Glamour: Contemporary Fairytale Retellings

God, the last thing I needed was to be lured into a trap by this mesmerizing man. Let my guard down so he could rush in for the kill.

“Trust me,” he said again.

“I’m not sure I know how.”

“Then let me prove to you that you can.” His fingertips trailed down the hollow of my throat, a dark promise coating the words, “Do you trust me with this body?”

“Yes.” A shiver raced down my spine, settling low, igniting a throb between my thighs.

Broderick sat back, that arrogance setting like stone on every line of his magnificent face. “Good. Then let’s find out where this goes.”

Chapter Ten


“Do you trust me?” I whispered close to her ear where she was bent over the side of my bed, her hands pressed to the mattress.

Shivering, she nodded, locks of raven hair cascading around her shoulders. Her back was bare and just as gorgeous as the rest of her, and I slowly trailed my fingertips down the length of her spine, all the way down to the only thing she wore.

A red, lacy thong.

That and a pair of red high, high heels.

Lust tightened my balls and hardened my dick.


“I love red,” I murmured as I dipped my fingertips between her cheeks and glided them over the fabric. “So fucking much.”

She whined, her ass jutting out, asking for more.

“Did you wear these for me?” The question rumbled from deep in my throat. “Did you know I would come for you? Find you? Take you?”

A whimper slipped from her mouth.

“Tell me,” I demanded.

“Yes.” It was a breath. “Please.”

Hunger ricocheted through my body.

Something primal.

Fueling the obsession she’d incited in me since the first time my eyes had scanned across her impassioned words.

But standing there, a different kind of emotion rushed me. Something bigger. Something more.

I swallowed around it as I dropped to my knees behind her, forcing her legs apart and situating myself between them. My palms cupped her cheeks, spreading her. “Your ass is as perfect as your pussy, Lillith. Did you know that? Did you know every inch of you drives me wild?”

I pressed my nose to the fabric of her underwear, which did nothing to cover her, and inhaled deeply. “You smell delicious.”

No. Not like flowers or sugar or chocolate.

She smelled like a woman. She smelled like sex. She smelled like me.

A growl pulled from my lungs, and I licked the wet, glistening flesh that peeked out from the fabric before I nudged the lace aside so I could go deeper. Fucking my tongue into her tight heat and running my fingers along the crease of her ass.

She moaned. “Broderick.”

I bit the inside of her thigh.

She yelped.

“I’m going to devour you, Lillith. Every inch.”

Her legs shook. “Yes,” she whispered.

I edged back a fraction so I could pull her thong from her waist and drag it down her legs, sitting back on my heels so I could appreciate the view as I unwound them from her feet.

The lights were off in my room, and only sheer drapes shaded the windows from the winter day.

It cast her as a silhouette.

Sleek and sexy.

“You are so damned beautiful,” I murmured when I gripped her by the outside of the legs. I edged forward, tongue gliding into her folds.

“Brody.” Her saying my name that way had me close to coming unhinged, and I angled so I could lave attention on her clit. I flicked and circled while she writhed and moaned. “Please…more…don’t stop.”

My hands explored. Greedily. Skating her soft skin, her legs, her round bottom, and the small of her back.

God, she was a miracle.

Appealing in a way that had hit me like a flash flood. Unaware and unprepared.

I swept my fingertips through the desire that coated her, teasing before I plunged them inside.

“Like this?” I demanded.

I drove them deep, making her jerk with the sudden pleasure.

“Yes,” she begged then cried out in frustration when I pulled them free before she was squirming and panting and flailing again when I brushed them up the sensitive flesh at the back of her pussy and to the tight pucker of her ass.

“Trust me,” I whispered against her skin, kissing along her inner thigh as I continued to touch her. Tease her. Taunt her. “Tell me you trust me.”

She warred, her words a wisp of concession. “I…I trust you.”

I had to suck in a breath to steady myself.

Because I could feel something wanting to give.

Something rigid and hard wanting to go soft.

She whimpered and gave, her legs shaking as she struggled to relax as I slowly eased two fingers inside. “You’re mine, Ms. Redd. Do you hear me? I told you I’d make you mine.”

Her low moan echoed from the walls as I slowly drove my fingers deeper, her knees weakening as she clawed at the bed.

“I…I can’t…please.”

“Please what?”

“I need you,” she pleaded.

Swiftly I stood and pulled my fingers free before I sank the fingers of both hands into her ass cheeks, my cock catching on her pussy as I nudged in an inch. “Is this what you need?”

Desire blazed.

“Yes. Please…don’t tease me. I’m yours.”

I’m yours.

I was consumed by the confession of her words, and I drove my cock deep inside her body. Her walls spasmed with the intrusion, clutching my dick in needy desperation.

“Fuck…you feel amazing, Ms. Redd. So fucking good. Tell me how good my cock feels. This is why you won’t ever get away from me.”

The words spilled out without thought or reason.

The only thing I knew was their truth.

I would never let this woman get away from me.

I would hunt her. Find her. Keep her.

“I…oh my…fuck.” It was all an incoherent jumble of words from her gorgeous mouth as she struggled to keep standing as I began to fuck her—hard and fast.




Her flesh stretched around me, gripping me in its satiny welcome.

Offering it all.

So, I took it.

With each fierce thrust, she cried out, her fingers digging into the comforter of the bed. I ran my thumb around her slickness, gathering it as I dragged it upward and pushing it into her hole. My other fingers wound around to her front, grabbing her tit, her throat, before I forced two fingers into her mouth.

She sucked me with her hot, wet tongue while her hot, wet body clutched and begged and moaned.

Completely unhinged.

As unhinged as I was.

My head spun and her body bowed and I was suddenly overcome.

Staggered in a way I wasn’t sure I could afford to be.

A surprise gasp flew from her when I pulled out, picked her up, and tossed her onto her back on the bed.

And there she was. All spread out, raven hair and milky skin and red high heels.

I was quick to crawl over her, caging her for a heated moment, staring down at her gorgeous face as I felt something shatter inside me.

I drove back into her, pleasure spiking as I filled her.

And she watched me with those emerald eyes. Her lips parted. Her heart clear.

“Redd,” I whispered, “what have you done to me?”

“It’s you who’s taken me.” Her words were a wispy admission.

I edged back so I could run my knuckle over her clit.

A.L. Jackson, Sophie Jordan, Aleatha Romig, Skye Warren, Lili St. Germain, Nora Flite, Sierra Simone, Nicola Rendell's books