Heart of the Hunter

He sucked her clitoris, toying with it, trying to make her quiver. She threw her head back and shut her eyes and let him do whatever he wanted with her. He sucked her clit, swallowing her juice, drinking her up like a man who’d just crossed a desert without water.

“I’m going to make you the mother of my babies,” he whispered.

It was only just barely loud enough for Elle to hear him. She felt her heart flood with joy, with love, and she began to moan in pleasure.

“Forrester,” she cried.

He kept licking her, his cock getting harder and harder with every taste. He wanted to plunge himself into her, but he wanted her to orgasm on his face first. As he sucked, he could feel her getting closer and closer to the moment of climax. Her back arched, and her muscles began to clench and contract.

“That’s it, baby,” he said, then began to passionately make out with her clit until she was screaming in orgasm.

He grabbed her by the thighs and locked her in position so that she couldn’t escape. She cried and moaned and he kept kissing and sucking and licking every bit of her, drinking every drop she gave him.

“You’re so delicious when you’re coming,” he said with a cheeky grin.

She blushed. He climbed up onto her and made a trail over her skin with his tongue, from her clit, up over her navel, over both her breasts and nipples, all the way to her mouth. She’d be able to taste herself on him but that’s what he wanted. The thought of it turned him on.

When his cock touched the dripping wet area between her legs, he felt a throb of such desire that he almost orgasmed immediately.

“God, you turn me on,” he said.

She smiled.

He kissed her again, putting his mouth completely over hers, and felt his fiercely rigid cock slide inside her waiting body. Her * swallowed his entire length, and he slid in deeper and deeper, so far that he thought he was deeper inside her than a man had ever been inside a woman. He kept pushing himself in, trying to get deeper and deeper, as if every inch would bring him closer and closer to Elle’s heart and soul.

“I’m not wearing a condom,” he whispered.

“I don’t want you to,” she replied. “I never want you to. I’m yours, Forrester, and I want you to come inside me.”

With those words in his ears, he began to pull out and thrust in, out and in, in long, smooth movements. He had to pull out so far, and then drive his shaft all the way back into her, and she moaned in a mixture of pleasure and surprise with each powerful movement of his groin.

“I’m going to come so hard,” he gasped.

“Come for me, Forrester,” she whispered. “Come inside me, baby. I’m all yours. Come inside me.”

And then his mind went blank. His vision blurred. He was coming. The orgasm started somewhere deep in the core of his body and rushed toward his cock as if trying to escape. The pleasure was overwhelming. He didn’t even feel the pain in his ribs anymore. He clenched his muscles as his semen burst out, pouring excruciating pleasure through him.

He cried out. His cock throbbed and pulsed, each surge shooting his seed deep into Elle’s body. The idea of it alone was enough to drive him wild. He felt dizzy with pleasure. As he collapsed onto her, his sweat covered skin clinging to hers, all he could do was whisper over and over, “I love you, Elle. I love you, Elle.”

Chapter 44


ELLE SHUT HER EYES AND let the sensation wash over her. She felt every drop of Forrester pour into her, shooting in powerful jets from him.

She clung to him, driving her nails into his back. When he collapsed onto her, the weight of his muscular frame forcing itself against her, she couldn’t have felt more happiness.

He whispered her name, whispered that he loved her. She couldn’t have imagined a more perfect moment. She’d been so terrified that she’d lost him. So terrified that Gris was right and that she didn’t deserve to be loved. To find out that it was all untrue, and that Forrester had been trying to get to her the entire time, it was too much.

“I adore you, Forrester Snow,” she said.

He smiled, and she was overcome with love. She wanted more than anything else to make him happy, to bring him joy and pleasure. He’d been through so much, so much for her, so much while he was a child. It was almost too much for one life.

She extracted herself gently from underneath him and rolled him over onto his back.

“Lie still,” she said when he tried to pull her down.

“What are you doing to me?” he said.

Chance Carter's books