Heart of the Hunter

“I’m carrying your baby,” she whispered, and while looking up at his face, looking at the change in expression as the meaning of her words struck home, she dug her fingers into his firm butt cheeks and pulled him all the way into her throat.

The look on his face was one of pure amazement. He loved her, he was infatuated by her, and at the same time, he was in utter amazement at what she’d just told him.

His orgasm was the hardest, fullest orgasm she’d ever dreamed of. He pulsed his come into her mouth, and as he thrust into her, he pulsed more and more into her mouth. It was as if his body lost control. He couldn’t stop coming. She swallowed every last drop of her man’s come and when the last of it poured out of him and into her mouth, her only wish was that there was more of him for her to swallow.

Instantly, Forrester fell to his knees.

“I can’t believe it,” he cried.

“It’s true, honey. I took a test.”

“You’re sure.”

“I’ll go to the doctor to confirm it, but yes, baby, I’m sure.”

He put his arms around her and squeezed her against his chest so tight she was afraid he’d break her. Then he put his mouth over hers and kissed her long and hard. It was such a passionate kiss, so intense and full of love and longing, that she was certain she’d remember it for the rest of her life.

Forrester picked her up and laid her gently on the bed.

“I’m going to be a father,” he said. He sounded like he couldn’t believe his own words.

Then he dived down on her, kissing her long and hard. As he kissed her, she felt his hand pull the bottom part of her lingerie to the side. This was followed by his cock sliding into her waiting *.

How many times was this man going to orgasm inside her today?

Chapter 48


FORRESTER SAT AT HIS FAVORITE table in Harry’s bar and surveyed the people. He knew all of them now, and felt at home there. He never would have imagined that he would ever feel at home in Stone Peak, not after the experiences he’d had there as a child, but during the past month, the town had welcomed him back with open arms. He still spoke with Lacey, Faith and the brothers daily, and kept telling them that he was coming home soon, but he wasn’t sure what the future held. Not that they were putting any pressure on him. They were thrilled. They’d all congratulated him on getting engaged a million times. They wanted nothing more than for him to be happy. He hadn’t told them about the baby yet, but he knew they would be thrilled. Grant and Jackson’s lives had been transformed by fatherhood, and he knew they would recommend it wholeheartedly.

He looked forward to telling them the good news.

Over at the bar, the sheriff, the mayor and some other men were sipping beers and the sheriff nodded at him. He nodded back. He liked the sheriff, despite everything he’d done. Deep down, he knew that the sheriff had once been in love with his mother, and that was the reason he’d had such complicated feelings about Forrester coming back to town.

The sheriff’s son, Phil, and his buddies were also at the bar and Forrester was on good terms with all of them also, despite the fact that he’d beat them up on multiple occasions.

Even things with Gris had seemed to work out. Elle had been kind to him when she said goodbye. She’d encouraged him to become a better man and treat his future women better, and it seemed to have worked. Last time his name came up, Elle said he’d sent her a message to say he was sorry and that he wouldn’t be bothering her anymore.

Forrester watched Phil and his buddies and his mind wandered to Kelly. She was a nice girl, beautiful, confident. He wondered why she was still single. Her situation was a little complicated. She’d sort of adopted her younger brother, and put a lot into looking after him. It was almost as if she had a child of her own, given the amount of time she spent with the kid. Forrester knew that sometimes, guys were scared off by commitments like that. It was too much responsibility for them. That was probably the reason Kelly hadn’t found love yet in Stone Peak. But as he watched Phil and his buddies, he knew that none of them was the man for her. She was a passionate girl, feisty, and she’d been through a lot. It would take a real man to tame a girl like her. Forrester wondered if such a man would ever come to Stone Peak and find her.

When he saw the girls coming into the bar he got up to greet them. Elle was with Kelly and Grace, and they were all dressed beautifully. They were having a meal together to celebrate the good news of the baby. Forrester wondered if it might also be a little bit of a goodbye dinner. He’d spoken to Elle of visiting his family back in California and it was something that was going to happen pretty soon. It would just be a visit, it wouldn’t be goodbye forever, but he knew that Grace and Kelly would be sorry to see Elle go, even if it was just for a short time.

“You ladies look absolutely stunning,” Forrester said.

“Thank you, Forrester,” Elle said.

Chance Carter's books