Glamour: Contemporary Fairytale Retellings

Nikki spun around and started walking backward so she could face me as we strolled along the sidewalk. “And why on earth not?”

The newer buildings on Macaber Street towered on either side of us, and deep gray clouds grew with the threat of a storm where they glowed against the twilight.

That was exactly what I felt.

A storm coming.



My brow lifted beneath my bangs. “Um…you do realize I basically told that bastard last night, if he wanted me, he would have to come hunt me down? If I show up there, he will actually think he has the chance of catching me. Ugh,” I groaned. “I can’t believe I didn’t realize it was him. I mean…how many gorgeous strangers suddenly show up in Gingham Lakes? I must have sucker written all over my face.”

She frowned at me. “He looked harmless, Lily Pad. Don’t beat yourself up. There was no way you would have known. He was wearing jeans for crying out loud.”

If it were possible, my brow lifted even higher.

She giggled. “Okay, he so didn’t look harmless. He basically looked like he was ready to tear you to pieces in the best of ways. I think you’re due for a little shredding.”

I swatted at her, my voice lowered so the elderly couple walking by wouldn’t be subjected to our conversation. “Shredding? What is wrong with you? You’re so disgusting. How are we even friends?” I muttered.

“Because you love me.” She sang the words as she reached out and grabbed my forearm. “Come on, Lil-Lil. When’s the last time you got laid?” It was almost a whine. Apparently my lack of sex life caused her physical pain.

“You know the answer to that.”

So long ago I could barely remember. Or maybe it was because the sex was hardly memorable. Either way, it was completely pathetic.

She groaned as she spun back around, came to my side, and hooked her arm around mine. “See. That right there is a shame. Look at you. You’re gorgeous and successful and probably the nicest, most genuine person I know, and you let UFF fuck up your mind and your heart. That is so not cool.”

My eyes narrowed in confusion. “UFF?”

“Um…Unfortunate Fucker Frederick?” By her expression, I was sure she thought I’d lost my mind that I didn’t know exactly what she was talking about.

“Unfortunate Fucker Frederick?”

She released an insufferable sigh. “Come on, Lily Pad. That dude didn’t know up from down, if you know what I mean. Now, that shit is unfortunate.”

“Oh my God, why did I ever tell you that story?”

My skin crawled just thinking about my last boyfriend—Frederick. Gross. I’d broken up with his lying, cheating, stealing ass more than a year ago. I knew better than to trust the guy, or any guy, for that matter. I’d just gotten so….lonely. But lonely was a hundred times better than vulnerable and weak.

Nikki was right. The whole experience was unfortunate.

Luckily, I’d learned my lesson.

Nikki feigned a horrified gasp. “Because that’s what best friends are for, which means you owe me all the stories. Plus, I warned you the second I saw that guy he was no good and up to no good, didn’t I?”

“Yet, you’re trying to drag me back to that bar?”

“Uh…yeah. You did see the man in question? Sometimes we luck out, and reality is even better than the rumors. And Broderick Wolfe is definitely all the rumors and more. Much, much more. And besides, that’s our bar.”

“He’s the enemy.”

“Who wants to do dirty, dirty things to you.”

My stomach fluttered, and my heart beat faster. “You don’t know that.”

“Psh.” She waved her free hand and steered us left so we cut across the street, rambling the whole way, “You know I have this sixth sense, and there are things I just know. And just like I knew Frederick would be all limpy and gimpy, I know Broderick or Brody or whatever you want to call him will blow your mind.”

My belly lurched, thoughts of his promise from earlier today spinning through my mind, planting seeds of temptation I could never give in to.

“Even if he was the best lover on the face of the planet, you know there’s no chance I’m letting that man touch me. He’s trying to take Addelaine’s building, for God’s sake.”

Even wanting him felt like a betrayal.

“What if he’s not as bad as you think he is?”

“Oh, believe me, Nikki. Broderick Wolfe is the villain in this story.”

She took another sharp right until we were standing in front of the very bar where I’d unwittingly met Mr. Wolfe last night.

She slanted me a wide, victorious grin. “Then maybe you need to show him exactly who the heroine is in this story.”

Nervous energy skittered through my veins when I glanced at the signage above the bar. “He probably won’t even be here.”

God. Why did I feel disappointed at the thought?

Nikki pulled open the door. “There’s only one way to find out.”


He was there.

Of course, he was there.

Oh my God, he was there.

This was such a bad idea.

But there was no backing down when he swiveled in the stool and locked eyes with me.

A slow, predatory smile spread across his gorgeous face.

All teeth.

Tonight, he was wearing the same dark gray suit he’d worn to my office, but he’d lost the jacket and tie. The cuffs of his pink button-up were rolled to his elbows and the top two buttons were undone.

One ankle was hitched casually across his opposite knee, a tumbler full of amber liquid swishing in the crystal as he rocked back so casually in the stool.

But there was something so dominating in his blasé posture.

My knees weakened and my insides shook.

“Come on, let’s get a drink,” Nikki urged as she started toward the opposite end of the bar.

And there was absolutely nothing I could do but lift my chin as I started after her, my stride strong and purposed as I slowly untied the belt of my favorite red jacket.

He didn’t even pretend as if he weren’t watching me.

Didn’t try to conceal the fact that he watched my every move.

Savored them.

Memorized them.

Hunting without moving an inch, his presence so big it was enough.

Because I already felt captured.

Entangled in his gaze.

“Ollie!” Nikki squealed.

God, the girl had it bad.

Ollie smiled his unreadable smile as he tossed two napkins down on the bar. The man was an enigma. Gorgeous in a tough, unattainable way. Quiet. Mysterious. And somehow, so utterly soft beneath the brute and tattoos and beard. “Your regulars? Or are you here to do it up big the way you did last night?”

A groan slipped free. “Don’t ever let me drink that much again, Ollie, or I’m never coming back. My regular is perfect.”

He chuckled. “Well, we can’t have that now, can we?”

“Um, no, we definitely can’t have that,” Nikki added a bit too enthusiastically.

Ollie turned away and began making our drinks. I chanced peeking over at Mr. Wolfe, who’d swiveled a fraction so he was entirely facing my direction.

No shame.

A.L. Jackson, Sophie Jordan, Aleatha Romig, Skye Warren, Lili St. Germain, Nora Flite, Sierra Simone, Nicola Rendell's books