Heart of the Hunter

Was he really that different then from how he was now?

Jackson was the first of the men to greet her. He lifted her up into his powerful arms and hugged her tightly. Without even letting her feet touch the ground, Grant took her from Jackson and hugged her. Finally Grady, who was younger and a little shyer, gave her a slightly more timid hug, although it was still very warm.

The women were both holding babies and Elle kissed them both and hugged Sam, who was Faith and Jackson’s son.

“You’re pretty,” Sam said to her.

Elle blushed, although she felt a little silly being so sensitive to the compliments of a twelve year old.

“She sure is,” Grady said.

Everyone looked at Grady. He was the last brother who was still single.

“What? She is,” he said, shrugging.

Forrester could tell she was a little overwhelmed and took her by the hand and led her up the stairs. Everywhere Elle looked, she saw beauty and style. The house was a mansion, a real mansion. It was like something out of a movie, with marble pillars, wrapped staircases, perfect decor, and views over the vineyards that people would pay a lot of money for. It was so beautiful.

He led her up to his room, and she gasped when she saw it. It looked more like the presidential suite at a luxury hotel than the bedroom of a man Forrester’s age.

“This place is incredible,” Elle said.

“Did you like my family?”

“I loved them,” she said. “Forrester, they’re so beautiful. They’re so welcoming. This almost feels too good to be true.”

Forrester nodded. “That’s how I felt when I first got here too,” he said. “I was just a kid. I’d been through hell and back in my life. I’d been in and out of every institution in the system, all over Montana. When Lacey’s father brought me here, I thought I was dreaming. For the first six months I kept looking for the catch. It really did seem too good to be true. I caused a lot of trouble during those first few months.”

“But it was true?” Elle said, almost desperate to know the truth for herself.

He nodded. “It was true,” he said. “You know, sometimes there are people in the world that defy your expectations, Elle. They give you more than you ever imagined anyone giving you. More love, more opportunity, more happiness.”

“I see that,” she said.

“Like you, Elle. That’s what you did for me.”

“Me? What do you mean?”

“From the moment you met me, Elle, you did nothing but give. You gave me your trust first of all. Then, when I was locked up in the jail in Stone Peak, you gave me your loyalty and faith. You didn’t give up on me. You waited. You searched. You believed in me. Then, once we were reunited, you gave me the most exquisite pleasure a man could ever imagine. I mean it. Your * is like a national treasure, babe.”

Elle blushed.

“And still, you’re only just beginning,” Forrester continued. “You’re carrying my child as we speak. You’re giving me the gift of fatherhood. You’re giving me a baby. And you’re giving me the gift of marriage too.”

Elle was overwhelmed. She knew Forrester loved her, she knew he loved her with an all-consuming passion that she’d never seen in her life until him, but it still overwhelmed her when he presented it to her. She felt like the luckiest woman who’d ever lived.

“You really are my soulmate, aren’t you, Forrester?”

He nodded, and began opening his belt.

“Oh, God,” she gasped. “Here? Now?”

He nodded. “I want you so badly I can hardly think straight,” he said.

“Well,” Elle said, “I want something too.”

“Anything,” Forrester said.

“I want to show you how much I love you Forrester. I want to show you how grateful I am to you for bringing me here and offering me this new life with you and your family. I want to give you pleasure.”

His pants were already around his ankles and she saw his cock throb through his boxers at the sound of her words.

“I’d like that,” he said.

Elle smiled. Then she dropped to her knees, and very slowly, as seductively as she could, she crawled toward him. He stood there and looked at her with so much gratitude on his face that she knew he loved her completely. She was carrying his child, she thought. She was his now.

Chance Carter's books