Heart of the Hunter

I just gazed at the ground and tried not to poke the bear anymore than I already had.

“Fine. I’ll call her Grace. You explain to Grace that you went to lock the diner, your car died, and I came by and fixed it up for you. As a thank you for that, and saving your ass at the diner, you invited me for breakfast. You’re still a smart, good girl and I’m just a stray with whiskey on his breath, all right?”

I looked up at him and put my body against his, trying to give him a kiss.

“Thank you, Hunter. I’ll make it up to you,” I whispered as I slid my hands over his stomach and kissed his neck.

“Fuck, Kelly, goddamn it. It’s bad enough I have to do this, don’t make me go in there with a hard on. I already want to throw you up against the fridge and make you beg for mercy.”

I brought my hands away and walked up the stairs, smiling to myself.

When I got to the door, I turned around and looked at him. He was leaning against the car, smoking a cigarette, and gazing into the sun coming up to greet us. He looked like something out of a movie. His hair messed just right, bulging arms covered in tattoos, his face, beautiful and strong. This wasn’t a movie, though. It was real life. It was my life. I could feel my temperature rising and the familiar twisting of my insides that came with the thoughts of Hunter. I turned away from him and took a deep breath as I walked into my house.

Chapter 37



I had lost my goddamn mind. I stood outside Kelly’s house, waiting to meet her brother and some woman who was playing mother goose like she had nothing better to do. I felt like I was picking a girl up for prom.

You never went to prom, asshole. You fucked some poor bastard’s girlfriend behind the school in your car and then went and got shit-faced at some bar where the bouncers knew not to fuck with you.

When I thought about it, it was almost exactly like prom.

Things never fucking change do they, pal?

I threw down my cigarette and stomped it out with my boot. I threw another piece of gum in my mouth and walked up the porch steps, cursing myself for being so fucking stupid. I went to knock on the door, paused, and then thought about turning around. I thought about hopping in her car and taking off down the road. For good. Then I thought about Kelly’s face when she realized I’d left. Her big green eyes filling with tears, her perfect lips shaking, then my mind went down to her body and the things I wanted to do to it. I could feel my cock rising and I knew there was no way I wasn’t walking through that door.

Fuck, Hunter. Get your shit together.

I knocked on the door three times, probably louder than I needed to. I heard small feet running down the hallway toward me.

“I got it, I got it,” a tiny voice shouted.

The door flung open. It was a little blond kid with the same green eyes as Kelly looking up at me.

Well, here we go.

The kid looked confused and just stared at me for what seemed like forever, before he spoke.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“I’m a friend of Kelly’s. Who the fuck are you?” I said, staring right back at the little punk.

“I’m Lucas, Kelly’s brother. What do you want?”

What the fuck is this shit? It’s too early and I’m too drunk to be doing this. How are people up at this time and not fucking wasted?

“Your sister invited me for breakfast. I fixed her car last night. You going to fucking let me in, or just stand there asking stupid questions?”

The kid stared back at me like he was sizing me up. I couldn’t fucking believe it.

“Yeah, you can come in,” he said cautiously as he pushed the door open for me. “But you might want to watch your language. Grace always gets mad when people swear. She says it means they’re too stupid to think of anything better to say.”

Smart mouth motherfucker.

I walked past him and down the hall.

“Thanks, kid. I’ve been warned.”

As I walked down the hall, all the memories of yesterday’s fuck-fest with Kelly came flooding back. I thought about propping her on the sink as I ate her *. I thought about throwing her on the floor and opening her up with my cock, watching her face light up as I filled her with my come. I could feel myself getting hard and then I got to the kitchen door and saw Kelly and Grace having what appeared to be a heated discussion.

“Ladies,” I said from the doorway.

They both stopped and looked up at me like they had been caught doing something they weren’t supposed to be doing. They had no reason to. I was the one who didn’t belong.

Chance Carter's books