Gangster Moll (Gun Moll #2)

The cops weren’t necessarily frequent in the area.

Not that Melina particularly cared for the police, or Mac, for that matter. They had both had more than their fair share of attention from the pigs.

A sudden, gentle tug on Mac’s sleeve brought his attention back to his wife. Melina frowned at his raised brow.

“Where did you go?” she asked. “Am I boring you that much?”

Mac only laughed before kissing Melina’s pouting lips with enough force to make her grin grow and a sigh echo.

“You could never ever bore me, doll,” he told her, winking. “You are far too entertaining for that.”

Melina didn’t look like she believed him. “Well, I must be. You just dazed off while you were staring across the street.”

“Melina, you always have all of my attention, even if it seems like you don’t. You already know this, donna.”

Melina pursed her lips. “I do, but—”

Mac caught his wife under her chin with his forefinger and thumb, quieting her rebuttal instantly as he tipped her head up to make her look him in the eyes. “Always, hmm?”

“What were you thinking about that could have possibly been related to me, then?”

He waved a hand high, gesturing around them. “I was thinking you couldn’t get this place in a better location than it is for what you want to do.”

Melina’s smile bloomed instantly. “You think, Mac?”

Mac held his wife a little tighter. For all Melina’s strengths and stubbornness, there was still a small part of her that was like any other human being, craving approval, even if she only wanted it from him.

He was more than happy to give it to her.

“I know, doll,” he murmured.

She stared back to the building, her happiness quickly replaced by a look of consideration. “About that name, though …”

“I am all ears.”

Mac was sure Melina already had something in mind for the place, and if she had thought about it, she probably had already decided.

“What about The Dollhouse?”

Melina turned to look at Mac, likely gaging his expression for any signs of disapproval on her pick, though he was sure his face betrayed nothing about how he was feeling.

On purpose.

His wife began to fidget the longer he stayed quiet.

“I know it’s sort of similar to the original name,” Melina started to say, “but it’s different enough. And it’s got a bit more class to go along with the old world feel we’re trying to go for.”

When she finally stopped rambling, Mac pulled his wife in close, letting her wrap her arms around his middle as he stared down at her.

“And is that the only reason?” he asked.

Melina flashed her white teeth in a sinful smile. “Not the only one.”

“Do tell, wife.”

“Maybe it’s a little for me and you, too.”

Mac cupped Melina’s jaw in his palms and tilted her head back. “A little, doll?”

“A lot,” she whispered.


That was what he thought.

Uncaring of the cars passing them by or the few strangers watching, Mac kissed his wife hard and deep, his tongue snaking into the sweet heat of her mouth the very second she parted her soft lips to war with hers. They stayed like that, connected together, for a good while … until Melina finally pulled away with a shake of her head.

“I have to stop you now, or you’ll have me naked in the car before I know it,” she told him, a hint of chiding in her tone.

Mac chuckled. She was right. “You know you would damn well love every second of it, too.”

Melina didn’t even bother to try and deny his statement.

He was glad his wife enjoyed sex, considering he had one hell of an appetite where she was concerned. He couldn’t seem to get enough of Melina. The more he had her—the more she gave to him—the more he wanted from her, and of her.

Like a fucking drug being shot straight into his veins.

Now, if only he could get his wife on board with stopping her birth control.

Another time, Mac told himself.

Today was not the right day for all of that, not to mention the crazy it might bring when he finally made the request to his wife. But he did want that with Melina—soon, preferably. Two-point-five kids, the white fence, and maybe a dog, too. As long as it didn’t bite his ankles or chew his shoes. Hell, he was already working on the white fence thing in a way, although he had yet to tell Melina. He wouldn’t, not until he had everything settled and the ink was dry.

As for the babies … well, Mac wasn’t the only person in the equation. Melina had to want those sorts of things, too. He knew that she did want them eventually, but probably not anytime soon.

Especially not now, with The Dollhouse in the works.

Mac could wait.

For a little while, anyway.

“You have to let me go so I won’t miss my spa day with Victoria,” Melina said.

Reluctantly, Mac did as she said, releasing her and stepping back. With a wave of his hand at her car, he said, “Go, and get pampered. I like the taste of you after, anyway, all soft and sweet.”

Melina laughed. “There’s no helping you, is there?”

Bethany-Kris & Erin Ashley Tanner's books