Glamour: Contemporary Fairytale Retellings


His hands were at the belt of my jacket, tugging at the loop, setting it free. “Red drives me wild. Did you know that, Lillith? Did you know finding you standing in my doorway in it was nothing less than a provocation. A bull set to charge.”

“I hate you,” I barely managed.

“Are you sure about that?” he crooned. “Maybe you’re wrong about all of that, too. I think you want me just as badly as I want you.”

A moan rolled from my tongue when he yanked my coat down my arms and peeled it from my body. The movement forced me back. His mouth was instantly on my neck, licking and biting, building a frenzy of need in my belly.

My fingernails dug into his shoulders as he rocked against my center.

Need lit up like a torch behind my eyes, and my full focus turned to the button and zipper of his pants, tugging them loose.

“What am I doing?” It was all a delirious jumble of words as he gripped my breasts in both of his enormous hands before sliding them against my belly and rushing them up beneath the satiny material of my blouse, stoking flames across my skin.

He tore the fabric over my head.

“You’re getting ready to find out just what it’s like to have a man you’ll never forget.”

He released the clasp of my bra. The cool air that blew across my nipples beaded them into tight, hard peaks. He leaned down, flattened his tongue across one in the same second he was twisting out of his pants and his underwear.

My fingers drove into his hair. Tiny sparks of pleasure shocked through my body. Tightening my belly and throbbing between my thighs. Teeth scraped my chin. My neck. “Asshole,” I whimpered.

“Bitch,” he grated before my skirt and underwear were gone, casualties of this man who laid every reservation to waste with every hungry touch.

God, how badly I needed this.

And how badly I hated I did.

I gulped when I realized we both were bare, my eyes wide as I took him in where he towered over me.

Everything about him was compelling.




Every sculpted inch of his body was perfection.

But his eyes…his dark, dark eyes were demanding something I couldn’t read.

“You won’t win this,” I somehow managed as I stared up at him, my chin rigid.

He gripped it between his thumb and forefinger, his words a breath against my lips. “I already have.”

That was right in the same second a frenzy of movement ignited between us. The man covered his cock with a condom in the flash of a second before he fisted himself at the base, his dick just parting my slit.

My head spun, dizzy with desire and a hint of pain as he spread me.

“Oh…oh…” I panted for coherency. “You’re…too big.”

He gripped my thigh, and his teeth clenched as he worked himself inside. “Big is better, baby. I thought we already established that.”

“I’m more a ‘how you use it’ kind of girl.” Where that came from, I had no idea. But with him, I couldn’t stop. The hostility that raged against this attraction I didn’t understand. An attraction too great. Something beyond reason.

Because this was insanity.

He gripped my knees, spreading me wide. Wider and wider. My hands barely clung to the edge of the table as he rocked, thrusting deeper with each pass. Deeper and deeper.

The clutch of my walls taking him. Needing him.

He groaned a guttural sound when he finally seated himself fully. It was something animalistic. Primal. “I knew it. I knew your pussy would be perfection. Sheer, utter perfection.”

His fucks grew harder, a demanding concoction that escalated with each deadly stroke. His hands slid from my knees to under the inside of my thighs, lifting me so he could get a better angle.

“Tight and sweet. I told you I’d make you mine. I told you. You’re mine, Lil’ Redd. Fucking mine.”

His fingertips evoked some kind of madness where he ran them along the crease of where we were joined, brushing all the way back to the pucker of my ass, before his thumb came insistent against my clit.

My head flailed as I fought the mounting pleasure. My nails raked across his magnificent chest and down his stomach.

“Stop fighting it. Stop fighting me. Trust me,” he growled.

“I don’t trust you at all.” I raged against the drive of his body that nearly sent me over the edge with each deep, decadent stroke.

A buzz bloomed in the deepest well of my body.



I no longer knew.

Building and building. Tingles shimmered and danced. Growing in intensity.

“Trust me,” he demanded as he pressed down on the base of my belly with a palm, his thumb magic where it stroked me into bliss.

Shattering, all-consuming bliss. A torrent that flowed and lifted and spun.

I cried out, gripping his shoulders as he thrust harder and faster and deeper until he roared, his teeth flashing in the night before they sank into the flesh of my shoulder.

It sent another shot of pleasure to my clit.


Quake after quake.

My foundation shattered.

He threaded his fingers in my hair, panting at my cheek. “Trust me. I promise you I won’t hurt her.”

Chapter Nine


Throat dry, I gaped out my doorway in shock at the man standing there, not sure if I wanted to slam the door shut or go running through it.

“What are you doing here?” I managed with a pull of my brow, my thoughts just catching up to my heart that was racing ahead of me. “How did you even know where I live?”

Broderick tsked. “Come now, Ms. Redd. It’s a small city where the dirt doesn’t run all that deep. It took nothing more than asking about you at the restaurant in my hotel to gain that information. And don’t tell me you weren’t missing me.” He was dressed in worn jeans and a casual button-up like he had been the first night I’d met him. Only this time, the morning light cast him in a kind of warmth I didn’t think I’d ever associated with him before, his eyes softer than they’d ever been.

That didn’t mean there wasn’t a smirk twitching at the corner of his gorgeous mouth, something powerful and threatening beneath the informal disguise.

Heat flashed across my skin as my thoughts roared back to last night, and I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth as I looked at the ground for a beat while I gathered my courage and thoughts.

I still couldn’t believe what I’d done. How I’d let myself go. And how much I’d liked it.

I forced myself to look back at him. “So, now you really are stalking me. And does the fact you showed up here mean you were missing me?”

Now I was teasing him.

I’d lost all control.

A grin danced across his full lips. “Maybe.”

He took a step forward, his voice suddenly a low rumble that shivered across my skin. “You were quite unforgettable last night. I have to admit that after you left, my bed had never felt so cold.”

“You don’t need to play me. You already got what you wanted.”

A.L. Jackson, Sophie Jordan, Aleatha Romig, Skye Warren, Lili St. Germain, Nora Flite, Sierra Simone, Nicola Rendell's books