Heart of the Hunter

I COULD FEEL HUNTER’S THICK cock growing against my backside and I started to get a warm sensation spreading out from between my legs. I had never been in such a constant state of arousal as I was around him. Even with my little brother and Grace in the room, all I could think about was pulling off his pants and putting him back inside me. I was never in control with him. It made me feel better than I ever had.

I stood up and brushed my hand along Hunter’s chest.

“So, Lucas, what do you have going on at school today?” I asked.

He just looked up at me, confused.

“Kelly, I told you last night. There’s no school today, remember? I told you.”

I didn’t remember. I had been in such a fog last night that I couldn’t focus on anything.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Luke. I just forgot for a moment. What’s going on again?” I lied so he wouldn’t feel bad.

Lucas just kept unpacking his backpack not realizing that anything was off.

“I don’t know, something about cleaning, I guess.”

“They are finally repairing that disgusting old bathroom they make the young men use, remember?” piped in Grace from the stove. “You booked this day off from the diner months ago, Kelly.”

I remembered now. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten, but then again I couldn’t really believe anything about the last twenty-four hours of my life.

“Oh yes, of course. Well, what are we going to do today, Luke?”

Please say you have plans with friends. I need today. I need today to get myself together and be with Hunter. To figure out just what that means.

“I don’t know,” Lucas said. “Maybe we could go for a drive outside of town? Maybe we could go swimming?”

Back to reality it is, I guess.

As much as I wanted it to be just me and Hunter, the fact remained that it wasn’t. Lucas was my brother and he still needed me. I still needed him. I glanced over at Hunter who must have picked up on my thoughts and was standing up to head toward the door.

“Listen. It looks like you all have your hands full here today. Why don’t you let me get out of your hair and I’ll see everyone around?” He looked right at me, “Kelly I have to get going, but I will be back.”

He said the last words clearly and stared into my eyes as he spoke them so I was sure he would return for me. He didn’t have to convince me. I knew he would come back, but I just didn’t know what I was going to do about my old life when he did. I couldn’t leave, but I knew he wouldn’t stay. All the heat and lust I had been feeling just moments before had morphed into sadness and anxiety.

Suddenly, Grace spoke up from the counter as she was sliding eggs onto four plates.

“Young man, hush.”

Hunter stopped in his tracks and glared over at Grace.

Dear god, Grace, stop pushing him. And Hunter, please just stay. Please.

“You’ve come all the way here on Kelly’s insistence and apparently we owe you some thanks,” Grace continued. “Now, I’ve just cooked you a fine meal, somewhat against my will, and I’ll be goshdarned if you don’t sit down and eat it!”

Hunter looked at me with a smile. “Yes, ma’am. My apologies.”

He sat back down as Grace placed his plate in front of him.

“I gave you an extra big helping. It looks like you can put the food away,” Grace said, smiling at Hunter. “Plus, it will soak up that devil juice in your stomach.”

Hunter tensed up again as he shoveled a fork full of eggs into his mouth.

I mouthed the words, I’m sorry, to him and he just stared back as he chewed his food. I had made a mistake bringing him here. We should have taken a day to let things settle. I was forcing myself and my life on him and that was something he wouldn’t stand for. We wanted each other, needed each other, but could that really be enough?

I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He put his fork down and moved his hand to my lower back, running his fingertips under my shirt and sending cool shivers shooting up and down my spine that made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. I knew then more than ever that what we felt was enough. His touch ignited a fire in me and I knew he felt it too. I was his.

“This is some fine food, Grace,” he said as he gazed up at me with his beautiful, blue eyes. He was tolerating this. For me. I wanted him even more and I wondered how that was possible.

“Oh, hush. It’s just some eggs and bacon. I’m glad you’re enjoying it though.”

Hunter slid his hand down my backside. Then he went back to his food.

Grace went from the stove toward the hall.

“Kelly dear, can you help me with the sofa bed please?”

“Coming, Grace. Can you two boys play nice in here for a minute?”

Lucas shrugged his shoulders and Hunter just shook his head.

Everything was going to be okay. For now.

Chapter 39


Chance Carter's books