Gangster Moll (Gun Moll #2)

Melina was quiet for a minute before she spoke. “Someone with nothing left to lose or someone with a potential for gain. I’d start there.”

“Perceptive and beautiful. You never cease to amaze me, doll.”

“I’m glad you appreciate it. Now there is something I would like to talk about.”

“Well, before we get too engrossed in conversation, let’s go to the bedroom. I have a feeling I’m going to need to be lying down for what you have to say.”

Melina rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

Hopping off the desk, she pulled her gown back down and prepared to exit the room. Before she could take a step, Mac scooped her up in his arms and departed the room.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Melina asked.

“Carrying my bride across the threshold, of course.”

“Your bride can walk just fine you know,” Melina said.

“I’m well aware that my bride can do just about anything, so why not indulge me this once?”

Melina pressed her lips together as Mac carried her into the bedroom and deposited her gently on the king-sized bed before flopping down beside her.

“That was super graceful.”

“Your husband is tired, doll. Adrenaline doesn’t last forever.”

“I know.”

Melina grew quiet. Lying on his back, Mac reached for one of her hands.

“Talk to me. What’s on your mind?”

Melina pushed a lock of hair from her face. “I know this isn’t the best time to bring this up, but I want to have a job. I need something to do all day when you’re away from home.”

“Melina, you don’t have to work.”

“I know, but I’m not like the wives of the men you’re constantly around. I need something to do every day, other than spend your money and be a pretty little housewife who has your supper on the table when you get home.”

Mac cleared his throat. “If you were to get a job, it might look to some as if I couldn’t provide for you. It wouldn’t be a good thing.”

Melina frowned. “Mac, I’m not interested in the appearances foolishness that others care so much about. I can’t just sit at home. I’m used to making my own money.”

Mac sat up. “What about college? Isn’t there something you would like to study?”

Melina pulled her hand away from him and folded her arms. “I’m not interested in wasting money on a bunch of useless classes for a degree that isn’t even worth the paper it’s printed on.”

“So no to higher education. All right, throw me a line, doll. I’m drowning.”

“I want you to give me The Playpen.”

Mac scowled. “How do you even know about that place?”

“I saw the pile of papers on your desk and I looked through them. I know the place is bleeding money, but I’m sure that I can make it a profitable venture for you.”

“The Playpen is a whorehouse and not a very nice one at that. Frankly, only the lowest of the low tend to frequent it.”

“And that explains why it’s not making a profit. But I can turn it around. I have a vision for it.”

Mac rubbed a hand over his face. “It’s our first night as a married couple and instead of begging me to fuck you until you can’t see straight, you’re trying to convince me to let you run a whorehouse. You’re truly one a kind, doll.”

“If you didn’t want a challenge, you would’ve married someone else,” Melina said.

She leaned close and ran her tongue along the shell of Mac’s ear. He sat up straighter and reached for her, drawing her into his arms so that she was straddling his lap.

“Since you’re determined to not play fair, tell me your vision.”

“For starters, a name change. The Playpen just screams sleazy. I think the place would have a lot more potential as something with an underground feel to it. Remember the old-time Speak Easies that were popular in their era?”

“Yeah. It was a place men would go to hang out, gamble, have a few cigars and maybe enjoy the company of a certain female,” Mac said.

“Exactly. It was classy and sophisticated, but at the same time it appealed to a man’s basic nature, catering to all his vices. That’s the vision I have.”

Mac was silent for a moment and Melina watched him, biting her lip and wondering what her husband would say to her proposal. After a few minutes, he finally spoke.

“I think you might be on to something.”

Melina smiled. “See. And here you thought I was just coming up with some crazy scheme.”

“I never said that.”

“But you implied it.”

“If I did, it wasn’t my intention. But I do have one question, though. Now, suppose one of your male patrons is interested in the company of a certain woman, and she’s not interested in him, what then?”

“No means no. Simple as that.”

Mac nodded in agreement. “I really think you’re on to something, but I have to tell you I haven’t had a chance to check out the property or even see what’s really going on now that it’s mine.”

“That sounds like something we need to rectify as soon as possible then.”

“I agree, but right now I have more important things to concern myself with.”

Melina raised a brow. “And what might that be?”

Bethany-Kris & Erin Ashley Tanner's books