I took her to the clubhouse and took care of her all night.

Not in the way I wanted to though.

But I saved her that night.

I told myself then I would forever save her - no matter if it cost me my life.

chapter fifteen



She stepped out of the bathroom and I felt all that rage rush back to me. I wasn’t stupid and I wasn’t blind. I knew Ana had been with other guys. It was only right she explore her needs and wants. I knew she’d never find anyone better than me, but the thought of another man even looking at her made me insane. But to see a bruise under her right eye…

I reached back and felt for my gun. Not to hurt Ana. Never. I had the sudden urge to blast out of that apartment and go find Porter. He was going to take a bullet for this.

Ana just stood there, afraid.

I didn’t want her afraid. Or ashamed.

“This is my fault, darlin’,” I said to her.


I swallowed hard. Goddammit, emotions were trying to nip at me right then. I didn’t get emotional like that. Fuck that.

I stepped toward Ana, my hands demanding I hold her. Demanding I steal all her pain and fear. It was all she ever had in her life. From the second her perfect middle class life was ripped apart by her father.

“I should have never kept my distance,” I said to her. I touched her face but not the bruise. “I will never do that again, darlin’. This has been real from the day I met you. Fuck, nothing has ever been so real to me. Nothing will ever be so real.”

Ana reached for me, grabbing at my jeans. I felt her nails touch my skin and it set me on fire. Her fingers curled and were inside my jeans. She pulled at me, backing up, pinning me against her body.

She looked up at me with those eyes that had been trying to find a pulse in my heart for years. Little did she know she was the lightning bolt that kept me alive.

With my other hand, I touched her breast, over her shirt. I squeezed and she let out a whimper, putting her head back against the wall.

I lowered my head down to hers. I stood there, our foreheads touching, the line of temptation already a mile behind us. That wasn’t the problem. It had nothing to do with loyalty, relationship, or cheating. Fuck all that shit too. Ana was my darlin’. Ana was my girl. I was her man. I was her outlaw. I was fucking Knoxville, the only guy she ever needed.

Right then, we were crossing the line of a wild romance that was going to rip us both apart. And right then, without saying a word, we were both ready for it.

“I swear I’ll tell you everything,” she whispered to me. “Later.”

She bit her lip, blocking me from kissing her. Not that she meant to block a kiss from me, but I wasn’t concerned.

She had another set of lips that I was dying to taste again…

I dropped down and heard her gasp. My hands grabbed her pants and I ripped at them. I needed to see her, touch her, fucking taste that sweet honey I’d been missing for a long damn time. She bounced against the wall as she lifted her legs one at a time letting me take her pants off. She opened her legs, showing me a little wet spot on her red panties.

“Fucking hell, darlin,’” I groaned.

I put my face right between her legs, my nose rubbing against that wet spot, smelling the sweet desire that poured out of her body. There was nothing better than that. One sniff shot through my body. My cock thickened, filling right up, knowing tonight was the fucking night I’d get Ana all to myself.

I slid my hands up to her hips and took hold of her panties. I eased them down her legs, my eyes right at her pussy. She was clean shaven, well kept for me, her delicate pink folds glistening with her wetness. My hands grabbed her ass and pulled, and I got myself a face full of her pussy.

My tongue started by lapping up all that wetness on her labia. Then my tongue flirted, tasting her from bottom to top. I curled my tongue around her clit and pulled, putting her clit against my teeth. I gave a little playful tug, making Ana cry out and jump at me. She grabbed my hair and started to thrust at me.

My darlin’ wanted more.

I had plenty to give.

My tongue pressed to her tender, forgiving hole and I entered her. She was as perfect as I could ever remember her. The tightness of her pussy, the way she bucked her hips at me, leaning forward, wanting me to go deeper inside her.

So innocent to look at but wild when we were alone.

Was anything sexier than that?

I pulled away from her for a second and admired my beautiful darlin’. Her folds were curled open, like a flower bloomed, full of morning dew that the sun would lick off. I went in for more, my thirst unquenchable, which was good for both of us.

I brought my right hand to her pussy, two fingers easing inside her. My tongue circled around her clit a few times before I started to suck against her soft skin and her beautiful pearl. I kept her in my mouth, even as she started to jump and cry out.

Jaxson Kidman's books