Slack’s leather suit. There was blood everywhere. Jackson tore Slack’s bloody shirt from his body and made a compress out of it.

“Hold that on the wound,” he said to Slack. “If you’re lucky, you’ll be alive when the ambulance gets here.”

Slack spoke weakly. “You should kill me now, whoever you are. Los Lobos will have no mercy on you.”

Jackson didn’t respond. He checked on Jared who was still out cold. Jackson took both men’s guns and strode back to the room, finding me at the window.

“Get your things,” he said. “We’ve got to get out of here.”

I threw on my dress. Jackson put on his clothes and gave me his leathers and helmet. They were big but better than nothing.

“Do you ride?” he said.

Chance Carter's books