Heart of the Hunter

And that gave her such a feeling of love, such a surge of desire, that she put her mouth back over his shaft and drove her head down on it until he was so far back in her throat she couldn’t breath. She toyed with his cock. She enjoyed it. She relished every second of it. With Gris, she’d done this, but only because it was expected. She’d pretended to like it but she’d always brought it to an end as quickly as possible. This was the opposite. She loved the feeling of it in her mouth. She loved toying with it, playing with it, rubbing her face on it. She wanted more. Only more.

When at last she felt the first spasm of his orgasm, she was almost sad that it was going to bring her playing to an end. She put her mouth over his head and that first spurt of semen leapt into her mouth. She swallowed it as the second spurt came. Forrester was moaning. She wanted all of him, every last drop. She’d never enjoyed doing this until that very moment. Now she just wanted to make sure every drop of him went into her mouth and down her throat. She swallowed what he had to give her and then sucked him some more, so as to make sure she got all of it.

“Oh my God,” Forrester gasped when he was done.

Elle could not possibly have felt more love for him than she did right then. He pulled her up to his lips and kissed her passionately. Then he just held her. He held her so tightly in his arms that she felt sure of his love. She pulled the blanket up over both of them and they fell into a deep and satisfying sleep.

Chapter 45


WHEN FORRESTER WOKE THE FOLLOWING morning, his body felt as if he’d been hit by a train. He was healing from the beatings he’d received in the jail, but it would still take a little time until he was back to full strength. Elle was already up, sitting by the window, her journal in her hand. She hadn’t noticed that he was awake yet.

He watched her. He’d never seen anything so beautiful in all his life. She was sitting in the sunlight, a warm fire burning in the hearth at her feet. She had a cup of coffee steaming by her hand and the smell of it wafted through the room. Her face was calm and serene. She was so pretty it almost made him want to cry. He’d never felt this way before. It was a completely new sensation.

Forrester had been with his share of women, a lot more than most men, but he’d never been in love. He’d never even been close to being in love. This was it for him, it was the real thing, and he knew it deep in his heart and soul.

He looked at her belly and wondered if he’d succeeded yet. They’d made a lot of love without protection.

Was she pregnant yet?

Was she already the mother of his child? He knew it was possible, and he knew that if there was one thing that could make him love her even more fiercely than he already did, it was that. It took his breath away. That thought. She might already be the mother of his child. He just couldn’t get his head around it. It made his heart thump like a galloping horse.

He pictured her holding a little baby up to her breast, nurturing it, feeding it. His cock stiffened instantly.

“Get over here,” he said.

Elle was startled. She hadn’t noticed that he was awake. She glanced over at him and he threw off the blanket, revealing the erect pole of his cock, which rose up from his lap like the mast of a ship.

“Forrester,” she gasped.

“Get over here,” he said again.

Timidly, she approached him.

He nodded at his erect cock.

“Go ahead, sit on it.”


He couldn’t help himself. His animal instinct took over. He grabbed her hand and pulled her toward him. Then, so coarsely that he even surprised himself, he spat on his hand and rubbed the saliva on his cock. He pulled her down onto it. She slid onto him like her body had been built solely for that task. He thrust up into her and she moaned and arched her back. He grabbed her thighs and bucked, thrusting upward again and again. He thrust upward so powerfully that she was almost thrown from him. She had to reach behind her and grab his thighs, just to hold on. Up and up he thrust, more and more powerfully, like a bull in a rodeo. It wasn’t long before they were both moaning and panting in pleasure. And then, as quickly as they’d started, they were both coming.

Forrester orgasmed violently, pleasure and semen overpowering him, pouring into Elle’s delicious, delectable *.

“I love you, Elle,” he said.

Her eye caught his, and he could tell that the words had taken her by surprise.

“Yes, I love you. I love you with all my heart. I love you for what you are.”

“What is that?” she said.

She was still sitting on him, as if riding a horse, and he looked up at her delicious little breasts, her pretty face, her glowing hair.

“I saw something in your journal,” he said. “I didn’t read it, but it was open, and on the page it said, It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not.”

“I wrote it there to remind myself,” Elle said.

“Well, I want you to know, that I know what you are, and that’s why I love you. I love you for what you are.”

“You know the whole story?” she said.

“I’ve heard it all, Elle. Gris told it to me.”

“I was worried that that might make you think less of me. Or differently.”

“Never,” Forrester said, shaking his head.

“I thought maybe it would make you think twice about being with me.”

Chance Carter's books