Heart of the Hunter

I SAT ON THE WINDOW ledge outside the diner and lit up a cigarette. Goddamn, it tasted good. Few things are more relaxing than a cigarette after you eat, fuck, or beat down two of the most deserving pieces of shit that ever disgraced you with their presence. Something about the combination of the nicotine rush and feeling of burning smoke in your throat and lungs is a perfect companion to satisfying a primal desire. I exhaled and watched the smoke hang in the air, briefly removing everything else from my line of vision. It was a good couple of seconds.

The sheriff had finished with his questions and ordered me to stay put while he went to answer the radio in his car. I had to laugh at him. His round, sunburnt face beading with sweat, his mail-order-cop shades, his false sense of power over me. He was a walking joke that he wasn’t in on. As he turned to walk away, all I could think about was ripping his gun out of the holster and pistol whipping his sweaty ass to a pulp with it.

Ordered me?

I chose to laugh on the inside and silently nod my head on the outside. I don’t think the townspeople would take as kindly to a stomping on their lawman as they did to two aging frat boys.

“Well, son, it’s your lucky goddamn day,” the sheriff said as he walked back toward me. “There’s been word out on the radio all day for those two clowns you damn near beat to death. Apparently, they have a habit of taking liberties with young women and left a poor little thing drugged and battered in a motel room not far from here. The make of the vehicle and description of the perps matches the ride and looks of these fellas. Well, at least what they would have looked like an hour ago.”

He continued to ramble on about whatever makes his type feel important, but my eyes couldn’t help but follow the stretcher wheeling by with my morning’s work on it. I wanted to flick my burning cigarette onto the sheet and watch the motherfuckers go up in flames. Finish what I started.

I had to laugh to myself. I looked at the man I’d destroyed.

I don’t know how you got out of this, buddy, but you should be thanking whatever God you talk to.

The sheriff droned on. “Now, we don’t condone violence in this town, son, and you better goddamn know I won’t stand for it. You may have done a good thing this morning, but I’m not entirely sure it wasn’t just a fluke. I’ll be watching you, and you better prove to me you’re worthy of my town.”

It took all my strength not to rip off the index finger he was pointing in my fucking face.

His town?

Sorry, buddy. Since I walked through the limits, you have no idea how fucking far this place is from your town. It’s mine now. I own it and everything in it, and you should be thanking your lucky fucking stars I let you keep breathing its air.

I nodded my head as if I understood and agreed with his bullshit.

“Now, Kelly. I’m so sorry, dear. I know this has been a horrible morning for you, but could you come to the car with me so I can get your statement on what happened here? Won’t take but a minute and you can be on your way.”

“Of course, Sheriff. I want to help however I can.”

Kelly was calm, like she somehow hadn’t just seen a wolf slaughter a herd of sheep. Piece of shit sheep maybe, who didn’t know how to keep their hands to themselves, but it was a slaughter none the less.

Damn, she looked good walking away. The way her skirt lowered and raised with every sway of her hips, showing just a hint of what was beneath, before covering it back up too soon. There wasn’t much left to the imagination, the way her curves filled everything out, but my mind was running wild and I couldn’t control it. I couldn’t picture anything other than hiking that skirt up around her waist and watching her beautiful ass bounce as she rode my cock. The beating I put on those sons of bitches had done nothing to release whatever tension I had building inside of me. There was one release I needed and with her around there was only one way to get it. I had to get my mind straight. Maybe I’d get drunk after this. A boozed up head was better than whatever this chick was doing to me. I couldn’t afford to take any risks messing around with this girl, no matter how hard she made me. I had already shown enough of myself for one day, and I wasn’t about to draw anyone else any closer to me. Even if it meant passing on the fuck of my life. The fuck of her life, for that matter. As she squinted in the sun, all I could imagine was her forcing her eyes closed in pure orgasmic ecstasy while I plunged my cock deeper than she had ever felt before.

Goddamn it, Hunter. Get your shit together. Five more minutes and you’re drowning yourself in that bottle of JD sitting by your bed. Forget about * for once in your life.

I would either pass out or drink my dick useless. That was the only way I’d be able to get her out of my mind. Between the way I was aching, and just knowing myself, it was going to have to be the first. With my Irish blood and the way Kelly moved her tight little package around, no amount of whiskey was going to stop what I wanted to happen.

Please, God, let this finish soon. Why do you create girls that I can’t resist? It’s not fair.

I lit another cigarette off the cherry of the one that was still burning and thought about holding it on my arm. Pain always helped me focus.

“Goodbye, Sheriff. Let me know if you need anything else,” Kelly said, as she parted ways with the law man.

Chance Carter's books