Heart of the Hunter

I watched her intoxicating body from where I stood.

Don’t you fucking come over here, damn it. Go home, go home right fucking now.

She started walking back toward me, her eyes flicking between the ground and mine and softly biting her lip through a smile.

Walk on by, sweetheart. Walk on by and go home, so help me God.

The sheriff drove off glaring at me, and I shot him a wave that tried to seem more like a middle finger to the cocksucker. I wanted to knock his fucking aviators off his face and see his eyes when I brought a fist down on his sunburnt nose. Call me crazy, but after you’ve had as much trouble as I have with cops in your life, you have a hard time ever trusting them again.

Kelly just kept getting closer. She was looking better with every sway of her hips and I could feel my cock getting hard. All I could think about was what was between her beautiful legs, waiting for me.

You’ve got about ten steps to save yourself, sweetheart. Then there’s no going back.

“Well,” Kelly started, slowly bringing her gaze up from the ground, “you look like you could use that beer you mentioned earlier. It’s nothing fancy, but I’ve got some cold ones in my fridge. If you’re interested, that is?”

Go home, Hunter. Bullshit her. Be the good guy you’ve got everyone thinking you are. For once in your life, show a little mercy.

I opened my mouth to answer, but my head wasn’t running the show anymore.

“Yeah, you know what, a beer would probably do me some good right now,” I said. I could feel my cock harden even more, almost thanking me for not letting her walk by. My heart started to pound like I was a predator, preparing for a kill. I couldn’t hold back much longer. I wanted her right then and I was going to have her.

“Be good to unwind a bit,” I said.

Yeah, who the fuck are you kidding, pal? You’re not a good guy. Never have been, never will be. Enough fighting for one morning. Show this sweet girl who you are.

I blew out the last breath of smoke from my cigarette and flicked it away. As I stared down at Kelly I could feel the heat coming from between her legs. I could practically taste how wet she was at the sight of me towering over her delicate body. Her eyes widened with the thought of what was about to happen.

You have no fucking idea. You have no fucking idea who you’re about to take home, sweetheart.

Chapter 7


I COULDN’T BELIEVE WHAT I had just done. I’d just witnessed Hunter beat two men nearly to death and now I had invited him into my home.

What the hell was I thinking?

The tattooed man standing there, smoking a cigarette like he hadn’t just torn apart one of the only places that I felt safe in, was now about to be in the same place I slept. I suddenly felt sick. How did I get so swept away in the moment? Why was I acting like a schoolgirl around him? Sure he had saved me, but who can just do something like that?

“All right, honey. I’m coming,” he said as he stomped out his cigarette.

When he stood up, his body was just inches from my face. He towered over me and blocked out the midday sun that had been shining down. I could see him, all of him. I could feel my eyes go wide, trying to take in every inch of the man in front of me, and I felt dizzy again. I had the urge to run my hands across his hard chest and over his shoulders and arms, to press my body against his. My head was spinning. Maybe I had made a mistake. I immediately wanted to run away and take back everything from that morning, but, at the same time, couldn’t stop the need I felt to have his massive arms wrapped around me. I wasn’t afraid, but I didn’t feel safe. I wanted to go, but couldn’t help just standing there in his shadow, waiting.

Waiting for him to do something, anything.

As he stared down at me with his piercing blue eyes, I could feel my whole body tingle like there was hot water cascading over it. I was suddenly very aware of my breathing and tried to slow it down.

As if he could sense everything that was happening to me, a slight smile broke out over his face. He pocketed his one hand and ran the other across the rough hair on his cheeks. He kept smiling. He looked at me like he did when we first met, but this time with something else behind his eyes. It was almost as if he knew something I didn’t. I felt like I was shaking.

“Lead the way, sweetheart. I’m sure you can use that beer as much as me. Maybe even more,” he said with a chuckle.

The sound of his voice echoed through my bones and I barely noticed that we had started walking away from the diner and toward my house. I needed to break the silence and searched for something to say.

Chance Carter's books