Heart of the Hunter

He ran over and attempted to wrap his arms around Hunter and stop what was happening, but it was as if he wasn’t there at all. With one effortless shrug of his broad shoulders, Hunter flung Dennis backwards and into the stools behind. He wasn’t hurt, but he stayed down for the same reason I stayed still. There was no stopping this.

I don’t know why, but as I stood watching him nearly beat a man to death in front of me, I felt less and less afraid of Hunter. I wasn’t bothered by what was happening. For some reason, I felt stronger the longer it went on. It wasn’t because I was mad at what had happened, though I was. The punishment these two were facing did not fit the crime. As I watched the power Hunter brought down over and over again on this unsuspecting man’s face, I felt the same heat rush over my body as the first time I looked into his eyes. The intensity, the sweat, the vein bulging in the side of his neck leading down to the rippling arm that was holding up a now unconscious body. I was light headed. It sent shivers from my head to my toes and I could feel heat coming from between my legs. Something about this seemed to be Hunter at his most truthful, his most primal. As much as I didn’t want to lose this feeling and sight of him, I knew it needed to stop. I wasn’t going to let a man die because of me.

“Hunter. Enough,” I shouted, surprising myself at how calm I was for someone seeing what I was seeing. My voice came out clearer and more confident than I felt. Even more surprising though, was that he listened.

Chapter 5


I JUST STOOD THERE, chest heaving, fists clenched, ready to rain down on the bloody, barely conscious body that used to be a man. If you could have called it that to begin with. I could feel my heart racing and felt alive for the first time in what felt like an eternity. I had needed this feeling again. It had been way too fucking long. As I looked around at the mayhem and destruction I had just caused, I felt a sense of relief pass over me. It was like I’d just orgasmed inside some chick I’d been dying to fuck since high school, like I left my mark and claimed this place as my own. I let out a sigh and breathed deeply, taking in all the fury I had unleashed. I wish it could have lasted forever, but it didn’t. Reality hit and I suddenly was very aware of where I was and what I’d done.

As soon as I heard the whimpering from Grace, Dennis struggling to his feet, and saw Kelly just standing there staring at me, a look of shock on her face, I knew playtime was over. My head was running a mile a minute trying to figure out a way to make this go away. But there was no making it go away. Not with the mess I had made of these two chumps in this sleepy diner in the middle of nowhere.

What the fuck had I just done?

What the fuck did I just do?

Damn it, Hunter. You’re supposed to be laying low, asshole, and you just tore apart some dumb fucks in front of everyone. Good fucking luck, pal. What the fuck did you just do and what are you going to do now?

I lost control and exposed myself. I felt like I was an animal at the zoo with families gathered around waiting to see which carcass I would devour next. So I just stood there, waiting. Waiting for one of them to make the wrong move and then I would really show them who I was. Show them who they had been working with all week or serving that morning.

Go ahead, motherfuckers. I’m begging you. Just one wrong move.

As I gritted my teeth and waited to finish what I’d started, two soft hands reached out and placed their palms on my rising and falling chest, as if sensing what I was about to do.

“Thank you, Hunter, thank you,” Kelly said, looking me in the eye. “No one ever stood up for me like that.”

I was dumbstruck. She leaned into me and lay her head against my panting chest, and began to cry softly.

Thank you?

What the fuck?

I slowly came back into the moment and remembered what had started all of this. The shoulder bump, the sick feeling in my stomach standing in front of the auto shop, the indescribable pull to go back to the diner, the twisted fuck’s hand going up Kelly’s skirt. I could feel the same white hot rage begin to boil inside of me and clenched my fist tight as I looked down at the limp body I was still holding, but then I saw Kelly’s head resting against me and was brought back again.

Enough for today, kid.

Keep it together.

“Thank you, thank you,” Kelly kept repeating as she lay her head on me.

I would have held her, but I was afraid if I pulled her close she would feel what I had growing down the right leg of my pants. Between the beating I just put down and having her small, soft body so close, I could practically taste her tears. My cock sprung up like a call to fucking duty. I could smell her hair underneath my nose and feel her tits pressed against my stomach. I needed to fuck her or leave that town forever, but I couldn’t do either. I had done enough damage for one morning. If I fucked up, none of these people would be safe.

Thank God I’d stopped short of killing these two pricks.

Why did I stop?

I couldn’t think straight, which was unlike me in these situations. Blood and chipped teeth were like home to me.

Chance Carter's books